the eight Studio Habits of Mind

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord. Colossians 3:23

The Studio Habits of Mind are a set of eight dispositions that an artist uses. The wonderful thing about these dispositions is that they offer a language for critical thinking that spans across every discipline (Rankine-Landers, 2015, para 1).

watch this video to learn about the Studio Habits of Mind

How can applying these eight Habits help you develop a work ethic like the one described in Colossians 3:23?


In this lesson you will investigate the eight Studio Habits of Mind. You will work together as a group to create posters describing the eight Habits. The posters will be displayed in the art studio as a reference for younger students.


paper, pencils, erasers, colored pencils, rulers, markers, sharpies

Check this out...


  • Review the eight Studio Habits of Mind (click the above button for a handout).
  • As a group brainstorm ideas for posters describing the Habits. The posters should contain the Habit, a description, and a graphic. Think about how the posters will look together and what will make them stand out. Should they all use the same color scheme, the same lettering, etc.?
  • Once you have made your decisions make sketches and critique your ideas. Make any necessary changes.
  • Work together to create your final posters.


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