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family & community always!


mazel tov!

Master William Solomon Kuczynski & Big Brother Theo




* Editor at Large - Alene Schonhaut, Assistant Editor - Madeleine Wolf, and Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant

* EDITORIAL NOTE - You can click on any picture or article to enlarge it.

May's theme:

Let us ask not what our country can do for us — ask what we can do for ourselves & one another…We must dare not forget today that we are in the midst of a revolution & that united, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures.

Rabbi Randy Sheinberg


  • The other day I took a walk around my neighborhood. Times being what they are, I wore my mask and I was careful to cross to the other side of the street when someone was coming my way. From a distance, I saw a neighbor whom I had not seen in a few days. I smiled at her, but she did not smile back. Odd, I thought. She is usually so friendly! However, then I realized that she did not see my smile…I still had my mask on!
  • We have been in this period of social isolation for over six weeks. Some things may have gotten easier – we have figured out how to do our shopping, and we now know where the mute button is on Zoom. Other things continue to be hard - we miss seeing friends and family in person, we long for more physical freedom, we miss our routines.
  • One of the biggest challenges for me during this time of isolation is figuring out how to celebrate. Confined to our homes, smiles hidden behind our masks, does not make it easy to share our joys with the world.
  • Yet…celebrating is an essential part of the Jewish faith. “Ivdu et Adonai b’simcha” says the psalmist. We are to serve God in gladness. According to the Talmud, one of the ten mitzvot for which we receive a reward both on earth and in the world to come is rejoicing with bride and groom. And the 18th century Hasidic Masters remind us to savor life’s happy moments, for we will be able to leap in heaven only as high as we have leapt on earth.
  • To be sure, there is plenty to bring us down in these times. The Covid Pandemic has claimed the lives of so many of our loved ones. It is painful to read the news, to attend online shiva minyanim and to hear stories of so many suffering.
  • The losses are real; the anxiety too. We must grieve it all, however, that does not mean we should turn our backs on celebration. Indeed, it may be all the more important now to find the happy moments and lift them up.
  • And the best way to do so is within community…
  • Even when we cannot be there in person for a simcha, we can help bring joy to others. Ever creative creatures, we humans have found an array of different ways to do so, even in these challenging times. Drive-by celebratory parades, virtual birthday parties, online proms, to name just a few. With a little imagination, we can come up with ways to amplify joy and still preserve the physical distancing needed to save lives during this pandemic.
  • During the upcoming weeks, we will have several opportunities to celebrate simchas at Temple Tikvah. Saturday May 2nd was to have been Sanáa Taylor’s Bat Mitzvah. That simcha will be rescheduled, but you can help celebrate Sanáa by showing up for Shabbat Services Online on Friday May 1st. This year confirmation will not take place in our Sanctuary; however, you can show up online on May 29th to hear Brian Chirel read Torah and Honor him as a Confirmand. And although we have not been able to schedule a formal graduation ceremony, please do join us to honor and celebrate Temple Tikvah’s extraordinary madrichot and graduates-to-be Elizabeth Duchan and Kelsey Price (date to be determined), as they head off to college next year.
  • We have a communal responsibility to help one another rejoice. Please come to these events as you are able to do so. And tell us of your own simchas, so that we can celebrate with you, too.

May we all find moments of joy amidst the sorrow. May we soon know a time when we can see one another’s smiles unmasked and in person. Until then, let us keep the celebration flowing as best we can.

