The Three Agricultural Revolutions By Ryan Streeter

The Three Agricultural Revolutions have greatly impacted the world in many ways. The Three Agricultural Revolutions show how the world has evolved in farming.

The First Agricultural Revolution is the transition from moving and migrating around to hunt and gather to staying in one territory to plant/farm and raising livestock for food. This happened around 11,000 B.C. but the exact time is uncertain. This changed the way how people lived greatly.Without stationary living and agriculture, a lot of technology/modernization and the growth of the population wouldn’t be possible.

This picture represents the first agricultural revolution because there is stationary living, they are planting crops and raising animals.

Starting in the 17th century and ending in the 19th, the second agricultural revolution had lots of innovations of technology that helped feed much more people. Innovations like railroads, fertilizer, and artificial feed made it easier to grow and transport food.

Changes in farming include: planting rows became common in growing crops because they are easy to manage, fertilizer made it a lot faster to grow crops, and artificial feed made it easy to feed your livestock.

This is a good picture because they are using a seed drill(which was created in the second agricultural revolution) and they are using rows to plant their crops.

The third agricultural revolution started in the 1930's, and is still used today. with the world getting bigger, people rely more on genetically modified organisms and fertilizers which helps with better performance and land efficiency.

The third agricultural revolution changed the way farming has been done for centuries. There is a lot more usage of fertilizer and farmers are now using GMO's.

In this picture people are modifying the food to make it better which is what they do in the third agricultural revolution.

Genetically modified organisms(GMO’s) are when a plant or an animal has had some kind of altercation with their DNA or genes that scientists have done. GMO’s make it easier for farmers because it increases yield and drought tolerance.

Pros: Increases yield and drought tolerance, improves nutrition, better taste, environmentally friendly, lower chance of disease, farmers can grow more food on less land.

Cons: Can create higher allergy risk, lowers the resistance to antibiotics, can lead to gene transfer.

What’s the difference between subsistence, sustainable, and commercial farming? Subsistence is when farmers only grow enough food for themselves and their family, sustainable farming is when you promote farming methods that are environmentally friendly, commercial farming is when you produce crops to sell them for a profit.

Fun facts:

1. The third agricultural revolution is also known as the green revolution.

2. About 690,000 tractors came in the place of 2 million horses and mules in the second agricultural revolution.

3. The second agricultural revolution is also called the arabian agricultural revolution.

4. 38 countries have banned GMO’s.


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"GMOs, Local Food and Farms." Foodshed Alliance. N.p., 24 May 2014. Web. 04 Dec. 2016.

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"Pros & Cons of GMO Foods." LIVESTRONG.COM. Leaf Group, 13 Jan. 2014. Web. 04 Dec. 2016.

"Second Agriculture Revolution." Agricultural Revolution Inventions. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2016.

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Vaesa, MPH Janelle. "GMOs: Benefits and Negative Effects of Genetically Modified Food." Decoded Science. N.p., 19 July 2013. Web. 04 Dec. 2016.

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"Wiki Three Agriculture Revolutions." AP Human Geography- Ken Lewis Three Agriculture Revolutions. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2016.


Created with images by HerryLawford - "Harvestgate Farm"

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