



EDITORIAL NOTE...You can click on any picture or article to enlarge it.


rabbi randy sheinberg

The Benefits of Differentiating Time

  • As I write these words, we are in the midst of a time of counting. During this period between the holidays of Passover and Shavuot, known as Counting of the Omer, we count each day of the 49 days leading up to the time of revelation, the time when the Jewish people had an encounter with The Holy One on Mount Sinai and received the Torah as a sign of our everlasting covenant.
  • This year, I have been particularly grateful for the ritual of counting each day. While we are here in our homes and still facing the strain of living in the time of a pandemic, many of us still not yet ready to resume our normal routines and while we still wait for word that our Temple home is ready to reoccupy, it has been good to have a structure and a discipline. It has been good to have a way to differentiate time when so often it feels like the days blur one into the next.
  • The ritual of counting also serves another purpose. It reminds me to pay attention to and give thanks for all the blessings that surround me. For even in this time of a pandemic, the displacement for our Temple family and this time of trouble and disruption for our nation and the world, there are many blessings to be counted.
  • This year, new babies have been born, bringing joy and hope to parents, siblings and grandparents. This year, new love has been found and sanctified in engagement and marriage. This year, graduations have happened and milestones of all kinds have been celebrated.
  • And just as we have had blessings in our personal lives, we have also had blessings as a community. We have been extremely fortunate to have had neighboring Jewish communities open their homes to Temple Tikvah in our time of need. We are so grateful to Lake Success Jewish Center, Temple Judea of Manhasset, and Shelter Rock Jewish Center for providing space for us to study and worship. If there is a silver lining to the flooding of our building, it is the friendships we have forged with these and other local communities, including North Country Reform Temple of Glen Cove and Beth El of Great Neck. We are excited to continue to deepen these relationships in the coming year. We plan to collaborate on a variety of programs and celebrations so that we can magnify the meaning and joy for us all.
  • One of the greatest joys of the past couple of years has been the opportunity for me to partner with Cantor Erik Contzius. He has brought innumerable blessings to Temple Tikvah. His professionalism, his technical know-how, his boundless energy, and endless creativity - not to mention his beautiful voice and musical leadership. It has been a real privilege to work side by side with him, to count him as a colleague and a friend.
  • Blessings abound for Temple Tikvah in our leadership - our committee chairs, our Sisterhood and Brotherhood leaders, our Executive Board, and our Board of Trustees. All of you have kept Temple’s activities going strong under difficult circumstances this year. And then of course there is our President, Andrea Comerchero and our Executive Vice President, Lisa Lupo. You have faced any number of challenges with grace, perseverance, professionalism, grit, and confidence. I am so grateful that Lisa is stepping into the role of President and that Andrea will continue to serve on the Executive Committee as Immediate Past President. I hope you feel the deep appreciation of your Temple Family.
  • An account of Temple Tikvah’s blessings would be incomplete without thanking the person responsible for the publication you are now reading. Alene Schonhaut, our editor works tirelessly each month to keep us informed, educated, delighted, and connected. Thanks to her dedication and passion, we have remained close to one another even when we have not been able to see each other in person. What a gift!
  • The counting of the Omer ends on a climactic note, as the people gather at the base of Mount Sinai and together hear God’s word. Temple life is a bit more complicated. We still do not know the date when this pandemic will end, or when we will be able to worship together in our own sanctuary. Yet let us remember that those days ARE coming. Meanwhile, let us keep counting and creating, our blessings along the way.

Let us appreciate the gift of this special Temple Family and count onward and upward to another rich and full year.


