
Reception Class Spring Term 2 Learning journey

We are so excited to share our learning with you and celebrate the achievements and progress of our children in what has been a super half term.

Our team have been amazed with your reading, your progress is amazing. What’s made us so proud is your enthusiasm and excitement when you read and receive a new book,

You need to say a huge thank you to your parents for reading with you at home it makes a huge difference. Keep up the great work.

We started our half term in the first by celebrating World Book day..

Whose this character?

We talked about our favourite books and dressed as a book character.

One of our favourite storybooks.
A super non-fiction book.
We shared books which our characters was from.

Our literacy learning journey

Shrove Tuesday

First we was introduced to our poem.

Our poem about pancakes was performed in the dough area.

We made the pancake mixture, then cooked it with Mrs Bailey on the griddle.

We tasted different toppings and decided which were our favourite. Then we voted for our favourites and created a tally chart.

In the environment we wrote our own instructions to share with Nursery on how to make pancakes.

Following instructions

During science week we planted seeds. We followed instructions on how to grow a plant.

We sequenced the instructions.

We did our own instructions to share with others, we remembered to include what we needed and sequence the instructions in the correct order.

Traditional tales

Oh no look what happened in our classroom

We discussed whose the boots were and what had grown overnight in the classroom.

We created our own beanstalk in the creative area.
Look at the clouds up above.

The hook took us to the story of Jack and the beanstalk.

We collected words to describe the giant, then we drew pictures of the giant thinking about our descriptions.

Team work
Our morning tasks linked to our literacy and we did our own sentences about the hen and the golden egg.

We sequenced the story then read each part together.

The Enormous Turnip - Traditional tales

A new text map

We sequenced the events in the story and did some drawings of the people who pulled out the turnip in the correct order.

Our maths learning journey

Creating patterns

We did different patterns with body percussion.

We created our own patterns, our partner checked our patterns by saying the colours in the sequence.


We have been measuring using non-standard measures.

Which is the longest?

We enjoyed Science week.

We put the daffodils into jars. We introduced new vocabulary including stem, transports. leaves and petals.

We added red food colouring to the water to see what would happen.

We added red food colouring and made predictions about what will happen. and then observed the changes.

Look at what happened to the petals.

We planted beans and grass seeds.

We planted bean so we could see a beanstalk grow and grass to make our very own grass heads.

Look how much our grass heads have grown, the6 needed a trim. We used scissors confidently then tied bows in to practise our fine motor skills.

Caring for creatures

We created a wormery for our worms to come and stay.

We used information books to find out more about how to care for the worms.

Celebrating Easter

We enjoyed singing and performing actions to the song, Hot Cross Buns.

We talked about why we eat hot cross buns at Easter, because the cross reminds us of Jesus dying on the Cross.

We tasted hot cross buns.

We enjoyed making our eggs at home for the Easter end competition. In class we talked about why we give Easter eggs at Easter.

We made our Easter cards to celebrate Easter with our family.

We used our fine motor skills, when printing with cotton buds and matchsticks.

Spreading kindness

Red nose day

We played a Red Nose snap game, taking turns and being competitive.

We became super heroes helping others.

We bought our red noses and donated money to help people all around the world.

Thinking about everyone in Ukraine

We collected lots of items to send to the people of Ukraine, you were all so generous.

We tied yellow and blue ribbons around the fence to show we were thinking about the people in Ukraine.

Mother’s Day

We made our own Mother’s Day cards, it included a special message and picture of their mum.

We showed how confident we were when using a paintbrush showing good control.

Why do you love your Mummy?

What will we be learning next?

We will be finding out about our local area, London and Africa.

We will be learning about healthy eating, taking care of our teeth and why we need to exercise.

We will be developing our writing further.

We will be learning our number facts and building on our knowledge of numbers including subtracting facts.

We will look at different artists.

Thank you for al your support this half term, enjoy your Easter holiday and we will look forward to seeing you ready for our final term in EYFS.