What is it?
A lipid is an organic molecule. This means that it is made out of carbon atoms.
When was it discovered and by who?
In 1673, Tachenius Otto suggested for the first time that an acid compound is hidden in fats. After almost a century, in 1758, Poulletier de la Salle FP was the first to actually study a lipid.
What do they look like?
Molecules called lipids have long hydrocarbon chains that determine the way they act. They can be fats, oils, or hormones, and even exist in our cell membranes.
What does it do for your body?
Your body uses fats as a supply and store of energy: a gram of fat contains more than double the amount of energy present in a gram of carbohydrate.
How is it used?
Lipids play many important roles in your body, from providing energy to producing hormones. You wouldn't be able to digest and absorb food properly without lipids. Of course, eating more fat than you need can lead to weight gain, but in proper amounts lipids are a healthy part of your diet.
Where does it come from?
Lipids are molecules that can be extracted from plants and animals.