Temple President

andrea comerchero

It Has Been an Honor and A Privilege

  • Four years ago, when I accepted the job of Executive Vice President I was excited, nervous, and overwhelmed yet most of all proud. Proud to be included in a long line of amazing leaders before me. Proud to be presented with the challenge of supporting and leading this beautiful community. Proud that you all chose me to do the hardest, most rewarding job I have ever done (besides being a Mom.)
  • As I reflect on my presidency I am reminded of our wonderful accomplishments. We have a vibrant Religious School, our Lifelong Learning and Social Action Programs continue to bring us exciting and intriguing learning opportunities, and our Brotherhood and Sisterhood continue to plan fun and engaging activities for everyone to participate in. It has been difficult I know, with COVID and Hurricane Ida our resilience has definitely been tested. However, through all of it we have stood together, worked together, and grown together.
  • Looking ahead, we will be faced with more challenges and I am confident that these changes will make us stronger. The road may seem long, yet I know that our community will continue to stay together, work together, and grow together.
  • I just want to take a moment to express my gratitude - To Marie, Tony, Julio, and Carlos…Thank you for taking care of our home. All of you make sure everything is taken care of so we can “live” in a building we all call our home. • To the past presidents…Thank you for your advice, sharing your experiences, and always being there when I had questions or just needed to talk through something. • To the Board of Trustees…Thank you for always working towards a common goal with me in doing what is in Temple’s best interests. • Sandy…Your tireless work on all things Temple cannot go unmentioned, and your continued help and dedication needs to be recognized…I could not do any of my work without your help…I am grateful for you! • Lisa…Thank you for being my right hand (and sometimes my left too.)…Thank you for always listening and working through all things good and bad with me...You have been my saving grace on so many occasions and I could not have asked for a better partner for the last 4 years. • Rabbi…Your invaluable advice and ear have helped me make some of the hardest decisions and some of the most important decisions throughout my tenure; for that and for your unending love of Temple, I am eternally thankful. • To My Family…Most of all my husband, Marc…your support through this endeavor is what got me through. I could not have done this job without you. • And to The Entire Congregation…To all of you - Thank you for trusting me, supporting me, and for standing by me. I have said this before and I will say it again, this has been a labor of love for me. I have taken the job seriously and I will continue to always do what is in Temple’s best interest.

Thank you!



Education Director


Todah Rabah!

  • It has been a challenging year. We started with a hurricane and holding classes in our parking lot. We thank Shelter Rock Jewish Center for their support in giving us a temporary home for our school. Covid also continued to affect our school, as it has affected our lives in many ways.
  • Thanks to our wonderful staff, parents, and Temple community our children continued to learn about the Holidays, Jewish customs, the Holocaust, Hebrew and our seven middot (values): • Teshuvah - Repentance, saying you are sorry • B'tzelem Elohim - Honoring the image of God in ourselves • Gevurah - To behave with courage and moral strength • Achrayut - Responsibility to individual people, society, and the environment • Hakarat Hatov - Gratitude, not to take things for granted • Koach Hadibbur - To appreciate the power of speech • Shalom - Completeness and peace here and in Israel.
  • We had “special times” every week where students learned about Jewish music, got to “Ask the Rabbi,” enjoyed holiday crafts and games, and read age-appropriate books about the Holocaust. Our students also learned the meaning behind our Hebrew prayers and were individually tutored in Hebrew, where most made huge progress in being able to read Hebrew fluently! Furthermore, as always, we held special holiday programs for Chanukah, Purim, Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot/Simchat Torah and Tu B’Shevat.
  • We really did a lot, and again thanks to Andrea and Lisa who helped make Shelter Rock Jewish Center our temporary home. Thanks to Brotherhood and Sisterhood for their support and providing safety for us on Sundays.
  • Upcoming Events: Friday, June 3rd at 7:00pm - Family Shavuot Service & Consecration of new students

Look soon for information from Cheryl on some upcoming summer family events that we are planning….Wishing everyone a restful and healthy summer filled with family, fun, and sun.

