"Somewhere in the world of college football, there might be a more beautiful place where young men can pull on their uniform and play an autumn game, but right now, it is impossible to imagine such a thing."

- John Lopez, Houston Chronicle

Named in honor of Dennis Michie, who started the football program in 1890 at the U.S. Military Academy, the stadium hosted its first game in 1924.

Voted a Top 10 College Venue by Sports Illustrated

Over 4,000 Cadets in attendance provides one of the best atmospheres in College Football

"There is nothing like being at Michie Stadium on the banks of the Hudson River with the leaves changing during the third weekend in October. The scenery is incredible. And how about the inspiration drawn from being at such a historic landmark? You see the statues of MacArthur, Patton and Eisenhower. Then on game day morning, you have the pleasure of witnessing the Cadet Parade. And how about when the cadets sing 'On Brave Old Army Team?' That is an unbelievable moment." - Mel Kiper Jr., ESPN

Football has amassed over 325 wins at Michie Stadium in 92 seasons

From the Beginning

The 1930s saw the addition of a press box and lights

The addition of the East Stands by Lusk Reservoir in 1962

New press box and upper deck were added in 1969

In honor of legendary mentor Earl "Red" Blaik, Army christened the Michie Stadium playing surface "Blaik Field" in 1999.

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