Cantor Guy Bonné

where words fail, music speaks



Temple Co-Presidents

andrea comerchero & lisa lupo

“The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavour will light our country and all who serve it - and the glow from that fire can truly light the world”…John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961

  • What a long strange trip it has been...and continues to be! As we sit here in our respective homes talking about what has gone on during the past four weeks and what the next month…or longer…will look like, it occurs to us that we have much to be thankful for and many reasons to be hopeful.
  • New Yorkers are strong, we are resilient, and we come together when times are tough! Within our Temple Community we can say the same. We are strong, we are resilient, and we come together as a Community to share simchas when times are good and to lean on each other when times are tough. Our Congregation is made up of health care professionals, teachers, office workers, trades people, and so much more! We have all been affected by COVID 19 and we all have stories to tell.
  • As we approach Memorial Day, when we as a nation honor our military heroes, we would like to take a moment to honor and thank the everyday heroes in our Temple Community…
  • Thank you to everyone who donated to Sisterhood’s Drive to feed the staff at Winthrop Hospital and to other efforts to support our essential workers!
  • Thank you to everyone who has been making phone calls to check in on our Congregants! Many of you have run errands for those who cannot get out, helped those unfamiliar with technology to participate in Virtual Temple Activities or just offered a friendly ear to a fellow Congregant.
  • AND…THANK YOU Rabbi, Cantor, Board Members, Committee Chairs, Religious School Staff, and Office Staff all of whom have continued to do the hard work of running Temple and maintaining our Community during this difficult time!
  • We would also like to extend a special shout out of appreciation to all our Temple Members who are “essential workers” and continue to prioritize keeping New York safe and healthy under very difficult conditions. You are contributing to the public good even more than John F. Kennedy imagined when he inspired our nation with these immortal words, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Thank you!

And finally, thanks to ALL OF YOU. You bring us hope that Temple Tikvah will come out of the current crisis as an even stronger and more resilient Community. Stay safe. Stay healthy. And, as always…do not hesitate to reach out to either one of us with your questions or concerns.

religious school

Education Director - Sharon Fricano

As we confront long days of being cooped up at home, let us take every opportunity to laugh and to love…

  • I hope everyone is doing well and able to spend some quality family time together during these difficult times.
  • I had looked forward to celebrating the last day of Religious School together in-person on May 17th, but as of this writing it looks like we will be gathering virtually instead.
  • While certainly not ideal, we have continued to hold Classes and Tutoring Sessions via Zoom on Sundays and Facetime or by phone on Tuesdays. Our Zoom Model Seder was well attended, and the students were excited to see one another and to participate in reading the Haggadah and/or singing. A big thank you to our teachers, students, and our Rabbi and the Cantor for leading us in this virtual way!
  • Thanks to Cheryl, many of our students are doing a mitzvah by participating in a Pen Pal Program to connect with some of our homebound senior members. What a great way to truly live G'milut Chasidim, acts of loving-kindness. Thank you again Cheryl for organizing this!
  • I want to thank the teachers for stepping up during this time and learning and preparing lessons via Zoom! They have worked hard to make learning meaningful. We hope all our students have continued to learn during this time.
  • We are planning a closing activity for families to gather virtually on May 17th. Look for emails for more information.
  • We will also soon begin the planning process for the 2020 - 2021 School Year and we intend to continue the many meaningful activities and family programs we had scheduled for this year.

I look forward to when we can again meet in person and wish everyone good health.


Director of Youth & Family Engagement - Cheryl Stern

Try to keep up with regular routines. If schools are closed, create a schedule for learning activities and relaxing or fun activities…Rosie Nguyen, in Utah

  • In this unprecedented time in our lives, I just want to take a moment and say thank you to all of the health care workers and essential workers who have been our unsung heroes; which of course includes the grocery store clerks, the post office, truck drivers, restaurants that are still making food, superintendents of our apartment buildings, and the custodians…I thank you.
  • We have united together to create a Family here at Temple Tikvah, and it has been wonderful to share Havdalah with so many of you. While watching everyone’s faces glowing by candlelight, it helped to remind me that yes…this too shall pass.
  • All of our students that attended the Seder Plate Making Event were able to learn why certain items are on the Seder Plate, as well as why they are in that order. Seeing those smiling faces and hearing their voices was extremely profound and heartwarming. It was also nice to see so many smiling faces at our Virtual Junior Congregation. In addition, our Pen Pal Program has taken off...if you are interested please email me at

I hope all of you and your families are doing well. I know I will see you all soon. Until then…B’Shalom