*Lego Jerusalem day




Blocks are to Build as Strength is to Strides

  • As a parent we spend a lot of time looking back and reflecting on how much our children have grown. It is so easy to lose track of time. Our tots seem like they will be that age forever, and then we blink and they are learning to drive a car, going off to college, getting a first job or even starting their own young family. We pause and think, “Where has the time gone?”
  • However, in those moments of reflection, we can gain such clarity. We might realize that problems, such as getting our tot to try a new food or use the potty for the first time or tending to a scraped knee, were not as big as we thought they were. We learn that the challenges our children faced served them well and they grew stronger and wiser.
  • Similarly as a Temple Community, we have faced so many challenges this year - from COVID variants coming and going to guidelines forever changing to a flood which decimated our sacred space. May we pause to reflect and realize the strides we have made this year. Our group of young families continues to grow and we found ways to get together safely in person and enjoy each other’s company.

Let Us Continue to Move from Strength to Strength in the Year Ahead

*Sunday, may 1st 2022


Director of Youth & Family Engagement:

cheryl stern

Elul 5781 – Tammuz 5782

  • Another amazing month has come and gone here at Temple Tikvah. We kicked off last month with an amazing Lego Jerusalem Program! Watching everyone build, create, and work together was a wonderful, educational, joyous experience. Please see the collages Alene created throughout the Religious School Section of this newsletter of the pictures Lisa and I took from this event. What beauty, imaginations, and punims!
  • In May we also participated in a Beautification Program that was held with Common Point Queens at their location in Douglaston. Temple Tikvah helped with planting gardens around the pool and playground areas, as well as building flower beds. A fun time was had by all! It was a great way to give back to our community and prepare for the warm weather ahead of us when we can be outside having some fun in the sun.
  • A Salute to Israel Celebration took place to conclude Religious School this year. We sang, danced, and ate falafel. We thanked our teachers and volunteers, and most importantly reflected on all the things we learned about over the past year. And what a year it was: We decorated our synagogue’s Sukkah; held a Selichot Program; held several Havdallah Family Nights; celebrated Tu B’Shevat; learned about Mindfulness; held Teen Program Events with Common Points Queens; and participated in and watched a few Mainstages Events/Performances.
  • Over the summer we are looking forward to more events. We are working on a bowling event, another drive-in movie night, and of course a party or two in our parking lot...I wish everyone a wonderful safe, and happy summer!


*A family program










Hello Everyone!

  • In keeping with this month’s theme…Looking back and reflecting - Let’s see if this story sounds familiar: We have reached June of 2022. Lots has happened in the world since Covid debuted here in New York in March of 2020…Two years and three months ago.
  • However, just before the pandemic arrived in February of 2020, our family took a trip to Portland, Oregon. First we heard that things would be moving forward, and then that our everyday lives might be a little skewed.
  • At this time, NO masks were worn on planes, but the food trays were disinfected before they were used. No coffee was given on planes, and only packaged snacks and drinks in a can were available. As a matter of fact, what was a mask??? Life in Portland looked fairly normal except, every now and then we would see people NOT shake hands or kiss hello. They would elbow tap. Do you remember that?
  • In the early days of Covid, many got sick and many were sent to hospitals, put on respirators, and many never came home or survived. I personally lost 3 people to this awful virus. I know some of you have lost more. And thankfully, many of you lost no one.
  • In the early days of this pandemic, hospitals were overwhelmed and were unable to keep up with patients who needed to be admitted and they were under staffed. Thankfully as the pandemic eased a bit, people were given the care they needed and survived. Amen!
  • Vaccinations were found and after difficult experiences in getting appointments for the vaccinations, more vaccines became available and more places became accessible to get them. Masks and gloves were the norm 2 years ago. Remember those days when you could not find masks and gloves in stores? We even ordered them online for ridiculous prices and had to wait 3 months for the items to arrive.
  • So as we move forward from this day on, we appear to have this nightmare a bit more under control. Although we may see new strains, hopefully our initial vaccinations and the boosters will continue to strengthen our immune systems, and things will get better. Statistically speaking if you are vaccinated and boostered and do get Covid, the odds are in one’s favor to recover quicker and not need to be hospitalized.
  • It is wise to still be cautious, since not everyone is vaccinated and new strains may be on the horizon. Yes, wearing a mask is not pleasant, however think of the alternative. So going forward, please continue to stay aware of Covid-19.

