
The Bahama beaches have sharks. There is a great chance that you will swim with sharks if you go to there beach. I want to swim with sharks.

The Bahamas have great hotels that are right by the beach. The hotels can be very luxurious. They have a great view.

A great place to go at the Bahamas is Atlantis. Atlantis is an ocean-themed resort on Paradise Island. I think that would be a great place to go to vacation.

The waters in the Bahama beaches are really clean and clear. If you go swimming you can see anything on the the ocean floor. its great to go swimming there.

The Bahamas is a great place to go snorkeling. The fish are really pretty. The Bahamas have great fish.


Created with images by neverzola - "diving dive nassau" • Unsplash - "atlantis bahamas island" • Bodyalive NJ - "Atlantis" • Diytexasdivorce - "ocean bahamas beach"


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