President - Marc Gold

While social-distancing is now crucial, it is equally important not to let others feel socially distant…Boaz Hepner, Jewish Journal

  • What can we do for ourselves and one another? Well, this is obvious these days. One month plus has passed since we all started being isolated from one another. This has been very difficult for all of us….Therefore continuing to stay away from groups, crowds, and people is what we can do for ourselves and others.
  • I am a people person and people know I always thrive on talking to anyone who comes my way. I love to talk and talk and talk, face to face. I am not much of a phone person. Face Time for me is really not the same as that in person experience. However, this is what we are being asked to do - stay away and 6 feet or more…IT IS A MUST!
  • So, Michele and I have resorted to Face Time and Zoom with our 2 married sons and daughters-in-law, and our grandchild, Seyla. Watching our 8-month-old grandchild grow and change before our eyes on a screen, is not the same as holding that precious little one and touching that sweet punim. These are the months when children change from day to day and week to week. What does she know, seeing our faces on a phone screen…she is only 8 months old and all she wants to do is put the phone in her mouth – lol. However, we do get smiles and strange communicating noises that do warm our hearts. Seyla can now sit up by herself, roll over, and is eating solid food! Yet, boy would we love too actually hold our meydl beibi/baby girl in our arms and shower her with kisses.
  • As for Brotherhood…ALL of our Spring Events were either postponed or are cancelled, except our Wine Sale for Passover. People did purchase their favorites online and they either safely picked them up directly at the store or they were safely home delivered by Ron Schreiber and me. We rang doorbells like masked and gloved mentshn (people) and then ran!
  • Our informal chat of “The Way We Were & Bagel Breakfast" will be re-scheduled hopefully in the Fall, as well as our Dinner, Auction & Live Show. The Met’s Game that was scheduled for July 5th has also unfortunately been postponed. We will either reschedule it for a later date or maybe have to wait until next season.



Co-Presidents: Terry Cutler & Terry Lepzelter

'Let us ask not what our country can do for us — ask what we can do for ourselves & one another…We must dare not forget today that we are in the midst of a revolution & that united, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures.' JFK

  • This is our theme for May and it reminds us all that there is something each one of us can do to make our world a brighter, more beautiful, and better place. The unknown can be overwhelming. The normal we often took for granted is in danger of never returning. Patience and trust in our smartest scientists are what we need to begin to start a new normal in the coming months. Sisterhood is ready to do the work to make life a bit better for each other, our Temple, and our larger Community.
  • Thank you to everyone who has generously contributed to The Temple Tikvah Mitzvah Project. To date, we have collected over $1,500! Please see the picture of the Nurses and Staff at Winthrop Hospital who were delighted to receive a delicious banquet on April13th. We want to thank Helaine Schachter for spearheading this Project! We also want to give a big shout out of appreciation to Nick, owner of Hand Rolled Bagels located at 930 Hillside Avenue - New Hyde Park, NY 11040, who was very supportive and generous in helping us feed our health care heroes!
  • We will continue to support other neighbors in need by donating to City Harvest and Long Island Cares. Many families are in tremendous need of food in this crisis.
  • Sisterhood is proud to announce that we have made our Annual Gift to Temple. It is sure to be used to keep our Temple Family strong and enable us to continue to rely on each other. We know how caring our Members are in good times and bad. We know the sincere support we show each other is more important now than ever as we face the scary unknown.
  • We also want to acknowledge all of you who have sponsored onegs or flowers since the beginning of March. Although we have not been able to be together in our Temple Home, we appreciate your donations and want you to be assured that they will be used for our Security Fund.
  • END NOTE - There is still time to support TEAM TIKVAH, lead by Team Captain - Mindy Daniels for the MS Society. You can send your checks directly to her at Temple (Temple Tikvah - 3315 Hillside Avenue - New Hyde Park, NY 11040 - attention: Mindy Daniels) made out to MS SOCIETY or click on the LINK below and search for TEAM TIKVAH.