BROTHERHOOD NEWS: On Wednesday, June 8th at 7:00pm all Brotherhood Members are invited to our Annual BBQ. We are planning to have the event on the grounds of Temple Tikvah…please R.S.V.P. • In August we are planning to have our New Membership Drive for 2022 - 2023. More information to follow. Please join us, the more the merrier!



Reflections and Plans

  • The first Sisterhood Board Meeting in August 2021 was an in-person event with a light dinner. We were all enthused about the coming year. Little did we know the challenges we would be facing. We were hoping that some of us would be welcoming the Jewish New Year in our Sanctuary. We were making a comeback from the Covid Lockdown! What could happen? OY!
  • Despite the grim reality of losing the use of our Temple building, Sisterhood stuck together as a community of dedicated hardworking women who used their creativity and determination to continue to function as an active branch of Temple Tikvah. We used the resources of Women of Reform Judaism to broaden our programming: In September we joined in a virtual presentation by Sarah Hurwitz, a speech writer for President Obama. We learned about her journey to finding her faith. WRJ also offered museum virtual tours, a Purim baking experience, a viewing of a film about the history of Hava Nagila, and more virtual learning opportunities.
  • In addition, we held a joint program with Social Action, entitled: "Busting Beauty Myths" where we learned about safety and sustainability of cosmetics and personal care products. We invited neighboring synagogues to join us. We also had a Puzzle Night where we worked in small groups online and had fun. We also ran a very successful Honey Sale, Purim Card Fundraiser, and held a Sisterhood Sabbath. Sisterhood supplied hamantaschen treats for the Purim Service at Temple Judea, donated to various charities, paid for the security guard at Shabbat Services, and made substantial donations to Temple.
  • Now we are looking ahead to next year’s programs, starting with a Welcome Back Brunch at a local restaurant. We hope to use the Beber Auditorium for meetings and events and we are encouraging all our members to attend Board Meetings and get involved! Moreover, we will try to coordinate activities with our neighboring synagogues, thereby enriching everyone’s experiences.

Great Expectations…Let It Be So!

caring Community


Volunteers are Needed to Join, Vitalize & Strengthen Our Caring Community!

Due to Covid we have not had any meetings, however we have stayed in touch with our congregants; whether to wish them mazel tov regarding happy events or to let them know we were thinking of them in times of sickness or to extend our condolences when a loved one has passed away...We are reaching out to our Temple Tikvah Family and asking that when you know someone who needs a smile to give them one of yours…For more information, please contact Helene Schonhaut and/or Terry Lepzelter through Marie Brown at the Temple office - 516.746.1120 if you do not have our email addresses or phone numbers. We look forward to hearing from you during the spring and early summer so that we will be ready to resume our meetings and get to work in September.

CARING COMMUNITY REMINDERS: The Creative Writing Group will next meet on Tuesday, June 21st at 7:30pm. • The Afternoon Book Club will be on hiatus for the month of June. Please refer to the June Weekly Updates for their July selection, date, and time for their next book review. • The Evening Book Club will next be reviewing West with Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge on Monday, June 27th at 7:30pm (Woodrow Wilson Nickel, age 105, feels his life ebbing away. But when he learns giraffes are going extinct, he finds himself recalling the unforgettable experience he cannot take to his grave. Part adventure, part historical saga, and part coming-of-age love story, West with Giraffes explores what it means to be changed by the grace of animals, the kindness of strangers, the passing of time, and a story told before it’s too late. - goodreads.com))

