
Get Started with the Sora app for Digital and Audio Books!

Access all the books in Cobb County Schools as well as the public library!

Follow the steps below:

1. Download the free Sora app from the Apple App store, Google Play Store or visit soraapp.com.

2. Click on Find my school. Type in Palmer Middle School.

3. Click Sign in using Cobb County School District.

4. Log in with Active Directory.

5. Enter student’s Office 365 credentials

Username: firstname.lastname@students.cobbk12.org

Password: computer password

Hit OK

You will see a variety of digital and audio books available from Cobb County Schools.

6. To see an expanded selection of books, connect to the Cobb County Public Library by clicking on the SORA menu in the top right-hand corner and select Add a Public Library. Type in Cobb County Public Library System.

Students can log in with the PASS credentials:

Username: lunch number

Password: 4-digit birthday “mmdd

Created By
Taylor Wickline