Caring Community

Sharon Kahn & Helene Schonhaut

“When you’re good to others, you’re best to yourself.” Benjamin Franklin

  • In all sincerity, we need each other at this time more than ever before. We may not be able to be together in person, but that should not stop us from holding hands (virtually) and connect with each other. Many of our Congregants have been making phone calls to other Congregants and Former Congregants to let them know we are thinking of them and care about their well-being. The response from the recipients of the phone calls has been excellent; not only in their words of appreciation, but in their response that they are well. As of the last round of updates, one recovered Congregant was going to donate plasma; what a MITZVAH she is doing!!!
  • Reaching out to friends and family makes everyone smile…
  • We are looking forward to giving you updates asap regarding out next Meeting, and updates for the Book Clubs and the Creative Writing Group.


life long learning

Meryl Root


BYOL & Virtual Learn:

  • The May Lunch & Learn is Cantor Guy Bonné’s Course entitled: Inspired by the Torah on Saturday, May 9th at 11:30am. Part 2 will take place on Thursday May 14th at 7:00pm. The Cantor describes his Course as “an eclectic selection of Biblical elements which I personally find very inspiring. We’ll start with examining the Biblical structure as a whole, as well as the structure of other selections for a better understanding of the narrative. We’ll compare different elements and find where there’s a political agenda and where there is a genuine expression of grief. We’ll compare the way enemies are portrayed in two examples of women who stand waiting at the window. Finally, we’ll speak about how a translation from Hebrew might, unfortunately change a whole concept.” Please check the Weekly Updates or the Temple Website on how to join Zoom, as the date approaches. We hope you can make it.

Torah Study:

  • Friday Night Torah Study, ”Torah Without Skipping” with Cantor Guy Bonné will meet on May 8th and May 22nd at 6:15pm via Zoom (details will be forthcoming in the Weekly Updates and on the Temple Website.) Friday Torah Study will be continuing with the Book of Genesis, B’resheit & Shabbat Morning Torah Study continues every Saturday at 9:00am via Zoom, with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg. We will be completing the Book of Leviticus, Vayikra on the second to last Shabbat of May. The last Shabbat of May brings us to the Book of Numbers, Bamidbar. Week after week it is amazing to see how this ancient book is still relevant today. No experience or prior knowledge is required. All are welcome.


  • If you are joining the meeting via your computer, tablet, or smartphone, all you need to do is to click on this link:
  • Then follow the instructions that appear on your screen. If you have never used Zoom before, the screen will prompt you to "Run Zoom" or "Setup Zoom" (I do not recall the actual language.) Click yes and then follow the rest of the prompts to "Join Meeting" and you should be there.
  • If you are joining the meeting via phone (without video), all you need to do is dial +1.915.229.6794. You will then be asked for the Meeting ID, (PIN: 804606997.)

Adult Hebrew Class:

  • Adult Hebrew Class is now in its tenth year and we will be resuming class virtually on Zoom. See below for details on how to connect each Thursday evening from 7:00 - 8:15pm with Cantor Guy Bonné. Now is a great time to join us from the comfort of your home. The atmosphere is relaxed and there is plenty of reviewing! Speak to the Cantor Bonné for more details. All are welcome. There will be no Hebrew on May 14th to accommodate Cantor’s Course, Part 2.


  • - Meeting ID: 614 859 287
  • One tap mobile: +16465588656,,614859287# US (New York)
  • By phone: +1.646.558.8656 US (New York) - Meeting ID: 614 859 287 - Find your local number:
  • You may have to download the Zoom app (see above for Torah Study) and follow the instructions. Or you can join by phone.