lifelong learning


Learning About the Past & Present, Will Prepare Us for the Future

  • No Lunch, Just Learn! Jana Jacobson is a Senior Director at BEAUTYCOUNTER. BEAUTYCOUNTER’s mission is for “a future where all beauty is clean beauty.” Join Jana, a clean beauty advocate and expert, for a discussion about sunscreen. She will explore topics including different types of sunscreen, what to look for when buying sunscreen, what the FDA does and does not recommend in terms of safety, and how sunscreen may or may not impact the environment. Get ready to learn and bring your questions!
  • Join us on Saturday, June 18th at 11:00am on ZOOM for an informative and timely discussion regarding sunscreen. The ZOOM LINK will be available in the Weekly Update. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at the LINK at the end of my Column.
  • Torah Study: Torah Study with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg continues every Saturday morning at 9:00am in the Harris Beber Auditorium and on ZOOM. We begin reading Bamidbar/Numbers on the first Shabbat in June. Bamidbar/Numbers will conclude on the last Shabbat of July. This is when we will pick up the journey of the Israelites and their trials and tribulations as they make their way to the Promised Land. Join the discussion and see how the Torah is as timely as ever. All LINKS are available in the Weekly Updates. All are welcome and no experience is required.
  • Shavuot: Temple Tikvah will be meeting in Cunningham Park, The Butterfly Garden on Aberdeen Road and 193rd Street in Queens on Saturday, June 4th at 5:00pm for a Shavuot Sing Along. Cantor Contzius will feature songs around the theme of “Revelation” from folk and folk rock genres. See the Weekly Update for further information.
  • Shavuot (continued) - Additionally, after the Sing Along, if you would like to participate in Tikkun Leil Shavuot Learning, read on...You are invited to take part in a free nationwide Tikkun Leil Shavuot Program taking place on ZOOM. A coalition of URJ small congregations is offering 28 free study sessions - in one-hour blocks - to mark Shavuot on Saturday, June 4th and Sunday, June 5th. We are taught that Moses received the Torah at Mount Sinai on Shavuot. The mystics encouraged us to make use of this opportunity by studying with one another. That is the essence of Tikkun Leil Shavuot. You are invited to register for free and choose from the variety of courses offered that evening and early the next morning. Engaging in text study, connecting with Israel, modern politics, and discussing Jewish themes in films are just a few of the many topics that will be offered. Throughout the evening, there are numerous classes to select from. Simply click the LINK below to peruse the classes and register your name, and you will then receive a document with all of the links necessary to participate in the free ZOOM Classes offered in the evening and the following morning.
  • Learning Opportunities: We continue to highlight learning opportunities in the Weekly Updates. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to send them to me by clicking on the LINK below.. We are also planning for next year. If there is a program you would like to see, please let me know that as well.

Wishing everyone a safe, healthy, and enjoyable summer!


social action


Our Year in Review

  • We of Social Action remember the following events and plans: • May 2021 Social Action and Lifelong Learning had a speaker from “Rain for the Sahel and Sahara” (Katherine Kolios, who grew up in Temple Israel and Temple Tikvah) who helped us to understand the relationships among increasing migration, climate crisis, and the COVID-19 Pandemic. • In the fall of 2021, COVID continued its effects both locally and globally as seen in the increase in floods, fires, and heat across the world. The Glasgow Climate Conference (October 31st - November 12th) inspired us to reflect on how we might respond as a community to the climate changes threatening our home, the earth, as well as our future on it. We continued to explore the theme of thinking globally and acting locally by having as our Social Action Shabbat Speaker Patti Woods of “Grassroots Environmental Education” from Port Washington. We learned a lot about the safety (or lack thereof) of the local Nassau County water supply. We developed a plan with Sisterhood to have Jana Jacobson speak to us about the safety and sustainability of the products we bring into our homes (such as cosmetics and personal care products.) With the introduction of early voting in New York State, we asked people to consider supporting proposed legislation to protect our right to clean air and water, as well as a healthful environment (Question 2) and NYS Bill S4262A to enact climate and community investment. And we suggested a number of organizations’ websites as further sources of information (Greenfaith.org; Dayenu.org; the Water Resilience Coalition; FreetheOcean.com, and NY Renews.org,) as well as inviting congregants to take the Climate Pledge created by our committee. If you have not taken it, please request a copy from Social Action. • In spring 2022, we focused on learning to be aware of, accepting, and being inclusive of others and seeing from multiple perspectives by: encouraging members of our community to provide for those in need through Hatzilu or the Sid Jacobson JCC Foodbank, to participate in an online conversation about the rise in anti-Semitism and consider how we might help combat it, and joined in supporting the RAC-NY’s work on the Less is More Bill related to bail reform in NYS. • We brought and will bring the current year to a close with the following: In May 2022 Social Action once again paired with Lifelong Learning to focus on decreasing and eliminating single use plastic. (The Rabbi and one of our SA Co-Chairs attended a RAC-NY Climate Covenant Meeting to consider Temple participation.) In June we will have Jana Jacobson return to inform us about the dangers of some sunscreen products. Ms. Jacobson will be speaking at a Lifelong Learning Event on Saturday, June 18th at 11:00am on ZOOM for this informative and timely discussion regarding sunscreen. Please see the upcoming Weekly Updates for where and when this event will happen.

