Human Cruelty The BoundleSs by Kenneth Oppel

The Boundless by Kenneth Oppel is about a boy named Will who wonders about this endless train full of magic and mystery. Will goes on adventures and murderous men on his tail with strange beasts outside lurking around. One act of human cruelty is when Brogan beats up Will because he wants the key he has but Will runs away. Will is captured by one of Brogan men. Brogan starts to beat up Will because he wants the key. When Will was getting beat up he escaped and ran into the forest to hide then jumped on top of the train but brogan saw him and followed. Then Brogan was chasing will jumping over carts. This affects Will because he doesn't know who to trust.

Another example of human cruelty is when brogan starts choking Will. Brogan and his men are in the train cart which Will is hiding in. Brogan went searching for Will turning over things to try to uncover where Will is. Then Brogan finds him and starts choking him to death. All of a sudden there is a loud noise the door opens and here comes in a huge Sasquatch 7ft tall. Brogan is holding Will up choking Will and is about to stab him. Then Brogan drops the knife in terror just starring at the beast Brogan lets go of Will in shock and runs. This affects the characters because now brogan might kill the Sasquatch so no one gets in his way of getting Will and he will go after Wills dad.

Music about human cruelty in my book

"Independence Day" by Gretchen Peters, this song is about a little girls point of view of what domestic violence is to her. In the song it talks about Independence Day which is also known as the 4th of July. The little girls dad is a alcoholic and he abuses his wife but she always acts like she is fine but inside she knows she is on the losing end. One day she had enough she lot her house on fire while her and her husband were inside to become free. The lyrics used are"They say he was a dangerous man/.../but daddy left the proof on her cheek/.../And I always seemed to get in the way". The lyrics apply to the book because Will was getting abused by brogan and Will knew he was losing . Brogan was a dangerous man because he killed a man. Every time brogan was trying to get the key that unlocks hidden treasures on the train Will would always get in the way of him getting what he wanted. Just as in the song, how the mom is being abused and wants to be free, Will also wants to be free from brogan and doesn't want to be beaten

Running Away". By midnight hour it's about A man who is female lover left him. He says the lyrics that he won't let her come back to him, he won't let her stay, he will keep on running and hide away. He is running away because his lover cheated on him. Some lyrics are " So I am running away,I'm leaving this place/.../And faster than you can follow me from this lonely place/.../I'll never let you find me". The lyrics "So I'm running away, I'm leaving this place" Will is running away from Brogan cause Brogan want the key that unlocks hidden treasures and Will has it. "And faster than you can follow me from this lonely place" Will is running faster and faster away from brogan until he can and rest for a while."I'll never let you find me" Will is hiding in the elephant cart until brogan passes.The lyrics apply to the book when will is running away from brogan. Will hides away making sure brogan doesn't find him. Will runs faster than Brogan making sure that he can't follow him. Will wants to run away without no more lies or running away and hiding.

Created with images by Alexas_Fotos - "fear woman stop" • Damian Gadal - "Little run away" • -Tripp- - "Running away..." • Raelene G - "Running away" • rihaij - "cat hiding place kitten" • LastBestPlace - "hiding" • Ian D. Keating - "Imminent Danger" • Unsplash - "acoustic guitar guitar musical instrument"

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