New registration & submission date due to the postponement of the festival.
Friday 22nd July
Welcome to the 2022 re-generation international short film competition with Adobe, part of ...
Partnering with Adobe Education
There are two main sections to the film competition
- Years 5 to 9 students (about aged 10 to 14)
- Years 10 to 12 students (about aged 15 to 18)
To enter this competition, participants need to submit a video between 1 and 2 minutes in length (animations are welcome). The video/animation needs to be a resolution of either 720 or 1080 pixels (standard or full high definition).
The video needs to be based on the theme of building 'Resilience and Empowerment' for creating the world we all wish to live in with a focus on sustainability and a reference to at least one of the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals.
Winning entries from each section will be showcased at the re-generation youth festival at the Immigration Museum in Melbourne and live-streamed out to those who can't be in Melbourne. Date to be confirmed.
Finalist will also be published in the re-generation virtual festival site as well as a range of Adobe in Education sites and events with a potential reach of over 200,000 teachers and lots more students around Australasia.
Small prizes will be provided to winning entries (details to follow). The winning schools will receive a special re-generation trophy.
We will accept registrations of interest up until the final submission date - July 22
- Students need to work with a group (3 to 5 preferred, 2 or more required);
- At least one of the following Adobe products need to be used in the editing (Creative Cloud Express (free), Premiere Rush (free), Adobe Animate, Photoshop, Character Animator, Premiere Pro or After Effects;
- All content needs to be G rated and related to the competition theme;
- All images & audio need to be either original or royalty free (see resources below) and appropriately credited;
- Languages other than English are welcome, but need to be captioned in English.
- All students need to have the following Adobe release form signed by a parent or guardian so Adobe can publish their work externally;
- All entries must be sent by a teacher to Tim Kitchen ( by Friday 22nd July via a file share system such as,, SharePoint or Creative Cloud. Avoid Dropbox or GoogleDrive if possible so that we don't have to chase up permissions;
- Video solutions need to be exported as a video file (eg MP4, MOV) with a minimum resolution of 720 pixels (standard HD);
- Each video needs to have an opening title and closing credits (please only include first names in the credits). List the digital tool/s used in the creation as well as any sources of royalty free assets;
- Videos should be well paced with no images on the screen for longer than about 7 seconds;
- Please film in landscape mode not portrait;
- Video sound quality is important - use an external microphone for important dialogue.
Royalty Free resources for your solutions
- Music - Bensound
- Video -Pexels, Mixkit
- Drone footage -