
TJ HUDSON A Genuine Georgian for Secretary of State

When it comes to elections fraud, you'll know what side of the fence I stand on. - TJ Hudson

As a former Probate and Magistrate Court Judge, TJ is the only candidate with 17 years effective leadership administering fair, secure and trustworthy elections. Let's help TJ defend Georgia's integrity.

FAIR - SECURE - TRUSTWORTHY elections are the foundation of America's Democracy -

- TJ Hudson, Candidate for Georgia Secretary of State

My elections advisory board will be the citizens of Georgia. I won't betray your trust!

TJ Hudson will bring South and Middle Georgia values about fair representation and integrity to the Georgia State Capitol. As Probate Judge, TJ was reliable in pushing back claims that Republicans were making it more difficult to vote.

TJ Hudson will work tirelessly from the balconies of Atlanta, to the barbershops of South Georgia to bring back pride and unity for Georgians. TJ supports the Governor's pledge to make it "...hard to cheat."

"You can't fall asleep on the care and feeding of a strong Republic. Our Democracy can get really messy if we don't tend to details." - TJ Hudson, Candidate for Georgia Secretary of State

As a former Probate and Magistrate Judge, TJ Hudson will demand that we..


Trail Ride and Cowboy BBQ with TJ Hudson

Join us for trail-rides, BBQ and a cowboy campfire July 30 and 31. Sign up below.

I'm a proud son of the red clays of Georgia. Learn more about my story and my commitment to bring order to the votes.

TJ Hudson Press Release

July 21, 2021 12:00 p.m.

“To support Georgians’ ability to trust in a secure and effective elections system I am running for Secretary of State. I will use my 17 years experience in fair elections administration to put order in the vote! Cheating in elections will not be tolerated when you elect TJ Hudson. I will fight against lawsuits filed against Georgia that end up assigned to courtrooms like that of Stacey Abram’s own sister, as did a late absentee ballot challenge filed in the Albany circuit.”

“Over the past few days there’s been interest in how I, as Probate Judge, adjudicated a case where I placed my own relative in jail for contempt. Let me be clear, My values have been instilled under the tutelage of a great Sheriff. I mean business. When it comes to right or wrong, backing the blue, protecting the safety of youth, and saving lives, I will even put my own Father in jail, and Georgia elections cheaters will be treated no differently!”

“State officials must have plans to support Senate Bill 202 which affirms our desire for secure, fair and safe elections. But that can’t happen without the commitment of a Secretary of State who will enforce the law and go after cheaters. I am the candidate that will make a hard stance on election law.”

“As Secretary of State, I will seek the application of maximum force to put order in the vote and stop wrong doers who seek to cheat in elections, because that is what Georgia voters are demanding.”

“I have already stated my support for the JQC’s handling of this matter in the AJC(link). Georgian’s will always know what side of the fence I stand on when it comes to law and order, and that includes elections. The police asked me to assist in a call at a time of heightened racial tensions and I obliged, especially as this disturbance put a young person at risk, who happened to also be a relative. I de-escalated the situation with the help of our law enforcement officers and made a temporary arrest of one of my adult relatives, who now supports my campaign for Secretary of State. That’s water under the bridge for her and I, and the case is closed as far as we are concerned.”

“But for Georgians, the case for election fraud remains wide open. You can be certain that supporting Georgia law, backing the Blue, and creating trust in voting for the people of Georgia, is my priority. I will continue to take measures intended to ensure the security and safety of elections systems for Georgians across our state, and I ask for everyone’s active commitment to put order in the vote, by not tolerating wrong doers. I will protect the right to vote with the requirement of proper I.D., mitigate potential cheating in elections with absentee ballots, and allow the state to ramp up election day preparedness by supporting the elections workers, volunteers and superintendents. I ask that you join me in this action oriented commitment at tjforgeorgia.com.”


About TJ Hudson: A Genuine Georgian

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Photos by Terrance, Design by EFG, LLC