Fusajiro Yamauchi the founder of nintendo

Fusajiro Yamauchi

Yamauchi founded nintendo as a company that produced japanese cards called hanafuda cards at first. Nintendo and disney struck a deal to allow the use of disney characters on their cards to be sold. Riddled with debt Yamauchi decided to move his company to toys and sold the ultra hand around the holiday season in japan. He later went on to produce the precursor of the nes zapper the nintendo beam gun which was a solar powered toy beam gun. in 1972 nintendo had the right to distribute the magnavox odyssey the first widely available home game console in japan. they went on to make the game and watch which is the precursor to the game boy. After the video game crash nintendo was determined not to make the same mistake attari did in the us and went on to make the nintendo famicom or nes in america. Thus a new era was born later yamauchi re tired and left the business, sadly he passed away in january, 1940

he gave the business to his step son. Yamauchi was born on november 22 1859. he lived in Kyoto,Japan during his life until death. he had a wife and daughter during his life. He sadly died of a stroke.


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