Collared Peccary by: Brayden Mooers

Collared peccary's from North America live in Arizona, Texas, and parts of New Mexico. Many aspects could affect the population.

One aspect is immigration. Immigration can have a huge effect on the population of collared peccary's. If the collared peccary's immigrated to a place that is cold, they can die because they are used to the heat. Another way immigration affect the population is that if they immigrated south and where there are no threats, the population would rise dramatically.

If the collared peccaries emigrate from where they lived, their populations would drop because since they are used to the temperatures of where they live. It would take them a long time to adapt if they went north and it would not take as long to adapt if they went farther south.

If there are not enough births each year, the peccary population would go extinct. If there are too much births, collared peccary's would eat too much of the food of other animals, causing that animal to go extinct of endangered. Female peccary's give birth to one to three babies.

Limited resources could effect the population of collared peccary's to rise along an s-shaped curve of growth. This could happen when a species finds new food to eat and the population rises a little bit, then the food becomes very common and the population of that species increases a lot. Then, the species eats all the food and the population goes down. This could also happen because the carrying capacity in that environment is full. Carrying capacity is the maximum population amount that environment can handle.

There is also density-dependent limiting factors of a population. One factor is if the population is too dense and the maximum carrying capacity has been reached, some collared peccary's can die because there are too much of them to find food. Another factor is competition. Competition could effect the population because the peccary's could fight over food and kill each other.

Another effect is density-independent limiting factors. One factor is if the weather suddenly changes from warm to cold, then the collared peccary's would die. Another factor is humans. Humans could destroy their habitats and they would not survive because they do not have a place to live.

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