REQUEST FOR SUGGESTIONS: If anyone has a suggestion for a film or a program, feel free to email me at you!

with gratitude

  • RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND - Susan & Robert Schiff in memory of Ed Kahn
  • SIMCHA FUND - Ruth Selig in celebration of Yom Gadol Sh’li
  • SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND - In honor of the following Special Anniversaries: Lois & Richard Howard, 50 years & Joyce & Joel Mensoff, 55 years
  • TEMPLE TIKVAH MEMORIAL FUND - Ann Arkin in memory of Hilda & Louis Kaufman • Bob & Helen Bader in memory of Ed Kahn • Lorraine & Lester Bertan in memory of Ed Kahn • Brotherhood in memory of Edward Kahn, Robert Kiss, Ruth Schreiber, and Robert Waterman • Gayle & Joel Feinstein in memory of Frances Rubin • Cantor Kat Hastings in memory of Marland Hastings • Robin & Robert Jacobson in memory of Susan Berman • Patrice Kolomer in memory of Sydney & Yetta Lipchousky • Leslie Kizner in memory of Ed Kahn and Robert Waterman • Gloria Ferreras-Konstan & Larry Konstan in memory of Abraham Siegel • Robert & Cathleen Lent in memory of Robert Waterman • Lisa Lupo in memory of Bernard & Anne Selkin • Lois Marcus in memory of Philip Marcus • Lynn Moser in memory of Ed Kahn • David Nathan in memory of Ed Kahn • Suzanne Plestrik in memory of Samuel Markus • Shari & Rony Rotstein in memory of Natan Rotstein • Robin Savitt & Toby Kemelor in memory of Florence Rubler • The Schonhaut Family in memory of Traci Schonhaut-Fuller • Doris & Irving Silberman in memory of Ed Kahn • Nanette Sobel in memory of Ed Kahn • Roslyn & Burton Tropp in memory of Ed Kahn • Gertrude Wolf in Joseph Weisser, Nathan Weisser, and Milton Wolf
  • YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND - Phyllis Richards in memory of Ed Kahn


  • CHESED - Barbara Silberman • Ken & Neela Weber
  • TZEDEKAH - Elaine R. Farber • Marilyn & Jerome Markowitz • Joyce & Joel Mensoff • Susan & Martin Siroka
  • BENEFACTORS - Arnold & Sylvia Bloch • Alan Fogelman & Susan Feinblatt • Carole Kaplan • Cheryl & Steven Levine • Kent & Susan Moston • Sandra & David Peskin • Jeffrey & Teresa Weisbrot
  • PATRONS - Helen & Bob Bader • Brotherhood of Temple Tikvah • Arline & Jack Cazes • Jeannette & Charles Golden • Bruce, Maria, Lauren & Marc Gross • Andrea & Doug King • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan • Joel & Sadie Kramer • Janet & Barry Spool
  • SPONSORS - Anonymous • Maureen & Steve Berman • Rabbi Randy Sheinberg & Dr. Martin Cohen • Andrea & Marc Comerchero and Family • The Diamond Family • Martin & Susan Fox • Marc & Michele Gold • Lois & Richard Howard • Robin & Bob Jacobson • Joe & Judy Kirschner • The Klig Family • Lisa Selkin Lupo • Robin & Mark Mandell • Arlene Sheff • Irene & Stanley Zorn
  • DONORS - Sharon Adler • Michele & Dennis Baltuch • The Birnbach Family • Cynthia & Joseph Bettelheim • Sharon Bibergal • Bernice Bloch • Henry Bloch • Anonymous • The Chirel Family • Terry & Michael Cutler • Anonymous • Beth Feldman Curcio • Merle Fishkin • Vivian E. Floch • Fran Fredrick • Libby Glowatz • Vivian Goldbaum & Dr. Norman Feder • Stephen & Barbara Goldberg • Susan & Marty Goldschmidt • Anonymous • Helene & Howard Hecht • Dean & Sebastiana (Nuccia) Hernan • David Herz & Janet Stahl • Irene Horn • Phyllis & Joe Horne • Terry & Ira Lepzelter • Estelle Magidson • Barbara & Joe Massey • Lynn Moser • Margery & Edward Orenstein • Beverly Oscrow • Robert Peskin (non-member) • Phyllis Richards • Helaine & Ed Schacter • Burton & Susan Schall • Rosalyn Schwartz • June & Jack Schwarz • Ruth Selig • Claire Shapiro • Lenore & Barry Stein • Roslyn & Burton Tropp • Leo & Jane Tujack • Stuart & Judy Weinstock • Elaine & Howie Weiss • Joan Wiener • Sandra Witt (non-member) • Laurence & Aki Wolfson • Carol Fenves & Isaac Yavetz • Gale & Howard Zeidman • Jerome & Sydell Zelanko
  • PARTICIPANTS - Deborah Abramowitz • Anonymous • Lois & Andrew Baron • George & Jeanie Berger • Sheila & Martin Bosker • Anonymous • Brenda & Mark Brody • Barbara & Fred Fleisher • Steven & Doreen Geller • Selma Goldberg • Deborah Golob • Lori & Mark Gordon • Muriel Gorochow • Linda Kamalic • Dorothy Kellner (non-member) • Leslie Kizner • Erika Korpacz (no-member) • Steven B. Levine • Anonymous • Sandra Lichtenstein • Helen Lipson • Andrew & Marilyn Mandell • Gail & Michael Meisel • Lee Newman • Karla & Orlando Osuna • Donald & Lori Panetta • Anonymous • Sandy Portnoy • Susan & George Prinz • Rachel Raphael-Kupferburg • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg • Richard Roth (non-member) • Jaynie Rudnick • Alene Schonhaut • Susan, Irwin & Alex Schneider • Anonymous • Shirley Snyder • Carol & Amram Weiner • Linda Lustig-Zaffos & Jack Zaffos • Elaine Zipser

