
Week 3 - Term 3b InveStigating and Applying.

What a lovely surprise, Nicola and Amanda came to visit. They were so impressed with the safety posters we had created. Jenson won, as he had taken great care and thought into his design. They work at Safety Works, they supported our learning about fire safety and being safe in the sun.
Defensive skills in PE as well as looking for space when playing games.
An extremely busy construction area this week. Colours were mixed there was lots of discussion about primary and secondary colours. They also thought about how to attach different papers and cardboards.
Lego is so exciting at the moment. Many of the class are selecting the images to support as well as designing there own models and structures.
Our writing is really improving we write every day. I am proud of the class and their resilience.
Using and applying in our continuous provision. Scarlet was writing a list, Heidi wrote a label and Zayan continued to develop his love of the world.