Plate Boundaries Project The plate boundaries are so interesting why not learn more about them and what they do to the shape of the earth.

There are many types of plate boundaries and crust stresses but the most common type of plate boundaries are convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries. the most common type of crust stresses are screetch, tension, and compression. Lets move on to the Convergent boundaries first.

Convergent Boundary

Convergent plate boundaries are plate boundaries moving towards each other. The stress that convergent boundaries put on each other is compression. the landforms they have are trenches, mountains, and volcanoes. Heres an image of the Mariana trench in the pacific ocean.

This is The Mariana Trench in the pacific ocean. where crust is being destroyed.
This is Mount Everest in the Himalayas. here the crust is not being destroyed it's only being raised to high reliefs.

Mt Etna erupted ejecting lava one Kilometer into the air. this event happened on December 5th 2015. the effect on local inhabitants was devastating, because this never happened before and they want a home where they can live in harmony.

Mt Etna erupting with magma turning into lava and lightning.
Divergent Boundary

Divergent boundaries are when the plates move further and further apart as time goes by. the type of stress this puts on plate boundaries are tension. The landforms this type of boundary has are rift valleys and mid ocean ridges.

This is The Great African Rift Valley. this will eventually break Africa in two. this is a divergent boundary in the continental crust.
This is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It only makes 5 inches of new crust a year.

There has been an earthquake in Afghanistan. the effect still continues on today as death tolls rise on local inhabitants in Pakistan. this earthquake happened on October, 25th 2015.

Damage caused by the Earthquake in Swat, Pakistan.
Transform Boundary

Transform boundaries are the most interesting of all. they have the movement to which they move past each other. they have the stress of sheering to which is the hardest type of stress to demonstrate. The landforms these boundaries can show are faults. the most famous of them all is the San Andreas fault.

Here it is the San Andreas fault. isn't it beautiful?

There has been an Earthquake in Haiti on January, 12th 2010. it was twenty five miles west of Port-au prince/ Haiti's capital. My mom went in the year 2014 to work on helping with the rehabilitation of victims of the earthquake. She was only there for two weeks but it was good for her overall health to not stay there for two months. Which triggered my new movement of International travel. as you can tell the effects on local inhabitants continued for six years now and the local inhabitants lost their abilities and were not able to recover without our help because they are so poor. Now that i am 14 years old i could go to Haiti, but maybe at a later time in my life i shall go there.

Heres the damage caused by the Earthquake that prolonged our day/ prolonged some people's nights by 1/2 a second. Which is tourturous to us young people, but not tourturous to older people.

Well this concludes my project. the plate boundaries are more interesting than i thought they would be. Thank you everyone for viewing this project and have a great day and weeks to come everybody.

P.S. Everybody please expect the unexpected with these plates. do plenty of drills and mental preparedness for the future of disasters with these plate boundaries around us.

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