I have a idea!Light bulb by rylie gossmeyer

The Light bulb was invented to give light to homes and schools . How did the light bulb make life easier was it gave light .

The light bulb worked by fire before Thomas Edison made it work better than when it was powered by fire . The light bulb that used fire was very dangerous because if it burns thought it can cause a fire.

this light bulb is powered by fire

Then in 1879 a man named Thomas Edison made the light bulb better it wasn't powered by fire but it was powered by electricity . the light bulb was less dangerous now because it was no that hot and no fire was added.

this is the old fire light bulb.

the one Thomas Edison first made

The light bulb Thomas Edison made work


Created with images by nodomain1 - "Light Bulb" • SFB579 Namaste - "Candle-Light" • SFB579 Namaste - "Candle-Light" • olga.reznik - "Light Bulb" • nodomain1 - "Light Bulb"


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