We hope this look back over the year will encourage us all to make further strides forward together in the year ahead! Have a safe, healthy, and happy summer!

with Gratitude

TODA RABA – תודה רבה

  • KEHILA FUND: Muriel Adler and Arline & Jack Cazes in memory of Joseph Belli • Mindy Aloff • Milton AncelAlton Bader in honor of Robert Bader as a past president • Robert Bader in memory of Phillip Darvin • Florence BaravarianDiane Berger • Sharon Goldberg Bibergal • Michael Bidner in memory of Michael Losow • Michael Blick • Betsy Jacob Biviano • Arnold & Sylvia Bloch • Sylvie Bordzuk • Amy & Alan Brachfeld • Marione Cassese • Brad Cetron • Carol Chaykin • Sharyn & Joel Chanin in memory of Lester Bertan • Bart Cirker in appreciation of the ongoing leadership and support extended by two generations of the Spool Family • Ariel Cohen • Martin Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg • Michael & Marcia Cohen • Michael & Talia Cohen • Terri Cohen • Bernice Comerchero • Alan Cooper • Roberta & Michael Cooperman in memory of Rabbi Robbins • Amy & Thomas Cordero • Vincent Corrado • Cheryl Davidson • Stacie Deiner in memory of Arnold Deiner • The Domeny Family • Assemblyman Anthony D'Urso • Laurence Edelstein • Mary Egan in honor of Helen Lipson's 100th Birthday • Randee Epstein • Nancy Eschemuller • Jewish Federation & Foundation • Rochelle Fischer • Judith Fisher • Judith Fisher in memory of Burt Schall • Janice Florence • Nina Foley in appreciation of Janet Spool • Sue Ginsberg • The Golden Estate in memory of Charles & Jeannette Golden • Paul & Eloise Goldberg • Wendy Goldstein in memory of Rabbi Andrew Robbins • Mary Gorham • Marcia & Frank Gould • Gustave Greis • Steven Greenstein • Bruce & Maria Gross • Irene Haber • Cantor Kat Hastings in memory of Mariana Hastings  Stephanie Hernan in memory of Sebastiana Hernan • Roberta Hoffer • Alana Hollander • Andy Hollander • Andrew Hollander • Stephen & Gail Hollander • Terry Hood • Lois & Richard Howard in memory of Douglas King • Charles Hyman • Rabbi Mark Kaiserman & RTFH • Rabbi Lewis Kamrass • Peter Kassel • Ed Klein • Leslie Kizner - Arthur Poselle, Sol S. Poselle, and Louis Kizner • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan in memory of Doris Axelrad • Elyssa Kritz • Audrey & Paul Korman • Cheryl Kuster • The Mah-Jongg Ladies in memory of Lester Bertan • Laurence Lande • Nicole & Rachel Lavoie • Rachel & Nicole Lavoie in memory of Douglas King • Gloria & Larry Konstan • Traci & Victor Levy • Sandra Lichtenstein • Faustina Lindsay • Susan & Andre Louis • Susan & Andre Louis in memory Doris Vivian Axelrad • Bonnie & Bob Love • Sari Mainzer in memory of Ronald Mainzer • Mark & Robin Mandell • Cecelia Manley • Lois Marcus • The Margolin Family • Jill Marcus • Marsha Mason • Barbara & Joseph Massey in memory of Libby Glowatz • Barbara and Joseph Massey congratulate the Moser Family on the birth of Griffin Moser • Michele Mavrovouniotis • Jacqueline & Kevin McCorey • Denise McCreadie • Joyce & Joel Mensoff • Joyce & Joel Mensoff in honor of the birth of Lisa Lupo’s and Susan & Marty Siroka’s new granddaughter, Anna Bea • Joyce & Joel Mensoff in memory of Douglas King • Bruce & Melanie Miller and Maxx, Sam & Gabe • Constance Miller • Stacy Miller • Henry Mohrman • Jacqueline Mulligan • Joanne & Martin Neff • Roni Nelson • Theresa Odell • Edna Diana Oling • Edward & Margery Orenstein • Beverly Osrow • Jody & Terry Osterweil • Karla & Orlando Osuna • Carol Pally • Karen Palmer • Susan Pearce • Lois Pepkin • Carol Pertez • Robert Peskin & Tracey Browning • Sandra & David Peskin • Dr. Benjamin Piltch in honor of April, Hodari & Jeremy Heron • Bill Pobiner in memory of Ted & Lee Pobiner • Larry Pollack • Sandy