During birth, you are going to be presented with a lot of information and asked to make lots of decisions. Whether your plan is to deliver vaginally, with/out pain management, are induced, having a scheduled cesarean, planning to breastfeed - your concerns and questions need to be voiced heard and acknowledged
A birth planning session is 2 hours long and the investment is $150.
We will explore these options and, together, work through their benefits and risks prenatally.
You and your partner will walk away from your birth planning session more confident and better prepared to welcome your new baby.
Some of the topics discussed during our meeting are:
Signs of labor overview
How to time contractions
Stages and phases of birth
When to go to the hospital
Hospital arrival what to expect
Labor and delivery options
Solutions to stalled labor and positions for birthing your baby
Understanding the “golden hour” after birth, and your options during this intimate time (ie: immediate skin-to-skin contact, establishing breastfeeding, delayed cord clamping, etc) Common hospital policy questions handout specific to your birth location
20+ page e-book covering the points discussed during your session in depth, including “must have” gear for you, your partner, and your baby.
Our birth planning sessions are designed for women who want to be empowered by their options during birth and delivery.
Created with an image by Freddy G