Ganymede Elizabeth and Trinity


Ganymede is larger than Mercury and Pluto, it is about 2/3 the size of Mars with a diameter of 5,268 km (3,273 miles). It's surface mainly rocky and contains some water and ice.

Atmospheric makeup and weather

The atmosphere makeup has very little oxygen, water, and ice. Because of this the water and ice from the atmosphere that causes rain, sleet, and snow.

Gravitational pull and weight

The gravitational pull on Ganymede is 1.428 m/s2 and Earth being 9.807 m/s2. This mean that we would weight 1/7 of what you weight on Earth. If a 100 pound person would go to Ganymede they would weight 14.48 pounds.

5 Features
  • Ganymede is 4.5 billion years old.
  • Ganymede orbits at about 665,000 miles. It takes Ganymede 7 earth days to orbit Jupiter.
  • Ganymede has a radius at 1,635 so it can be seen by a naked eye.
  • Ganymede's surface contains many craters, highlands, and Maria.
  • NASA discovered that a salty ocean lays under the icy crust of Ganymede. NASA used a Hubble telescope that they used to figure out that Ganymede's ocean could harbor more water than on Earth.
Length of a year and your age

Ganymede's year is equal to 7.15 Earth days, which is 171.6 hours. Elizabeth's Birthday- Wednesday March 26, 2025, Trinity Birthday- Thursday October 30, 2025. So when we are 18 on Earth we would be 2 on Ganymede.

Length of Day

One day on Ganymede is about 171.6 hours which is equal to 7.15 earth days

  • Jupiter's Largest moon Ganymede was founded by a man named Galileo Galilei on January 7, 1610.
  • Ganymede's circumference is about 10,273 mi.
  • Galileo was first called Ganymede Jupiter III, then the solar system naming sysytem was abandoned then it switched to Ganymede after a Trojan Prince in Greek mythology.
  • Ganymede's core is made up of a metallic iron, next being a layer of rock, last a layer of ice.
  • Ganymede's surface is made up of two types of terrain, 40 percent a darker crater, and 60 percent a lighter crater.
Atmospheric Pressure

Ganymede's atmospheric pressure is 1.4 bars.

  • Daytime- Tempatures during the daytime var between -171*F-297*F.
  • Nighttime- Temperature in the nighttime are approximately -315*F.
Time it Takes for sunlight to reach Ganymede

It takes about 43 minutes for the sunlight to reach Ganymede.


Atmospheric difference than earth

Ganymede is made up of very little oxygen, water vapor, water, and ice. Earth is made up of mostly nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. In order to live on Ganymede we would use a greenhouse to grow plants because give oxygen.

This would be our homes made out of rocks.
This could be a government house.

Earth has an atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psi, and Ganymede has a pressure of 1.4 bar. In order to live on Ganymede we would probable need pressure suits.

Difference in sunlight arrival and length of day

It takes about 8 minutes for sunlight to reach Earth, and it take about 43 minutes for sunlight to reach Ganymede. The difference between Earth and Ganymede being about 35 minutes. In order to provide sunlight for our colony we will use about 35,000 solar panels to provide energy for the colony.


In order to help grow our plant we will use a greenhouse, the greenhouse will also provide some warmth.


In order to provide power for electricity we will use batteries to store the power or energy.

By using batteries and solar panels we could run many heating systems. In order to make Ganymede saustainable to live on we would need about 1 million heaters.

Difference between length of day

Earth's leng h of one day is 24 hours and Ganymede's length of a day is 171.6 having a 147.6 hour difference.

Surface difference 

On Ganymede the surface consist of a large body of water, rocks, ice, craters, highlands, and Maria. Earth has plants, water, rocks, dirt, plateau, plains, mountains, and more.

Presence of water

Ganymede has a large ocean discovered by NASA which has more water than Earth has so it will be pretty easy to provide water for our colony. Earth also has many types of oceans, lakes, and rivers.

Weather differences

In Ganymede the weather occurrences can be sleet, hail, and snow and really cold weather being -275 degrees F. On Earth the weather can be rain, sunny, snow, hail, and sleet, and weather being 20-100 degrees F.


Created with images by skeeze - "milky way andromeda stars" • Sharada Prasad - "Water carving the ice" • Eric Vanderpool - "erics solars systems" • capt_tain Tom - "DSC_1010" • davidwilson1949 - "20120706 Hot Weather" • PublicDomainPictures - "sun set sunset" • Eva Luedin - "Ocean" • technicolor76 - "water drops"

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