The element sodium
Sodium has an atomic number of 11, meaning sodium has 11 protons and electrons. Sodium also has an atomic mass of 22.990 amu, meaning sodium's protons, electrons, and neutrons add up to 22.990 amu.
Properties Of Sodium
Sodium is an alkali metal. Alkali metals are are all shiny, soft, highly reactive metals at standard temperature and pressure and readily lose their outermost electron. Sodium is a soft metal. Sodium is even soft enough that it can be cut with a knife. Sodium is also a very reactive metal, it even reacts to the water in the air. When the soft metal and air react the sodium turns white and chalky on the outside. However, when you cut the soft metal, you could see that in the inside it is shiny.
Sodium is reactive to the water in the air so people have to store in oil.
This video can show you how reative sodium can be with water.
Where Sodium Can Be Found
Sodium can be found in rocks and in the ocean, and it gives many old street lamps their yellow-orange glow. Sodium vapor is used in streetlights and produces a brilliant yellow light.
What Sodium Is Made Into On Earth
The most common compound of sodium is sodium chloride, which makes up common salt. It is added to food and used to de-ice roads in winter. Sodium carbonate, which is made to make washing soda, is also a useful form os sodium. Sodium is also used to make fish sauce, baking soda, and salted cod.