Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement Audrey Mcdonough
Thesis statement
Racial profiling is a controversial practice that many law enforcement agencies are trying to eliminate from their daily procedures because leads to major conflicts between law enforcement and the people who believe they are being discriminated against. Despite all of the negative attitudes towards racial profiling, it is a very useful method in solving and preventing crimes.

Racial profiling is a technique used by law enforcement former many years. It is the practice of putting suspicion on a suspect based on their race, religion, ethnicity, and national origin. It has helped to catch thousands of criminal offenders and prevent crimes from drug deals to terrorist attacks. It is very controversial and many law enforcement agencies are trying to get rid of this as a basis for questioning people.

Racial profiling can help solve and prevent many crimes
It is a very effective tool used by most law enforcement agencies and allows police to focus on high areas of crime rate.

After the 9/11 attacks, Muslims have been extremely discriminated against. They are considered to be "terrorists" under the eyes of law enforcement. They are singled out with excessive surveillance due to the threat of terrorist attacks.

Many people believe that racial profiling only targets one race, but it is used to apprehend suspects if all races including whites, blacks, Asians, Latinos, and Muslims.

People are fighting to stop racial profiling because it is a discriminatory practice. They believe that law enforcement officials are using common stereotypes in order to apprehend suspects instead of real proof.

Many government and police organizations have said that racial profiling will no longer be accepted.

For cops, racial profiling is a useful tool that can help them apprehend criminals.

Racial profiling is a great method used by cops to help apprehend criminals. It should not be prohibited from use in law enforcement agencies due to all of the crimes it has helped stop and prevent.
