You are what you repeatedly do. -Aristotle
In other words, we are what we do out of habit. Habits are very powerful forces, shaping not only the decisions we make, but our motivations as well.
What could change in your life as a result of learning how to better manage your habits?
It's time to start asking "What if...?" What if you could improve a relationship? What if you could improve your performance at work? Learn a new skill? Finally get in shape? Insert dream here... what if you could FINALLY do it? And not just once, but from now on? And not just a little bit, but in a BIG way?
Truly! You can accomplish your goals... by developing new habits, and setting aside those habits that are holding you back. Simple, right?
So how do we do it... this tricky habit management?
The Rewire Retreat 2016.
This year’s Rewire Retreat is all about cultivating habits that grow and transform. We’ll first strive to understand our habits, and then we’ll learn to take action in order to grow the ones that serve the work we want to do in the world.
We’ll introduce you to the latest scientific findings on how habits work and give you some practical approaches to transforming them.
And we'll have a little fun while we do it.
So ask yourself... WHAT IF???
Join us.
Cultivate something new.
Be extraordinary.
September 21-23
Paradise Point Resort, San Diego, California
Registration: $1490.00
Created with images by srauscher1011 - "seedling seed plant"