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The British School of Málaga 12th JUNE 2020 · DISTANCE LEARNING BLOG · ISSUE 12

Fiona Lee-Allan · Principal

I trust that you are well and safe. This week our Primary students have met their new teacher or in the case of Year 6, their new Form Tutor for next year. We launched our new Moving Up site on Monday so please take a few minutes to have a really good look at it. It can be located in the BSM Parent Portal, the link can be found here. In the Moving Up site you will see a video of introduction for all of the primary and Year 7 Form Tutors. We want transition to go as smoothly as possible.

Espero que estén todos bien y a salvo. Esta semana nuestros alumnos de Primaria han conocido a sus profesores del año que viene y, en el caso de Year 6, a sus nuevos tutores. El Lunes pasado lanzamos nuestro sitio "Moving Up", así que les rogamos que se pasen por allí y le echen un buen vistazo. Lo pueden localizar en el Portal de Padres BSM. Y aquí tienen el enlace. En el sitio "Moving Up" podrán ver los vídeos de presentación de todos los profesores de Primaria y los tutores de Year 7. Queremos que la transición sea lo más llevadera posible.

It is hard to believe that we have 7 school days left before we end this academic year on Tuesday 23rd June at 1 pm and what a year it has been. Think back to this time last year, would we have ever imagined how our world would be now? Moving forward I am certain that the experiences that we have all faced will have an impact on how we now view the world.

Es increíble pensar que ya sólo nos quedan 7 días de colegio antes de cerrar el curso académico, el próximo Martes 23 de Junio a las 13:00 horas. ¡Y qué año hemos tenido! Si pensamos en el año pasado por estas fechas, nunca nos podríamos haber imaginado cómo sería el mundo ahora. Si pensamos en el futuro, estoy segura de que las experiencias que hemos afrontado tendrán un impacto en nuestra visión de las cosas.

I am incredibly proud of how our students have shown such resilience throughout the last couple of months and I know it is hard to believe but I am sure that at some point they will reflect on this experience and learn from it. Students and staff have had to learn to communicate and collaborate in ways that they had never envisaged and through our distance learning students have learnt to adapt and become even more independent than they were before. I have loved seeing how students and staff have adopted new and creative approaches to learning.

Estoy increíblemente orgullosa de la resiliencia que han mostrado nuestros alumnos durante los últimos meses y sé que es difícil creerlo, pero en algún momento reflexionarán sobre esta experiencia y aprenderán de ella. Los alumnos y los profesores han tenido que comunicarse y colaborar en formas que nunca hubieran concebido y a través de nuestro aprendizaje a distancia los alumnos se han adaptado a ser incluso más autónomos que antes. Me ha encantado ver cómo los alumnos y el personal han adoptado enfoques nuevos y creativos en torno al aprendizaje.

Secondary House Events

Letter from Barbara & Carolina (Year 11)

“What I kept I don't have, what I have I lost, I only have what I gave.”

The Solidarity School Foundation is a project aimed at recovering the family spirit of those whose circumstances have prevented them from experiencing it. It is based on the concept of a universal family. Here every belief, idea, religion or conviction is accepted and integrated. We use respect as the method for intervention and personal development.

With this in mind, the Foundation offers a home to those who have been uprooted, excluded, socially disadvantaged and those living with violence: mothers with children, young immigrants, adolescents at risk and adults.

The home is the starting point for personal recovery and within it we offer the training necessary for future integration into society. This idea is based on a spirit of non-biological parenting. The people dedicated to this vocation act as parents but receive no payment. The home nourishes its occupants and teaches an ever-evolving list of tasks.

The Foundation is broadminded, accepting anyone except addicts (alcohol, drugs, betting) who are sent to specialist homes. As time goes on, those who have lived with us the longest become role models for the newly arrived.

This video will show you the conditions people live in:


After what has been happening all over the world, due to the coronavirus, these people need our help more than ever. They have to shelter many people due to the current situation, they are getting no help. We need YOUR kindness and generosity to help them out. They would be so grateful with any sort of help. We really hope you take this seriously and give to those who truly need it.