social action

Elaine Brooks, Judy Kirschner & Elaine Weiss

"Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce." John F. Kennedy

  • We hope by the time you are reading this, our lives in the United States and the larger world will be much safer and healthier than they have been for the last several months: perhaps there will be little to no more Covid-19 endangering us and we will be able to gather together once again as a Community. However, in case we are still struggling with health, social, and economic challenges, let us pose an edited question based on a famous quote from John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address: Ask not what our country can do for us, but what can we do for ourselves and one another, especially through cooperative efforts?
  • During much of March and April 2020, many of the good works (and good times!) planned by different Arms and Committees of Temple had to be canceled or postponed due to the constraints of life impacted by the Coronavirus. Nonetheless, Temple Committee Chairs and Board Members still managed to “meet” and collaborate with the help of a variety of technical tools, such as Zoom, in order to maintain a sense of Community. One welcome example were the outreach calls to all the Temple Members organized by the Caring Community to get a sense of how people are managing and what, if anything they may need. Through online streaming services, Congregants were able to share in Shabbat and Havdalah Services, as well as a Virtual Seder on the second night of Passover. The Temple Tikvah Mitzvah Project showed our appreciation for the healthcare workers at Winthrop Hospital. There are online Hebrew Classes, Book Club Meetings, and even observances of Rosh Chodesh Traditions and Yizkor that have been and will be taking place. In other words, we have come together if not literally at least in one way or another to continue to experience and benefit from our Temple Community.
  • In last month’s Social Action Column, we hoped that by May the Temple would once again be open for face-to-face interaction and a May 17th Social Action Meeting at 10:30am. Whether we are able to meet in person or online or not, the Social Action Committee will continue its valuable work, so please let us know (by phone, email or in person!) your ideas for “greening” Temple and events, for parts of our world that cry out for attention and repair (Tikkun Olam), and/or for ways we can all participate in making our world a better place for all living creatures. Get out the vote postcards anyone? We will have work to do before Election Day!

We hope to see you in person soon; in the meantime, continue to share with us ideas for abolishing all forms of poverty, maintaining human rights this nation has been committed to here and elsewhere, and remember that “United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures.” John F. Kennedy

in loving memory

iyyar - SIVAN 5780




Created with images by Happy Films - "untitled image" • Amy Shamblen - "Rainbow Flower Heart" • exoteric - "sundial clock old"
