Michael's Story
Having grown up in a Christian home, I knew going away to college that I wanted to get involved in a campus ministry.
When I got to George Mason as a student I immediately sought out Cru and instantly felt at home. Seeing students authentically living for Jesus, and desiring to make his name known, was so exciting to see and be a part of.
My time in Cru as a student challenged me beyond my comfort zone and I grew more in my faith in those years more than ever before.
Approaching graduation, I knew the Lord was calling me into full-time college ministry through Cru. To be able to give the best hours of my day pointing students to Jesus and how they can share him with others is a gift that I am blessed with every day.
Maggie's Story
During my freshman year of college at Slippery Rock University, Jesus captured my heart and my life has never been the same.
Over the course of the next four years, God transformed my life through a community of Christians who were involved in an organization called Cru. They taught me how to grow in my faith, as well as how to share Jesus with others.
As I approached graduation, my heart broke when I thought about my peers and all of the incoming students who didn't know Christ. I couldn't stand by and leave the college campus when I was faced with this reality. I knew that there was something I could do about it.
Since then, I have been serving with Cru as a missionary because there are new students every year on the college campus who don't know Christ. Who will tell them about Jesus? To which I respond, "Here I am Lord, send me."
Much of our ministry is on campus, alongside students as they go from class to class, from dinning hall to dorm. To be present on the campus is a reminder of all that the Lord has done, is doing, and will do as we come to Him in prayer.
Jesus has told us to go to all of the world and share the good news of the gospel, making George Mason University an incredible place to serve. The student population consists of students from all 50 states and 130 different countries, many of which are countries hard to reach with the gospel.
While we still desire to send people across the world, and to go ourselves, we also have an immense opportunity on campus in which the nations are coming to us. If we can continue to reach students with the gospel here, who could they tell about Jesus as they go back their home countries?
We often find ourselves asking, "What might God do as we are faithful to take the gospel to the students at Mason?" We don't know exactly, but it excites us as we press forward with expectation.
“Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” - 1 Thessalonians 2:8
As we have become a family of three and adjust to our new reality, it has forced us in many ways to slow down in a region that is burdened by busyness. With this new perspective, we've seen God's kindness as He is opening new paths of ministry. As we slow down and have to be intentional about our time spent with students, it has allowed us to see what it means to “share…our lives as well.”
A recent study shows that only 33% of young people feel deeply cared for by someone else, meaning that for students experiencing an epidemic of loneliness across their generation, a simple offer of dinner and bible study is actually a meal that could change them for eternity.
Knowing this reality, we are privileged to invite students into our home weekly for dinner, bible study, discipleship, and a place of reprieve and retreat from the stress of campus.
Cru is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ.
Our purpose is to help fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith, and sending them to win and build others.
Cru is a global ministry seeking to reach every student on every campus. We join in that mission as we seek to reach the over 40,000 students at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.
Bill Bright, founder and former president of Cru. often said this about the strategic nature of reaching college students, and we still believe it today.
The 3-5 years of time in college is a unique and critical time in a young persons life, and if we can reach them while they are here we believe there will be a resounding impact from our neighborhoods to the nations.
Partner With Us
We love that we get to continue to serve college students at GMU. The opportunity to do ministry together as a family has been a unique opportunity for us to connect with students as we meet with them on campus.
Whether we are meeting them on campus, or inviting them into our home, our desire is to see students reached with the gospel, enter into life-changing community, and sent out to make more disciples.
As we continue to meet with students, we invite others to join with us in what God is doing as ministry partners who will support us financially and in prayer.
We would be honored to meet with you, share more about our current financial need, and invite you to join our team of partners.
We have also found that even if people are not currently in a position to partner with us, they are often encouraged to hear about all that the Lord is doing on campus.
If you would be encouraged too and want to hear more, please let us know!
Email Us at: michael.crum@cru.org or maggie.crum@cru.org