Their non-permanent volunteers have two houses, located less than a five-minute walk from the Foundation. House 9 has a kitchen, three bathrooms, 5 bedrooms, 14 beds and a large terrace on the upper level. House 10 has a kitchen, dining room, living room, two bathrooms, 7 bedrooms, 16 beds and a small interior terrace. Both with WiFi. The volunteers enjoy here their personal, social, rest and exchange space with the rest of the team.

The British School of Málaga has been collaborating with them since 2008. The school does food drives three times a year. Every Christmas, Easter and at the end of the school year. We would love it if people would help out to those in need. They do not receive any financial help from the government. They need YOUR help. Please open up to those who truly need it.

Please donate, open up your hearts, every little bit helps. They would be so grateful for any kind of generous help.

IBAN ES58 2038 3505 37 6000490463 · Code: BIC CAHMESMMXXX


Miss Rachel

We are having lots of Summer Fun in Nursery for our last theme and this week we are all going "Beside the Seaside" with our Home Learning tasks.

En Nursery estamos pasándolo en grande con la "Diversión veraniega", que es nuestro último proyecto del curso y esta semana estamos visitando la "Orilla del mar" en nuestras tareas de aprendizaje desde casa.

And we have finally made it to the last letter of the alphabet, well done! ·
¡Y por fin hemos llegado a la última letra del abecedario, enhorabuena!

Year 1

Miss Mercedes

Year 1 are focusing on Measure in Math's, for the last two full weeks of term. This week they are learning about terms linked to weight. They compared objects in their homes, using new vocabulary, 'heaviest, lightest and in between' Here are two videos of the pupils demonstrating their new learning.

Los niños de Year 1 se están dedicando de lleno a las Mediciones en Matemáticas, durante las dos últimas semanas completas del trimestre. Esta semana están aprendiendo mucho sobre términos vinculados con el peso. Estuvieron comparando objetos en sus casas, usando nuevo vocabulario, "pesado, ligero, entre medias". He aquí dos de los vídeos de nuestros alumnos en los que demuestran su aprendizaje:

Year 2

Mrs Roblin

Year 2 Mrs Roblin' s class wrote My Lock Down Book all about their experiences before and during the lockdown and their home learning. They wrote all about the author, the contents page and other sections about what it was like in school just before we had to stay home and stay safe as well as missing Semana Santa and their sadness not being able to go out to play with their friends. The good things we all have felt are we have become more independent and learnt the true value of family and friends. Well done Year 2!

La clase de Year 2 de Mrs Roblin escribió "Mi libro del confinamiento", en el que plasmaron sus experiencias durante el confinamiento y su aprendizajes desde casa. Han creado contenidos sobre el autor, el índice y otras secciones en las que se describía cómo era la vida en el cole justo antes de que tuviéramos que quedarnos en casa y permanecer seguros, además de cómo han echado de menos la Semana Santa y lo triste que les hace sentir no poder salir a jugar con sus amigos. Lo bueno es que ahora nos sentimos más independientes y que hemos aprendido el verdadero valor de la familia y los amigos. ¡Fantástico trabajo, Year 2!

You can read Natalia's lockdown book here: · Aquí pueden leer el libro de Natalia sobre el confinamiento.

Year 3

Miss Jo

Year 3 have been learning about The Rainforest this term and Alvaro and Alejandra have made a fantastic presentation, which also includes some amazing photographs of Alejandra's travels!

Los alumnos de Year 3 han estado aprendiendo sobre las selvas tropicales durante este trimestre y Alvaro y Alejandra han creado una fantástica presentación, que además incluye ¡algunas fotos increíbles de sus viajes!

In their Science lessons, the children have been studying plants. They have drawn the life cycle of a flowering plant and explained methods of seed dispersal.

