
Week 5

In geography, we looked at the reasons why people might visit Greece as tourists. We came up with activities, visiting ‘old stuff’ as it was termed by some! relaxation and culture.
In PSHCE, we looked at how we are all different but with a lot of similarities too.
In RE, we looked at the reasons why people travel, including going on pilgrimages. Next week, we will look at pilgrimage in more detail.
As part of internet safety week, we gave children some ‘would you rather…’ type statements to get them thinking about consequences.
In PE, as a one off, children were learning some circus skills.
In science, we were looking at how rocks are used in the real world and the properties that make different rocks useful for different jobs.
In maths, division, pictograms and perimeter all figured.
We tried writing our own newspaper report in English. It is always harder than it looks! We still tried to include some of our different sentence types.