
Islam is in this day the second most widespread religion in the world. Its mean more than 1 000 000 000 people. This spiritual direction large mostly in south-east asia, north africa, but also in west europe.

Islam is monoteistic religion. It is mean that muslims (people whose are in islam) belive in on god. Their god is called Allah. The main person in history of islam is profeth Muhhamad.

This man wanted to fill learning of judaism and christianity. He gave message from angrl Gabriel, but his words werent listen. Then he said islam is new freedom religion. At first this religion hasnt too much belivers, but in this time is it than christianity the second widespread religion.

Their saint book is koran.

There are five strict rules which should do every muslim:

1.) Shahadatan - Allah is only one god and Muhhamad is his profeth 2.) Salat- prayers five times per day 3.) Zacat - to give pittance for poor. 4.) Siyam - to festing in mounth Rammadan. 5.) Hidá - the least once per life trip to Mekka

The saint muslims places: Mecca and Meddina

In islam there are two main brunches: Sunnit and Suiet. Suiets muslims are more radical than sunnits. From this radical brunch was probably created terorism.

Islams holidays and months:

1. muharram

2. safar

3. rabí’al–awal

4. rabí’ath–thání

5. džumádá l–úlá

6. džumádá ů–áchina

7. radžab

8. šábán


10. šaurál

11. dhú l–ka’da

12. dhú l–hidždžá

There arent a lots holidays but the most important are: iid al fítr - ober the festing and holiday of victim - id al anda

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