En sus clases de Ciencias, los niños han estado estudiando las plantas. Han dibujado el círculo de la vida de una planta con flores y han explicado los métodos de propagación de semillas.

Miss Jo's class have been so busy as they have also read 250 books on Epic! They have read books on Oxford Owl and attended weekly reading sessions with Miss Jo and Miss Jo Woods. We are so impressed with the children, well done!

La clase de Miss Jo ha estado realmente liada porque también han leído... 250 libros en Epic. Han leído libros en Oxford Owl y han asistido semanalmente a sesiones de lectura con Miss Jo y Miss Jo Woods. Estamos realmente impresionados con los niños, ¡bien hecho!

In Math's, the children have been looking at different types of lines. They created pictures of city skylines using the different lines. Some children made information posters and Google Slides to show the different types of lines.

En Matemáticas, los niños han estado viendo diferentes tipos de líneas. Han creado imágenes de "skylines" o perfiles de varias ciudades, usando distintos tipos de líneas. Algunos niños han creado carteles informativos y presentaciones con Google Slides para mostrar los tipos de línea.

Year 5

Ms Donsophon

In Year 5 we have been learning about biographies. Antonio and Jose both interviewed family members to help them create these excellent pieces of writing. What features of a biography did they remember to include?

En Year 5 hemos estado aprendiendo lo que son las biografías. Antonio y José entrevistaron a miembros de su familia para que les sirviera de ayuda creando estos magníficos textos. ¿Qué características propias de una biografía recordaron que debían estar presentes?

Primary EAL

Miss Eve

We finished our fun week with 'Fort Friday'. Everyone built a fort and we read our favourite stories to each other. Angela and Aida couldn't build a fort as they were travelling to Marbella but they didn't want to miss out on the fun so joined us on their iPad in the car - serious dedication! 👏

Hemos terminado nuestra semana de diversión con el "Viernes en el Fuerte". Todo el mundo construyó un fuerte y leímos nuestras historias favoritas, unos a otros. Ángela y Aída no pudieron construir su fuerte porque estaban de viaje a Marbella pero no quisieron perderse la diversión y... ¡se unieron a nosotros con el iPad desde el coche! ¡Esto sí que es entusiasmo! 👏

Primary Assembly

Primary Certificate Winners

Miss Nicky would like to present some certificates awarded to students for their efforts on International Food Day. The student council judged you on the food you prepared, how you were dressed and how you presented yourselves in your Google Meet sessions. Some of you even presented yourselves in another language! Well done all of you.

Miss Nicky está encantada de presentar los siguientes diplomas por los esfuerzos que los alumnos hicieron en la jornada de International Food Day. El Consejo de Alumnos juzgó la comida que preparasteis, cómo ibais vestidos y cómo os presentasteis en los encuentros de Google Meet. Algunos de vosotros incluso lo hicisteis en otros idiomas. ¡Enhorabuena a todos!

Sparx · Maths

Year 7 and year 8 have been part of the Sparx maths trial that started the week before the lockdown. Maths teachers are now using the lesson function to set online work for students. Questions come with their very own help video to support students and teachers are always available on google meet should a student get stuck.

Los alumnos de Year 7 y Year 8 formaron parte de una prueba de matemáticas con Sparx la semana previa al confinamiento. Los profesores de Matemáticas están usando ahora la función "clase" para poner deberes online a los alumnos. Las preguntas vienen con su propio vídeo de ayuda para servir de apoyo a los alumnos, aunque los profesores están siempre disponibles en Google Meet si los alumnos se quedan atascados.

For each question they do students are awarded XP points. These points will eventually lead to House points and certificates. Over the last 6 weeks the Maths department have been recording these XP points and rewarding students' efforts with house points.

