
March National Crafting Month

March is National Crafting Month

Set aside time this month to try a new craft!

Crafting can be refreshing and relaxing. It's something you can do in your free time by yourself or with friends. There are so many different crafts out there to try.

Here are a few:



Wood Burning

Candle Making




Created with images by oksix - "Diy craft supplies top view, frame for design" • lisovoy - "hands of a potter, creating an earthen jar on the circle" • Tsurukame Design - "Yarn balls and crochet needles." • Molly Southern - "Light and Shadows on a Person Burning Letters into Wood" • netrun78 - "Ingredients and tools for handmade aroma candles. Organic soy wax, essential oils, wicks, pots" • mrallen - "Handicrafts - Sewing and Embroidery" • Olena Rudo - "Bars of handmade soap with lavender"