A. education salena irshid

B. The purpose of school is to transfer knowledge and prepare young people to participate in americas democratic society.

C. The first schools opened in the 17th century. the first public school opened in the U.S. is named the Boston Latin School. back then public schools didnt focus on academics such a math or reading. they taught about family, religion and the community. by the mid 19th century aceemics were big responsibility of public schools, girls were taught how to read but not how to write.

D. The head of my executive department (education) is Betsy DeVos.

E. many people belive education is important because it answers lifes questions. others belives it teaches people about the world around them. if education didnt exist people would be happier, they would find their own ways to figure things out and find it simpler than what schools teach us.

F. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betsy_DeVos




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