
Medical Care Policy Medical Care Policy - Version 1.1 - April 2022

Medical Care Policy - Version 1.1 - April 2022


Jurassik Bark Rescue acknowledges that it is their responsibility to ensure the wellbeing of the animals within their care. Jurassik Bark also acknowledges their responsibility to ensure all reasonable measures are taken so that the animals placed by Jurassik Bark do not pose any undue risk to the people or animals within our community's.

The following Medical Care Policy outlines the standard of Medical care to be provided to animals within the Jurassik Bark Program. These practices and protocols were developed in consultation with Veterinary medical professionals and referencing best practice guidelines.

1.0 New Intakes

Jurassik Bark will make every effort to obtain as much historical medical information as possible on all new intakes. However, in the case of some intakes no history may be available.

All new intakes will undergo a physical examination, health assessment and mandatory vetting as outlined below by a preferred registered veterinary clinic as timely as possible.

Mandatory vetting for all intakes into Jurassik Bark will include:

  • New intake health assessment & physical exam
  • Core Vaccinations
  • Parasite treatment
  • Disease testing for international intakes or animals from regions where severe infectious disease are endemic as determined by the treating veterinarian.
  • Spay/ Neuter (if medically able) or verification of such procedure if reported to be previously done.
  • Permanent Identification.

Beyond this mandatory vetting protocol, medical conditions that are causing pain or suffering as determined by the treating veterinarian will be treated to ensure animals are not in distress. Determination of these treatments shall be made by Jurassik Bark in collaboration with the treating veterinarian. Considerations for treatments will be done on a case-by-case basis taking into account positive outcome probability, availability of necessary resources, age of animal, quality of life.

Procedures not considered medically necessary (not affecting health, quality of life) may not be preformed by Jurassik Bark. Jurassik Bark reserves the right to determine if any additional treatments or procedures shall be done.

1.2 Core Vaccinations

All intakes who do not have proof of up-to-date core vaccinations will be vaccinated by Jurassik Bark unless medically unable as determined by the treating veterinarian.

Jurassik Bark recognizes the following as Core Vaccinations

  • Distemper
  • Hepatitis
  • Parainfluenza
  • Parvovirus
  • Rabies
  • Bordetella

Additional elective vaccines may be given based on the local/regional risks as determined by the treating veterinarian.

In the event that an animal is to young to achieve their full vaccination status prior to adoption Jurassik Bark will cover the cost of these remaining core vaccines at a partnering clinic as coordinated by Jurassik Bark. Should the adopter not be willing to transport to a partnering clinic Jurassik Bark Rescue will provide a credit to the veterinary clinic of the adopters choice at the time of the vaccine booking to the maximum amount of 80$ (see adoption contract for full details) the adopter will assume responsibility for any additional costs.

1.3 Parasite Treatment & Preventatives

All new intakes will be treated for parasites using a broad spectrum de-wormer as determined by the treating veterinarian. All dogs must be treated for roundworm and hookworm as these pose a zoonotic risk.

Any dog with diagnosed or suspected parasites will receive additional treatments for such.

Parasite prevention for parasites common to the region as recommended by the treating veterinarian will also be provided.

1.4 Spay & Neuter

All adult dogs will be spayed or neutered prior to adoption unless medically unable as determined by the treating veterinarian. In this case the adoption contract will be altered to require a no breed contract.

Puppies who are to young to be spayed/neutered prior to adoption will require a spay/neuter contract for the animal requiring it to be altered by a specific date, 6 months of age unless otherwise determined by the treating veterinarian. Adopters will receive a deposit from Jurassik Bark paid to the treating veterinary of choice for the appointment in to the maximum amount of 200$ (see adoption contract for full details) the adopter will assume responsibility for any additional costs.

Intakes that were reported to have underwent a spay or neuter prior to intake will undergo an exam to confirm this procedure was done. If the treating veterinarian is unable to verify by physical examination an ultrasound should done.

1.5 Permanent Identification

All dogs placed for adoption shall have a form of permanent identification. Microchipping is preferable but if unable tattoos may be used.

1.6 Infectious Disease Control

Any dogs displaying signs of contagious disease will not be placed with other animals and shall be evaluated by a veterinarian without delay.

If infectious disease is suspected or confirmed in an animal, the prospective foster or adopter will be notified prior to them receiving the animal into their care.

Animals suspected of being exposed to a case of infectious disease will require quarantine from other animals to be monitored for potential infectious disease. This quarantine will be equal to the maximum incubation period of the disease of concern.

Animals with confirmed cases of infectious disease will be quarantined and treated according to a plan implemented by the treating veterinarian.

1.6.1 Infectious disease control - international Intakes

The risk of infections disease in dogs increases when animals come from areas with high rates of disease, from areas with poor animal welfare or have a history lacking preventative measures such as regular treatments or vaccinations.

In an effort to reduce the risk of infectious disease when importing dogs from other countries Jurassik Bark requires the following;

  • Dogs shall only be imported from groups that have proven to have responsible vetting practices.
  • All animals being imported by Jurassik Bark shall be in the care of the originating group, not living on the streets and must have received all core vaccinations, including rabies for no less than 30 days before planned travel date.
  • All animals imported shall be treated with a broad spectrum de-wormer prior to transport
  • All animals should undergo a 4DX snap or local equivalent testing. Additional testing for diseases present in country of origin.
  • All animals must have veterinary records that support the above prior to transport and a health check prior to transport
  • Any animals who have tested positive or suspected to be parvo positive will be imported for at least 60 days since clinical symptoms have resolved.

Upon arrival to Canada Jurassik Bark will:

  • All international intakes will undergo a health check including 4DX testing upon arrival
  • Dogs origins will be disclosed to the treating vet for determination if any additional testing or treatments should be done.
  • Repeat vaccinations as needed
  • Any dogs with suspected illness will be quarantined
  • All international imports will be required to remain in a foster "intake hold" for no less than 2 weeks from arrival before being made available for adoption.
  • International intakes will not be placed into homes with individuals with increased health risk (young, elderly, immune compromised)

1.7 Zoonotic Disease

Zoonotic diseases are those transmissible from animals to humans (and vice versa) and include various viral, bacterial, parasitic, and fungal infections. Common zoonotic diseases found in dogs include:

  • ringworm.
  • salmonellosis.
  • leptospirosis.
  • Lyme disease.
  • campylobacter infection.
  • Giardia infection.
  • cryptosporidium infection.
  • roundworms.

All animals with suspected or known zoonotic diseases will be treated without delay according to a plan implemented by the treating veterinarian.

Animals with known or suspected zoonotic diseases such as parasites must not be placed into any homes with other animals, young children or immune compromised individuals.

All cases of reportable zoonotic diseases will be reported to the appropriate health authorities.

Medical Care Policy - Version 1.1 - Approved April 2022

