Sigma Phi Epsilon Spring 2017 Newsletter

Sigma Phi Epsilon was founded on November 1st, 1901 in Richmond, VA. Locally, our chapter was founded on April 25th, 1953 at Kent State University. Since then, the SigEp Ohio Lambda chapter has continually been dedicated to building better balanced men with both a Sound Mind and Sound Body.

The Executive Board

With the start of the new year, came the start of our new Executive Board. Our Executive Board performs the "behind the scenes" action involved with organizing and scheduling events both internally and externally. They are responsible for managing finances, recruitment, communication, and many other aspects of the fraternity. Our Executive Board volunteers their time in order to make sure that SigEp can functionally maintain and provide all that it does to the Kent State University community.

E-Board Members (left to right):

  • V.P. of Recruitment - Seth Fangman
  • V.P. of Finance - Kevin Teeples
  • V.P. of Programming - Brandon Stewart
  • President - JT Rinehart
  • V.P. of Member Development - Reid Schaffer
  • V.P. of Communications - Spencer Smith
  • Chaplain - Tommy Watral

Thanks E-Board!

Since 1901, Virtue, Diligence, and Brotherly Love have remained as the cardinal principles of Sigma Phi Epsilon; which represent our fraternity's core values.

Men's Intramural Basketball

SigEp Dr. Suess

On March 2nd brothers traveled to West Park Elementary School to read to children in honor of Dr. Suess; as he was a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon.
SigEp Formal: Pigeon Forge, TN


Our participation in Delta Zeta's LipSync this year helped raise over $51,000 for the Starkey Hearing Foundation.

Our SongFest team helped to raise over $25,000 for Big Brothers and Sisters; which also happens to be our national philanthropy!

Sigma Phi Epsilon was the first fraternity in the United States to nationally ban hazing.

New Members

Within the past Fall and Spring semesters, we have welcomed 12 new brothers into our fraternity!

  • Josh Duffy
  • Spencer Smith
  • Cory Antoncic
  • Dakota Fox
  • Dominic Nicoletti
  • Teddy Ostapack
  • Luke Fenstemaker
  • Ron Barbella
  • Nick McCuen
  • Kevin Rabbits
  • Kyle O'Donnell
  • Mark Dzapo

Our new members have become a great addition to our fraternity, and have already begun to provide outstanding and exceptional contributions to what we stand for. Many new members have become involved with our fraternity leadership and operation. For instance, Dakota and Cory are currently serving as members of our Standards Board. In addition, Dominic is taking on the role of our Risk Management Chair; in which he helps ensure that all brothers remain safe during social events. Furthermore, Spencer is a current member of the fraternity Executive Board as the Vice President of Communications. Although these are important positions, we value that brothers are treated equally and believe that these positions and many other positions should be open for any member to fill.

In addition to involvement internally, our new members have also been a huge help externally. As memebrs of Greek Life, there are many philanthropies, fundraisers, and events to attend. In this school year, our new members have contributed to more than 70% of all external involvement. With these numbers in only the past year alone, we are very excited to see all of the many things that they will do in the near future!

In this photo: Nick McCuen, Ron Barbella, Greg Moses, Mark Dzapo, Kevin Rabbits

2017 Midwest Conference Champion

Adam Belica holding the 2017 Midwest Conference Trophy. Adam is the current President, Captain, and Coach of the Kent State University Men's Lacrosse Team. The team finished their season with a 13-1 record, and traveled to the Elite 8 in Annapolis, MD.
This semester brothers (left) JT Rinehart, Cody Porche, and Brandon Stewart became Epsilons! Congratulations! #VDBL

Parent's Day - April 23rd

Our 2nd Annual Parent's Day turned out to be one the best days at 300 E Main Street! We handed out awards to the brothers, played corn hole, and conversed between the many families present. With wonderful weather and amazing food, the day was well filled with endless laughter and excitement.

Below are the names of those who received awards:

  • Highest GPA - Teddy Ostapack
  • Most Outstanding New Member (Fall) - Spencer Smith
  • Most Outstanding New Member (Spring) - Ron Barbella
  • Most Clumsy - Cory Antoncic
  • Most Grit - Adam Belica
  • Chapter Class Clown - Drew Gill
  • The Chapter Dad - JT Rinehart
  • The "Pretty" Boy - Derek Lytle
  • The Gentleman - Spencer Smith
  • The Life of the Party - Drew Gill
  • The Brother You Can Count On - Brandon Stewart
  • Mr. SigEp - JT Rinehart
  • Most Likely to Be President of the U.S. - Tommy Watral
  • Best Dressed - Cody Dawson
  • Best Hair - Tommy Watral

The Dean's List

At the end of the fall semester, 4 of our brothers were on The Dean's List, which requires a GPA of a 3.4 or above.

  • Spencer Smith
  • Tommy Watral
  • Cody Dawson
  • Matthew Ludwick

The President's List

Only one brother made it onto this list, which requires a 4.0 GPA.

  • Teddy Ostapack

Congratulations, and keep up the hard work!