Portnoy • Melissa Price, Arthur Shield & Family in memory of Georgette Shield Alice Purus • Meryl Root in memory Joel Chanin  RTFH Women's Connection in honor of Sisterhood of Temple Tikvah • Martin Ruckel • Shelley Sander in memory of Joel Chanin • Frank & Joan Saracino • Helaine & Edward Schachter • Susan Schall • Alene Schonhaut • Alene Schonhaut in honor of the birth of Lisa Lupo's granddaughter, Anna Bea • Glenn & Naomi Schwartz • Walter Schwartz in honor of Ben Schwartz Roni Schweer • Claire Shapiro • Deborah (Kaplan) Shapiro in memory of Edward Kaplan • Arlene Sheff • Lois Silverman • Sisterhood • Merry & Richard Slone in memory Beatrice & Benjamin Hurwood • Lawrence & Jennifer Smilg • Michael & Ruth Smilg • Jeanette Louise Spangle • Sheryl & Michael Stolar • Joyce Stoner • South Baldwin Jewish Center • Florence & Joseph Stoll • Leo & Jane Tajuk • Richard & Brenda Tannenbaum • Candice & David Tarr • Norma Taylor in honor of Helen Lipson's 100th Birthday • Temple Tikvah Board of Trustees in memory of Libby Glowatz • Maura Turner • Thomas Walsh • Sandra Wapner • Ken & Neela Weber • Robert Weibman • Danielle Weisbrot • Joan Wiener • Susan & Walter Witte • Jack Zaffos & Linda Lustig-Zaffos • Henry Zanetti • Maureen Zent
  • RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Nicole & Keith Taylor in appreciation of Rabbi Sheinberg for all her help to make Khloe’s Bat Mitzvah so special and so successful.
  • SIMCAH FUND: Sandra & David Peskin in honor of Khloe Taylor’s Bat Mitzvah • Joyce & Joel Mensoff in honor of the birth of Matthew Escobar
  • TEMPLE TIKVAH MEMORIAL FUND: Deborah Abramowitz in memory of Orlando Osuna • Karla Adasse in memory of Louis Adasse • Carolyn Alexander in memory of Irving Shapiro • Robert Bader in memory of Libby Gould • Florence Baravarian in memory of Jules Herlitschek Brotherhood in memory of Orlando Osuna & Myra Golbig • Arline & Jack Cazes in memory of Lotte Herz • Hermine S. Elias in memory of Norman Elias, Sarah Goldman, and Leonard H. Schoen • Merle Fishkin in memory of Miriam Fishkin and Shari Fishkin • Susan & Robert Gelfand in memory of Ian Gelfand • Lawrence & Terrie Goldstein in memory Bernard Berger • Yvette Greiff in memory of Irwin Greiff • Dean Hernan in memory of Joseph Hernandez • April, Hodari & Jeremy Heron in memory of Shelly Piltch • David Herz & Janet Stahl in memory of Frank Herz • Steven & Toby Israel in memory of Nettie Israel • Phyllis Jacoby in memory of Jerome Beatus • Andrea King in memory of Frances Barach • Nancy Kiss in memory of Max Kiss • Esther Krichevsky in memory of Sol Krichevsky and Sarah Cantos • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan in memory of Irma Schustek • Joel & Sadie Kramer in memory of Morris Kramer Cheryle & Steve Levine in memory of Alison Werner Levine, Abbey Bonnie Passariello, Laura Passariello, Paul Passariello Sr., and Jack Leitenberg • Susan & Andre Louis in memory of Myra Golbig • Bonnie Love in memory of Betty Berland • Michael Newman in memory of Matilde Gutierrez • Osterweil & Golden - Boileau Families in memory of Jeannette Golden • Sandra & David Peskin in memory of Orlando Osuna and Myra Golbig • Sandra Portnoy in memory of Irving Portnoy, Frances Rabinowitz, Jeffrey Portnoy, and George Margolin • Martin & Lorraine Ross in memory of Simon Ross • Susan & Irwin Schneider in memory of Louise Cavaliere and Frances Schneider • Charla Schnupp in memory of Morris Jemal and Mary Jemal • Alene & Helene Schonhaut in memory of Sandra Lichtenstein • Barbara Silberman in memory or Lillian Shulkes • Joan Wiener in memory of Bernard Kolman • Irene Heimrath Zorn & Stanley Zorn in memory of Evelyn Kamberg
  • TOT SHABBAT: Ridgewood Saving Bank in honor of Tots Shabbat


