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Chase Brantley Varsity Football and Stuco

Chase Brantley, 11, dedicates most of his time to the varsity football team. "I love being on the football team because you are around these people every day, and you really start to build a good relationship with everyone because you work out with them. You have to rely on them to do their jobs so we win as a team, and you are with them all week – even on Saturday's when we come up to watch film. You also build a good bond with your coaches, and it is a good experience I wish everyone could have."

When Chase is not practicing with the team, he is at Student Council volunteering his time to give back to the school. "I decided to join StuCo because it would teach me a lot about leadership and will put me in the position to meet many influencers that work in MISD, but also to dedicate myself to being known at Legacy for more than my football skills. I want to be an approachable person that is a leader and someone who is always helping the community."

During football season, the football team goes to the weight room three times a week. On Monday and Tuesday they lift and Wednesday they do a team stretch. "My favorite thing to do in weight room is power cleans or squats. I like power cleans because it's not much about how strong you are, but it's about how much power you have and your technique. I also enjoy back squats because when we back squat we go heavy, so it's fun to see how much weight you can put on the bar and to see your improvements over time. The weight room is a place you can better yourself and work towards being better than the last time you were there."

Chase is number 44 on the football team. "I chose the number 44 because it has always been a family number and it was very important to me that I got it. I tried to get the number last year, but I came in late and somebody already had it. This year since I was going into my junior season, it was important that I got the number 44. I also considered number 13 since my dad wore that in college, but everyone on my mom's side wore 44, so it was very special to my family and I."

Chase and his friends frequently come show their support to all the different sports that play. In this photo, Chase, Max Harris and Isaiah Williams are at Legacy to cheer on the varsity volleyball team. "I like to go watch sports other than football in my free time. You should always be diverse when it comes to watching sports, specially those that you do not play. It is also important to support other clubs at your school so they do well, and so that they also support your organization."

On the homecoming game on Oct. 23, Legacy lost 45-21 against Red Oak. "After we lost to Red Oak on homecoming, I was disappointed and mad because we had been practicing and they just got the best of us. It is always frustrating when you lose a game to a district opponent because we know we need these wins to be able to make playoffs. Red Oak is a good team, and the game had a lot of frustrating moments because they ran certain plays and formations we have never seen on film before. Overall we just gave up too many long runs."

Chase also keeps up with his grades, and takes many AP classes to help prepare him for college. "I chose to do AP classes because I don't want to stay in the state of Texas for college. I am considering going to California or somewhere out of state. I have always put my academics before football because I am using football to get a degree and get into school, but it does not work the other way around. I have never been the smartest in the class, but I always do my work and try my best to get good grades."