
Team-Based Communication Uofn masters degree

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Team-Based Communication Seminar:

We offer a 6-week Orientation course that is fully online and the cost is $200. It will run from April 25 – June 3, 2022. It will include content from each of the modules of the Master’s content. So we will cover...

The Trinity, Community, and Communication

Technology, Communication, and Research

Intercultural Communication

Team-based Culture, Leadership, and Consensus

We will also give primers on APA and academic writing, research and reading as a part of the coursework with a topical research paper to complete the course. It is a stand-alone course but also a recommended taster of the content, typical work-load and experience of what to expect from the full 2 year Masters degree.

“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together” - African proverb.

The University of the Nation’s GENESIS Centre and College of Communication offer this course in three languages - English, Spanish and Portuguese.

MA in Team-based Communication:

The UofN Master of Arts in Team-based Communication is a new program created for Youth With A Mission staff in leadership communication roles, who have been in YWAM at least five years, and who have some academic experience. Are you a people developer and team leader who wrestles with questions of team-based culture? This degree may be for you!

Sept 2022–June 2024

Contact us or Apply Now!

4 Modules

Two years of Study Together

Topics include teamwork and decision-making in the midst of diversity, supervisor and peer communication, and the influence of technology on communication. We are looking for those who desire to grow in leadership communication understanding and practice, while still active in serving others through the ministry roles they have.

The program is 22 months long, including intensives embedded in each of the four distance learning modules. Candidates engage an online platform at least weekly, responding to assigned readings and discussing course content as they integrate new insights with past experience. Master's level research and writing builds through the coursework and culminates in a final capstone or thesis project.

Module 1

The Trinity, Community, and Communication

(Sept 19, 2022 – Feb 10, 2023)

Residential Intensive: Oct 20 – Oct 28, 2022, Cartagena, Colombia

What principles of team-based communication are implicit in the biblical doctrine of the Trinity? In what way is the incarnational ministry model of Jesus a model for communication? How do these apply in our contexts today? This module looks to lay a foundation that starts with who God is, integrating an introduction to the academic study of communication theory, within the context of practicing missional Christian community.

Module 2

Technology, Communication, and Research

(Mar 13, 2023 – July 28, 2023)

Residential Intensive dates: April 20 – April 28, 2023, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This module explores implications of technological development on team-based communication, specifically for us as a global movement committed to engaging the emerging generation. Where are current trends taking us? What changes are we advised to make? This module also introduces communication research, and aims to start candidates on an empirical research strategy toward the thesis or capstone.

Module 3

Intercultural Communication

(Aug 28, 2023 – Jan 26, 2024)

Residential Intensive dates: Oct 26 – Nov 4, 2023. Santiago, Chile

This module considers intercultural dynamics in a global movement. How does our culture of origin affect the way we define what good teamwork and good communication looks like? What is our ideal of community? How do we handle our differences? How might we better leverage our diversity as strength rather than as a challenge to overcome?

Module 4

Team-based Culture, Leadership, and Consensus

(Feb 19, 2024 – June 28, 2024)

Intensive dates: June 21 – June 28, 2024. Contagem, Brazil

This module considers how our movement’s culture shapes us and how we can shape it, the influence of context on what healthy leadership communication looks like, and the pursuit of consensus in decision-making across differences of culture, conviction, and gender. How does our diversity reflect the image of God and protect us from ourselves?

Requirements for Participation

Successful completion of Discipleship Training School, and a minimum of five years participation in YWAM/UofN, including time spent as a student. A Bible Core Course or equivalent is required, or can be arranged for online. Bachelor's degree or equivalent (exceptions to this requirement are still encouraged to apply and will be considered on an individual basis). Candidates should expect to give at least 15 hours a week for the duration of this course.

Location(s) – pending confirmation

We expect to offer residential intensives in South America. To be confirmed.


The total price including course registration, tuition, and the food and housing for the on-site intensives. Based on applicants' nation of passport identity, Category A pays $6200 USD ($300 registration + $1475 per module), Category B pays $3900 USD ($300 registration + $900 per module), and Category C pays $2900 USD ($300 registration + $650 per module). The application pro­cess is completed with the payment of USD 300. The remainder is to be paid in four payments, one per module. Airfare, airport transportation, and textbooks are not included.

Questions and Application

Please email matbc@uofn.edu and let us know how we can help answer your questions and send you the link to the online application.

Feedback from Graduates:

When I was first made aware of the MATBC, I was in a season of realizing the importance of further education but unsure if I had the ability to complete a Masters. Sharing with several people who knew me, including fellow YWAMers and with Glenn, I began to sense that God was extending me an opportunity to be challenged and grow.
The cohort became a true community. Though meeting only once in person before the pandemic began, the depth of connection, support and camaraderie spiritually, mentally, emotionally and relationally was incredible. We continue to stay connected beyond our graduation.
While holding to a high standard of excellence, setting challenging bars both academically and personally the staff were incredibly supportive and encouraging. They lead from amongst us as a mutual learning journey.
I knew that my commitment to the Masters was significant and thus had to be integrally linked to my present ministry journey. It was. In fact, so much so that I found that the reading, assignments and my own research regularly fed directly into my work on many levels. My capstone project literally was part of my ministry and created a platform for some crucial next steps.
I continue to deeply thank God for challenging me with this opportunity and cannot imagine the last 2 years, my present work and most significantly my own holistic development without this cohort and the MATBC context.
- Tim

Glenn Martin / Aleck Cartwright

Director / Co-Director

MA in Team-Based Communication

College of Communication & GENESIS Centre


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