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D&I Digest 2020/2021 Quarter 3: A Space for All

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Stories of Us is an opportunity to share compassionate stories that build connections and inspire us to be and do more. Each of us has a story and everyone’s story matters.

Champions Place is the first shared living community for young adults in Roswell, Georgia. Designed with and for people with disabilities. In addition to providing community living, Champions Place provides year-round volunteer engagements, community outreach, and social activities through programs such as the Titan Community, a wheelchair sports team. With the help of Google assistive technology, Champions residents can live more independently in their new home. Learn More

Business school professor Amy Edmondson studies "teaming," where people come together quickly (and often temporarily) to solve new, urgent or unusual problems. Recalling stories of teamwork on the fly, such as the incredible rescue of 33 miners trapped half a mile underground in Chile in 2010, Edmondson shares the elements needed to turn a group of strangers into a quick-thinking team that can nimbly respond to challenges.

This film by Manoël Pénicaud was created for the touring exhibition Shared Sacred Sites (Lieux Saints Partagés) at the Museum Of Mediterranean And European Civilisations (Mucem) in Marseille. Othering and belonging, excluding or welcoming. This documentary highlights the shared of sacred space of Muslims and Jews where an annual Jewish pilgrimage takes place in a synagogue on the island of Djerba. “All worshippers enter the space in the same way one enters a mosque, by removing their shoes and covering their head. Yet, it is also true that Jews entered the Temple barefoot. The rituals in the synagogue have been described by Manoël Pénicaud as bringing Jews and Muslims together in their wish making, barely distinguishing between them." Source

Orlando-based Reverends Terry Pierce and Dr. Joel Hunter met in the aftermath of the tragic Pulse nightclub shooting. The tragedy pushed both to reconsider their individual biases and now the pair are close friends. The two unlikely allies encourage viewers to consider, "Why does it take a tragedy for us to come together?"

Connecting the Dots gives us a shared language to move forward together.

Having an Open Heart and building relationships take a foundation of trust. In this Soul Session Clip with Brené Brown she clarifies six characteristics of trust that influence all our relationships, BRAVING. Which of these could be barring you from true collaboration and connection? (Like this, READ her book Braving the Wilderness)

Boundaries: You respect my boundaries, and when you’re not clear about what’s okay and not okay, you ask. You’re willing to say no.

Reliability: You do what you say you’ll do. At work, this means staying aware of your competencies and limitation, so you don’t over promise and are able to deliver on commitments and balance competing priorities.

Accountability: You won your mistakes, apologize, and make amends.

Vault: You don’t share information or experiences that are not yours to share. I need to know that my confidences are kept, and that you’re not sharing with me any information about other people that should be confidential.

Integrity: You choose courage over comfort. You choose what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy. And you choose to practice your values rather than simply professing them.

Non-judgement: I can ask for what I need, and you can ask for what you need. We can talk about how we feel without judgement.

Generosity: You extend the most generous interpretation possible to the intentions, words, and actions of others.

Intergroup anxiety: the social phenomenon identified by Walter and Cookie Stephan in 1985 that describes the ambiguous feelings of discomfort or anxiety when interacting with members of other groups. Such emotions also constitute intergroup anxiety when one is merely anticipating interaction with members of an outgroup. Expectations that interactions with foreign members of outgroups will result in an aversive experience is believed to be the cause of intergroup anxiety, with an affected individual being anxious or unsure about a number of issues. Wikipedia

Othering: a set of dynamics, processes, and structures that engender marginality and persistent inequality across any of the full range of human differences based on group identities. READ more about this in article The Problem of Othering: Towards Inclusiveness and Belonging by John A. Powell and Stephen Menendian.

The County Spotlight is a peek into events and lives of our own. Widening our perspective and encouraging us into dialogue.

ERG Then and Now Q&A Panel Conversation

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) have played a vital role in advancing the work we do in our County and the communities we serve. They help support the County's strategic plan and help guide and inform our work from D&I to Live Well. This year our ERG Council played a significant role in helping us navigate much needed difficult conversations. The leadership that is shown by our everyday heroes did not get overlooked as our ERG Council received the Bravo Award from our CAO Helen Robbins-Meyer for the work that was done putting together the listening sessions. ERGs have not just been a core piece of the foundation for our Diversity & Inclusion initiative; they have been a source of community knowledge and connections. They are a pipeline for leadership and talent recruitment, a voice for underrepresented individuals and communities. In this conversation with founding and current ERG council chairs, we learn more about the ERGs’ history, how being apart of an ERG has helped their careers, and hopes for the future. ARTICLE

Here are some curated resources for diverse discoveries; browse at your leisure.


Kind World: A Serving of Compassion (12 min)

Hidden Brain: Creativity And Diversity: How Exposure To Different People Affects Our Thinking (38 min)

Armchair Expert: Michael Tubbs (1 hr) *this podcast includes language that could be offensive

Webinars & Learning Opportunities

TEDx MileHigh Impossible Transformations: How to Change Your Perspective

Countywide Learning Subscription to Diversity Inc Best Practices: Diversity Inc Best Practices is a subscription website that offers insights, best practices and case studies on diversity and inclusion management. Corporations, nonprofits, academia and government/military organizations utilize content on the website to help gain support-for and evolve their workplace diversity and inclusion initiatives. Activation Instructions


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