The Choctaw people By:braeden sorensen

The Choctaw people would usually eat corn, squash, potatoes, pumpkins, and melons that they harvest. They would hunt for deer, bears, rabbits, squirrels, and beavers for meat. They would also hunt wild turkeys and other birds, they would go to near by streams and fish. The Choctaw people would eat fruits and berries from the forests.
In a Choctaw family their are two parents and two kids, usually a mom, dad, and two kids but their can be more than that in a Choctaw family. In a Choctaw family all the people have jobs The men were farmers, Warriors, fishermen, traders, and tribal leaders. The women were responsible for house hold, chores, caring for the children, tending the crops, and storing and preparing the foods. The Choctaw children would Colelect water, firewood, or gathering nuts and berries, the girls would help their mother and older sisters.
The Choctaw men would where breechcloths mostly mad from deerskin. During the winter the men wore deerskin leggings and a shirt. The women wore a long dress and deerskin shaws. The children wore smaller versions of the audults clothing. During the summer the Choctaw people did not where shoes.
Choctaw villages were located near rivers and streams. They had walls protecting the villages from enemies. Each village had two or three hundred houses. The houses were made of wood, thatch, and bark. Each Choctaw family usually had two houses. The summer houses were usually made of loosely woven mats.
The Choctaw people would celebrate birthdays and special holidays. They would also Dance to music.

Source 1 book/. The Choctaw by Sarah de capua. Source 2 website/ source 3 website/ Wikipedia Choctaw.

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