En cada pregunta se premia a los alumnos con puntos XP. Estos puntos tendrán traslación en un futuro a Puntos para las Casas y certificados. En las últimas 6 semanas, el Departamento de Matemáticas ha estado registrando estos puntos XP y premiando a los alumnos:

Sparx student of the week in Year 7:

Jorge G

Sparx student of the week in Year 8:

Alvaro F

Also special mention to the Jorge GB (7B), Joel W (7A), Leonardo B (7B) and Martina AF (8A) who reached 10000 XP points and attained their level 1 certificate

Las menciones especiales van para Jorge G.B. (Year 7B), Joel W. (Year 7A), Leonardo B. (Year 7B) y Martina A.F. (Year 8A), que han alcanzado los 10000 puntos y han obtenido su Certificado de Nivel 1.

During house week, the Math's Department are giving away double the number of house points for Sparx work. Your teachers will be setting you all a series of online tasks and lessons that you can do voluntarily to earn as many house points as possible. Lets finish strongly!

Durante la Semana de las Casas, el Departamento de Matemáticas va a entregar un número doble de puntos por el trabajo que se haga en Sparx. Vuestros profesores os mandarán una serie de tares online y clases que podéis hacer voluntariamente para ganar tantos puntos para vuestras casas como sea posible. ¡Terminemos el curso en todo lo alto!

Story Telling

George's Marvellous Medicine (Roald Dahl), Part 9, read by Mr Yates

First News

Ms Upton sent us an English newspaper which is ideal for teenagers who want to keep up to date with the latest news and which is adapted to their age and interests. During this time of confinement, this publication is free of charge and we thought that it would be of interest to our students.

Ms Upton nos envía una gaceta en inglés ideal para adolescentes y jóvenes que quieran mantenerse al día con noticias adaptadas a su edad e intereses. En estos tiempos de confinamiento es una edición abierta y hemos pensado que podría ser del interés de nuestros alumnos.


Our students Lorenzo and his sister Alicia obtained their orange belt and white/yellow belt thanks to their dedication and hard work. Even though they had to cope with the difficulty of taking the exam online, they executed their moves perfectly and truly deserved their awards. Congratulations to both of you!

Nuestros alumnos Lorenzo y Alicia, hermanos, obtuvieron su cinturón naranja y blanco-amarillo respectivamente, gracias a la dedicación y el trabajo duro. Incluso si tuvieron que afrontar la dificultad añadida de hacer el examen online, ejecutaron sus movimientos perfectamente y fueron dignos merecedores de sus galardones.

After School Activity Weekly Challenge · Reto semanal de extraescolares

Each week, Dani and the monitors will set a challenge connected to the after school activities which you can do at home and record on video. Send your videos to Dani by email and each week, the after school activities department will choose the best ones who will receive a trophy. Please send your videos to Dani at: · Cada semana, Dani y sus monitores os propondrán un reto relacionado con las actividades extraescolares para que lo realicéis en casa y lo grabéis en vídeo. Mandad los vídeos al correo de Dani. El Departamento de Actividades Extraescolares elegirá cada semana al mejor y se entregará un trofeo por cada ganador. Mandad vuestros vídeos a Dani:

This week's challenge comes from Esther, our tennis monitor. You simply have to keep the tennis ball in play whilst taking off your jacket, easy! 😂 😜

El reto de esta semana viene de Esther, nuestra monitora de tenis. Simplemente tenéis que mantener una pelota de tenis en juego mientras os quitáis la chaqueta. ¡Fácil! 😂 😜

FIFA 2020

It is the final of the FIFA 2020 tournament this weekend. Please click on the link below to see the running order of the matches. We will announce the winner next week. Good luck to all of you!

Este fin de semana es la final del Torneo FIFA 2020. Os rogamos que vayáis a los enlaces de abajo para ver el orden de las partidas. Anunciaremos el ganador la próxima semana. ¡Buena suerte a todos!


Creado con imágenes de Wayne M. - "Multicoloured Bunting" • Elena Mozhvilo - "untitled image" • Unknown - "Green Leafed Trees Near Waterfalls · Free Stock Photo" • Robyn Budlender - "Children’s books" • JJ Ying - "untitled image" • Cristiano Pinto - "Google Stadia 🎮"
