The Resurrection Dukes, william, jordan

Christ dying and rising is something huge that some people sometimes do not realize. When he did this he opens up the gates of heaven and raised the parishes souls to the home forever.

"May he rise again"

This historical event was so huge because the person who died, was perfect, he was the only person who would ever be perfect and when this happened he went straight to heaven and hell.

Jesus was taken fully into heaven leaving behind no body but rising to be seated at the right hand of the father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

Jesus' Ascension means that church becomes Jesus' Body on earth enabling Him to be present to all of the nations for all time.

The holy spirit is always with us and the church. Gods giving us a privilege to spread his word through the church and to let all the nations know of his name.

Created with images by Devanath - "ank cross spiritual" • PunkToad - "Grave Stones" • indy_bbw0 - "mary virgin religion" • Waiting For The Word - "Jesus Ascension to Heaven 54" • zoetnet - "church"

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