In these past 50 years or so Canada's population has changed rapidly from the intentional migrations and natural increase (the baby boom) after the World War II but have you ever wondered what Canada's population would be in 34 years from now in 2050. This presentation will explain about Canada's current and past immigration, demography, and first nations population, and it will also explain how Canada's immigration, demography, and first nations population would change in 2050 based on my own opinion and fact that I have researched about.
Canada has one of the world's largest immigration rate in the world and it's increasing rapidly over time, in 2006 19.8% of Canada's total population was immigrants and later it increased to 6,775,800 immigrants who represented 20.6% of Canada's total population throughout 2011 and with the recent events in Syria caused a lot of refugees to come to Canada, as of 4,Dec 2016 37,402 Syrian refugees have already settled in Canada. Currently 1 out of 5 people in the population of Canada is foreign-born. More than 200 ethnic origins were reported in the 2011 National Household Survey and it was declared that Asia (including the middle east) is Canada's biggest source of immigrants from 2006 to 2011. From between 2006 and 2011 Canadian immigrant population increased by 0.8% and 56.9% or 661,600 of that population came from Asia (including the Middle East). Most of the immigrants live near a international airport, near where many other people from the same religion or culture live there, or many people prefer to live in urban areas like Toronto rather than rural areas, so the provinces with the most populated immigrant population are (as shown in the second graph below) 1)Ontario 2)Quebec 3)British Columbia and Alberta.
I believe that the future immigration of Canada 2050 will certainly be different than the current immigration. The immigration has constantly changed in the past 50 years or so and is continuously changing/increasing in the present so if it stays on track then there will defiantly be a difference in the present immigration and the immigration of 2050. Experts believe that around 2030 deaths are expected to start outnumbering births because most of Canada's current population is in its 50s and 60s so by the mid 2030s the death rate would decrease causing the immigrant rate to increase and also the natural increase of the population is expected to decrease causing immigration to be the only growth factor in the Canadian population. And factors such as poverty, overpopulation, armed conflict/wars, social strife, political turmoil, and economic hardships can cause many more immigrants from Asia to migrate to Canada and one pull factor is that the Canadian government is looking for young skilled work to migrate to Canada to work and improve the economy because the young skilled worker population of Canada is low and is decreasing, by 2050 it will be at its lowest point if new immigrants won't migrate to Canada because many people can't have kids due to sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, Aids and many adults don't want to have kids because of factors such as education, cost, etc but the push factor is that if the young population of Canada starts to increase then the Canadian government font need more immigrants and would decrease the amount of immigrant to migrate per year.
Canadian Current Demography
Canada has registered a approximately 1% of average annual growth rate relatively high compared to all the G-8 countries and is rate is similar to of USA but this is due to strong immigration. During the last 60 years Canada's population has increased more than 20 million from 12.3 million in 1946 to 32.6 million in 2006 this occurred due to factors such as the baby boom after WW2 and high immigration rate but after the baby boom the natural increase of Canada's population because the birth rate of Canada is dropping at rapid state from birth rate of 3.81 children per mother in 1960 to a birth rate of 1.61 children per mother in 2010 this has caused the natural increase of Canada to only contribute 1/3 % in the population growth rate leaving 2/3 % to be depended on immigrating. The death rate has also been increasing over the past 32 years, it increased by 36% from 175,727 to 238,418 and the main factors that caused this are population aging and demographic growth.
Demography Prediction
In my opinion I believe that the Canadian population will have a difference in 50 years from now and the difference is that the population will be much larger than of now because the of the continuous immigration growth pre year because the recently promoted government of Canada (Liberal Party) decided to increase the immigration rate allowed per year and promises to bring 300000 more immigrant by the end of 2016 and follow on this promise and try to bring this many amount of immigrants every year but if the government decided not bring more immigrant in then the population will start to decrease because immigration is the more factors causing it to increase but if does not occur in the future then Canada will belong to a visible minority and one in four will be foreign-born. The vast majority (96%) of people belonging to a visible minority group from 2016- 2050. Due to the factor of immigration being the top factor of growth in human populations in Canada
In 2011, 851,560 people identified as First Nations and had represented 60.8% of the total Aboriginal population and 2.6% of the total Canadian population. 637,660 First Nations were reported being registered Indians, representing 74.9% of all First Nations, and 45.5% of the total Aboriginal population and 1.9% of the total Canadian population. The population increased by 232,385 people meaning 20.1% between 2006 to 2011. In 2050. The Native Indians have a substantially higher birth rate than us. I think this birth rate will continue to be the same because it is in their mind set no matter what to keep having 3+ kids. They are also having better health care from the Canadian government and more funding. Which means that their death rate will also continue to decrease so they will basically be a stage three community in 2050 with a rapidly increasing population.
Aboriginal Prediction
I believe that due to first nation people getting more Civil rights groups and more people standing up for them I think that the overall native Americans of Canada will get more rights and more healthcare for better living and increased population. I also believe that the First Nations will change in 2050 when the First Nations choose to pursue a higher education for a better life and employment which can be found in advanced cities. Therefore due to the reasons of education for First Nations Canada will have a change in 2050 towards its population because In 2012 only 72% of the population were high school graduates and it is predicted that In 2050 its expected that most of the First Nations in Canada should have a high school diploma meaning that if there's a increase in the amount of school enrolment taken by the First Nations then more of the aboriginals will have a stronger education to rely in the future meaning 2050.
In conclusion, Canada population will be much more different than it is right now because there are many factor that will cause it to decrease such as more death rate, and less birth rate but there are also many factor that will effect it to increase such as higher immigration rate, more aboriginal withe higher birth rate and it is predicted by many experts that the increase factors will over come the negative factors causing the population to in crease.