FLMNH Nick lomas

For my Nature on Display exhibit, I chose "Points in Time", a collection of Native American arrowheads from various tribes and various times. The reason this exhibit caught my eye is because I did twelve years of Boy Scouts while growing up next to the Everglades. Due to this, I regularly interacted with and experienced the local Seminole tribe and their rich culture. My Scouting unit had many campouts centered around the local tribe and doing activities with them. "Points in Time" helped me realize the sheer depth of Native American history and culture, as even something as obscure as their arrowheads were so diverse and specialized. The Seminoles had taught us mainly about folklore and daily life, so it was truly interesting to see an aspect of their culture that I didn't get to experience much. The best part of this exhibit, though, was the nostalgia that it brought back to all the years of Scouting. That's where a good portion of my hometown friends come from, and seeing this exhibit made me think of all the good times we had learning about Native Americans together.
Me with the arrows!
The butterfly garden (where we are in this picture) gave me an opportunity to experience nature in a much more authentic way than anywhere on campus would allowed me to. There were so many butterflies and the other people in the garden were simply enjoying them, so it helped to see the unity between us and nature; or, as Leopold says, a "biotic community". While going through the museum, I couldn't help but be humbled realized the impact that nature and our ancestors (as seen in the Native Americans) have on us. Without either, we wouldn't be who we are today. In the museum, my friend Sydey (pictured) and I took tons of Snapchats for our friends because the exhibits were so cool. We saw quite a few other Good Life students doing the same. Through this experience, I now feel more strongly about the unity of man and nature and the responsibility we should all take in preserving the environment for future generations.
This picture here was one of the last ones I saw in the FLMNH, but it was one of the most impactful ones I saw. This picture has a very mixed group of people with words behind them that say "Florida's future". The theme is diversity. By taking a moment to reflect on this picture, I was able to do what Hetchel wants us to do--connect with the Universe. In this picture, everyone comes from completely different backgrounds, but can still come together to form the melting pot that Florida is. By doing so, we're all pushed out of our comfort zones a bit, and we therefore are forced to see the world in a more dynamic light--many times, helping us to connect to those around us. Everyone has a unique story that is intertwined with nature, so we need to appreciate that fact about each other.

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