Welcome to the first BrELT Pronunciation Week! The BrELT moderation team would like to thank all the speakers that so kindly devoted their time and effort to our cause.
February 26 at 09:30 PM
Pronunciation Teaching in the YL Classroom
Regular pronunciation work with young learners will benefit their listening, vocabulary, fluency and even the development of their literacy. For many YL teachers the challenge can be deciding what areas of pronunciation to start with and how to build it into their curriculum. This talk will present a variety of ways in which pronunciation can be taught as an integrated part of what most of us are already doing. Together we will look at some practical ways to use songs, rhymes, chants, drills and our teacher talk to improve the pronunciation of our young learners.
Claire Venables spent a decade teaching in Europe where she obtained her Trinity DipTESOL at Oxford TEFL. She has a wide range of experience as a teacher, teacher-trainer, Director of Studies and materials writer. However, her true passion is teaching English to young learners. Since moving to Brazil in 2011, she has been involved in the creation and implementation of language programmes in schools, teaching training courses, and is an active member of the National English Teachers’ Association (BRAZ-TESOL). She is a board member of two special interest groups (VOICES for Women and Young Learners and Teens) and the Director of Active English.
February 27 at 09:30 PM
Teaching pronunciation to improve students’ listening skills
Why do you teach pronunciation? If your answer to this question was "to improve students' speaking skills", I'd say I only agree with you up to a point. In this webinar, I will make a case for teaching pronunciation to improve learners' listening skills, and will then give you some practical ideas on how to prepare pronunciation lessons aimed at making students more effective listeners.
Higor Cavalcante is a teacher and teacher trainer based in São Paulo/SP. Higor has been in ELT for going on 20 years and has vast experience in preparation for exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, and especially CAE and CPE for teachers. He holds, among others, CPE, CELTA, DELTA modules 1 and 2, and he's currently working on his DELTA module 3 on language development for teachers (LDT). His main interests in ELT involve extensive reading, phonology and (LDT), and he travels extensively to speak at teaching conferences on these and other topics. Higor is the first vice president of BRAZ-TESOL (he will be president as of 2019), and he's the author of Inglês para professor, published in 2015 by Disal Editora. His new book, Inglês para professor 2, will be published in 2018, also by Disal Editora. He is currently doing the trainer-in-training preparation to become a CELTA tutor as of February 2018, as well as considering an MA TESOL from the second semester of 2018.
February 28 at 10:00 PM
We had a BrELT Chat mediated by BrELT moderators to discuss hands-on ideas and techniques to be used in class with young learners, teens and adults.
We encouraged participants to use #pronYL #pronTEENS #pronADULTS to categorize the techniques.
March 1 at 09:30 AM
5 reasons why pronunciation must be included in your lessons
It’s common knowledge that many EFL teachers shy away from pronunciation work for a number of reasons. In this talk, I will share 5 of the reasons why pronunciation work is essential in English lessons, and participants will also be invited to share their experience referring to their own teaching contexts.
Catarina Pontes is an Academic Coordinator at Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo. A DELTA holder, she has been involved with English Language Teaching, Teacher Training, Course Design, and International Exams for several years. She is an ICELT tutor, has contributed to ELT publications, and presented at international conferences. She is the current president of Braz-TESOL’s São Paulo Chapter, and the incoming coordinator of IATEFL’s Pronunciation SIG. Catarina is also the co-author of “Getting into Teacher Education: a Handbook”.
March 2 at 05:00 PM
Pronunciation is in everything – even grammar!
The phonemic chart is laid out geographically, like a map, in a way that shows learners and teachers how the sounds are made and where. We’ll look at how you can develop your confidence in phonology by using the chart, how you can help learners to correct and find new sounds by knowing what’s going on in your own mouth, and how you can integrate pron into everything. Simpler than it sounds, and more fun that you think!
Adrian Underhill Is a trainer and consultant, writer and speaker. He is author of Sound Foundations and his pronunciation chart was developed into an app for students and teachers, winning an industry award. He works with teachers and school leaders on developing ‘schools that learn’ and ‘intelligent’ school organisations. Adrian takes a holistic approach to teaching and teacher training.
March 3 at 02:00 PM
Pronunciation assessment: should we bother?
While pronunciation is finally starting to make its way back into the classroom after its decades long absence, its assessment is an area still treated with timidity, if at all. How should we assess our students’ pronunciation in the classroom, and more importantly, should we? This session aims to discuss the process of pronunciation assessment, the challenges it can bring, and offer some practical suggestions to support its implementation.
Gemma Archer holds a CELTA, Dip TESOL and a Master’s of Research in English Language and Linguistics and is the current editor of IATEFL PronSIG’s bi annual journal Speak Out! She has taught English in the UK, Ireland, Italy and the Middle East, but for the last seven years has been a teacher of English for Academic Purposes and pre-sessional coordinator at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. Her particular areas of interest are pronunciation for academia, English as a Lingua Franca, and regional accents, in particular Scottish Standard English.
March 4 at 10:00 AM
ELF awareness in pronunciation teaching
In this talk, I will explore what English as a Lingua Franca is and dispel some misconceptions about it. We will look at what ELF research tells us and how to make informed decisions when teaching pronunciation that do not revolve around native-speaker models. We will analyse the Lingua Franca Core how we can create an ELF- aware classroom and taking learners needs into account.
Thiago Veigga is a teacher, teacher trainer and materials designer based in Rio. He holds the Cambridge CPE, Delta module 1, a BA in Languages from UFRJ, a postgraduate degree in Media- Education and has worked in the ELT industry for over 14 years. His interests include teacher education, entrepreneurship and pronunciation instruction.
March 4 at 11:00 AM
Pronunciation teaching: going beyond ‘listen and repeat’
There’s much more to teaching pronunciation than ‘listen and repeat’. In this online workshop, I will briefly explain four very different kinds of pronunciation activity. I will then demonstrate how they work in class with one or two examples of each. This will be a very practical session, with fun ideas you can take straight into class!
Mark Hancock started teaching English in 1984. He's worked in Spain, Turkey, Brazil and the UK. He has published many pronunciation books, including Pronunciation Games (CUP 1995), English Pronunciation in Use Intermediate (CUP 2012) and PronPack 1-4 (Hancock McDonald ELT 2017). He also publishes pronunciation materials on hancockmcdonald.com and pronpack.com.