The Saint Baldrick's Foundation

On March 16th, our Chapter Advisor Greg Moses shaved his head in honor of the St. Baldrick's Foundation. In doing so, Greg was able to help raise over $1,000 towards funding research to find cures for children with cancer. We are very thankful to have Greg, as he has been a great resource and mentor to our Chapter!
Phi Mu Social at Twin Star Lanes

Did you know?

The above graphics were designed for SigEp by our brother Luke Fenstemaker, a current Graphic Design student at KSU. In addition to his designs for SigEp, Luke has also designed album covers for various musical artists. In 2016, Luke's album design (see below) for Cashmere Noose was featured as #7 on the iTunes chart for Best Albums!

Cashmere Noose - Blackbear
Our faculty advisor Amy Calapa speaks to brothers about advising, internships, getting involved, and becoming a successful student on campus!

The Undergraduate Student Government

Jon Merlo and Tommy Watral won their elections to become members of the USG. Jon is currently the Director of Community Affairs, while Tommy is serving as the Director of Governmental Affairs. This is a great way to represent both students and SigEp on campus!
Brothers accept award for Standards of Excellence in Scholarship at the Greek Achievement Awards!

The Balanced Man

SigEp’s Balanced Man Program provides the structure, support and guidance required for today’s student to fully utilize the 90% of college they spend outside of the classroom. Based on equal rights and responsibilities for all members, the program’s progressive challenges provide brothers the opportunity to grow and fine-tune skills they can’t get elsewhere. Alumni, volunteers, and the university faculty and administration serve as mentors in the program, providing accountability and support.

The members of the Ohio Lambda Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon stand out at KSU as some of the most distinguished leaders on campus. Brothers of the Ohio Lambda Chapter excel in academics with a 2.8 GPA requirement, the highest amongst fraternity organizations. As undergraduate students at Kent State University, financing your college education can become a huge challenge and cause tremendous amounts of stress. To help aid in overcoming this challenge, we offer the Balanced Man Scholarship to incoming men who embody our principle of The Balanced Man.

Are you interested in our scholarship or know anyone who would be?

Barnesville - April 28/29

Every year, the brothers of SigEp travel to Barnesville, OH to volunteer to work on the Butler family farm. This trip is especially sentimental to our chapter, as a member of their family was a brother of our fraternity. Losing his life in a car accident, we make it our goal to return each year and help the Butlers in order to continue keeping his memory alive.

What was your favorite part about Barnesville? JT: "Spending time with brothers and doing something that has such a deep meaning for both this fraternity and the Butler family. It's a trip that I look forward to every year!"

What experience did Barnesville provide you with that you wouldn't have gotten without going? Josh: "I experienced the gratification of knowing that my hard work went a long way in helping out someone who deserved it."

In this photo: JT Rinehart, Matt Ludwick, Tommy Watral, Nick McCuen, Seth Fangman, Mark Dzapo, Reid Schaffer, Austin Tomletz, Logan Georskey, Josh Duffy, Dominic Nicoletti

Graduating Seniors

Cody Dawson and Alec Paul

How does it feel to be graduating? Cody: "It's a bittersweet moment! I'm going to miss making memories with all of my brothers, but I'm ready for the next chapter of my life."

What are you going to miss the most? Alec: "All of the unforgettable moments with my brothers."

Tim Varrelmann and Teddy Ostapack

What was your favorite memory from your years in SigEp? Tim: "Parents Day. I really enjoyed the opportunity to meet all the brothers' families."

What are you most excited for in life after college? Teddy: "I'm most excited to let go of the stresses that school has caused me over the years. When I'm working full-time, I will not have to worry about school assignments consuming my life and burning me out. This will allow me time to work on family, friendships, and myself, so I can become the best version of myself possible."

Out of the Darkness Walk

Be The Difference Walk to Fight Suicide

On Sunday April 30th, brothers participated in this walk to show their support for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. By creating a team, we were able to help raise money that will go towards raising awareness for mental health and suicide. We plan on organizing our own similar philanthropy this coming Fall to continue our passion for this cause!

Why do you feel that raising awareness is so important? Tommy: "There needs to be a more open dialogue and more advocacy so that people suffering feel comfortable seeking help."

Why are you passionate about mental health awareness? Seth: "Why I'm so passionate about this cause is because of how this issue is growing bigger and bigger, yet little is being done. There is such a negative stigma attached to mental illness and suicide. I know what it's like to not be mentally healthy and how tough it can be. I just hope that if more people can be educated on warning signs for suicide, we can get people the help they need."

In this photo: Alec Paul, Tim Varrelmann, Seth Fangman, Cody Dawson, Josh Duffy, Tommy Watral, Dakota Fox, Brandon Stewart, Cody Porche, John Merlo (center, front)

A Glance Ahead


Dominic Nicoletti and Vince Silvaggio (far right)

This summer Dominic and Vince will be traveling to Italy for study abroad! They will be studying and living directly in the city of Florence for four weeks.

Walk A Mile In Their Shoes


Amy Arslanian, Anna Trevarthan, and Adina Motoc

As the end of the semester concludes we elected our new Sweethearts! These three women are close friends to the chapter and believe in the core values that we represent. They are key players in providing SigEp opportunity and assistance in Greek Life philanthropies and many other events.

300 E Main Street

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Want to know more? Reach out to us at for more information.

Created By
Spencer Smith

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