THREE MOBILE UK Social media engagement strategy

Aims of using Social Media for Engagement

  • Social media is relevant to a wide range of activity including interacting with customers, brand promotions, campaigning, dealing with complaints and queries and engagement. (Panagiotopoulas 2015)
  • Social gives power to the company and the consumers.
  • Social media means faster, richer, wider reaching communications.

Positives of Three's current engagement strategy

  • Showing their experts in the industry by giving advice to solve consumer's problems.
  • Recent use of SnapChat for keeping consumer up to date with industry events. This was timely communication and was relevant and showed Three to be at the forefront of the industry.
  • Dedicated team of employees answer social media queries quickly.
  • Humorous videos to make customers smile. This may cause them to think positively of Three and link the ideas of the feelings aroused from the video to Three.

Negatives of Three's Social Media Engagement

  • Three's official Twitter and Three's Support Twitter are both only open for restricted hours.
  • Three don't pose questions to their followers. Videos without encouragement or asking opinion doesn't lead to engagement. Engagement must be two way communication. (Barnett 2011).
  • Three are perhaps in some respects an example of when Barnett (2011) says that there are still companies who try to take a 'one way broadcast' approach to communicating with customers.

Recommendations for Facebook

  • Barnett (2011) says larger firms are more likely to listen and respond that start conversations.
  • Three should use its fun brand personality to ask its followers questions about their day to show they care, take an interest and start conversation flowing between the company and customer as well as customer to customer.
  • Social media is not for selling and customers have come to ask for advice or support. Therefore, Three should remove the 'Shop Now' link to their website. Instead they should move the 'chat' app to a higher position so it will be seen more easily or instead of sending you to a sale page, the blue button should send you to the contact form page.

Recommendations for Twitter

  • Brodie et al. (2013) state that co-creating is one of six things a brand can do to encourage consumers to engage. Engagement offers opportunities for consumers and companies to co-develop, co-create and add value. However, Three Support redirected a consumer to a form to fill in on their website. This is interaction, not engagement.
  • Three also failed to give a satisfactory and timely response in my given example. They also asked the customer to remind them what had happened. Three should keep record and check before speaking to a customer so they don't have to ask. This will make the customer feel special.

Ideas for the Future

  • Technology is moving so rapidly, Three need to think of the next social media and how they are going to exploit it to offer innovative and true engagement to consumers worldwide.
  • Use competitions to encourage followers to engage with your posts.
  • Three could use the #makeitright for customers to share ways they have lived by this motto in their daily life. This hashtag and future hashtags could be used to encourage consumers to talk about their lives as well as Three to talk about changes its making.

Any Questions?

Created with images by DariuszSankowski - "ios new mobile" • Book Worm Laser & Design - "Can You Etch It - Social media refrigerator magnets - Laser engraved" • the UMF - "Social Media v3" • FirmBee - "facebook social media media" • keiyac - "twitter - What are you doing?" • magicatwork - "Social Media"

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