To Our Temple Family…On behalf of my family, I would like to thank everyone for their expressions of sympathy during our expanded period of grief and mourning. As some of you may know, we lost many relatives over the past year with the inclusion of my mother, Libby and Teresa's twin brother, Joe. I also want to express a special thanks to those who reached out to my mother during the Covid pandemic. She greatly appreciated the personal interactionsWith warm regards, Jeffrey Weisbrot


Thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday - by calling, emailing, and sending simcha greetings; and especially Sisterhood for sending me this beautiful flower cake…Marie Brown

JUNE yahrzeits


*JUNE calendar

  • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1st - Choir Rehearsal at 6:00pm
  • THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, JUNE 3rd - Shabbat Consecration & Celebration of Learning Services at 7:00pm
  • SATURDAY, JUNE 4th - SHAVUOT / Torah Study at 9:00am & Shavuot Sing-Along at 5:00pm at Cunningham Park
  • SUNDAY, JUNE 5th - Shavuot Festival Service & Yizkor at 10:30am & ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING at 8:00pm
  • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8th - Choir Rehearsal at 6:00pm & Brotherhood Members BBQ at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, JUNE 9th - A Taste of Wise Aging at 11:00am & On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, JUNE 10th - Board Installation Shabbat at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, JUNE 11th - Torah Study at 9:00am
  • SUNDAY, JUNE 12th - Tikvah Tots Pizza Party at 11:00am
  • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th - Choir Rehearsal at 6:00pm
  • THURSDAY, JUNE 16th - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, JUNE 17th - Farewell to Cantor Contzius Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, JUNE 18th - Torah Study at 9:00am & Lifelong Learning Program at 11:00am
  • TUESDAY, JUNE 21st - Writing Group at 7:30pm
  • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22nd - Choir Rehearsal at 6:00pm
  • THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, JUNE 24th - Shabbat Services at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, JUNE 25th - Torah Study at 9:00am
  • MONDAY, JUNE 27th - Evening Book Club at 7:30pm
  • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29th - Choir Rehearsal (TBA)
  • THURSDAY, JUNE 30th - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm



Editor at Large - Alene Schonhaut, Assistant Editor - Madeleine Wolf & Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant


Created with images by MabelAmber - "flowers twigs dry" • Wokandapix - "plan objective strategy"

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