Education Enterprise Agreement (EEA) 1.5 Program Guide Adobe buying programs

November 15, 2016

Program Summary

The Education Enterprise Agreement (EEA) program is a one-year or two-year term-based licensing program that helps primary and secondary institutions minimize the cost and complexity of providing Adobe software to their faculty, staff, and students on institutionally owned or leased computers.

This document serves as a reference for current EEA customers and Account Managers, to be used through the duration of their EEA agreement. New EEA enrollments are no longer available. Returning EEA enrollments are unavailable as of December 3, 2016.


EEA allows qualified primary and secondary educational institutions to standardize on Adobe products across their institution by offering select products with special pricing and benefits such as:

Ease of purchase

Three pricing tiers to accommodate different types of primary and/or secondary education institutions from a single school site to a large legal entity responsible for multiple schools.

Access to the latest Adobe features

Stay current on Adobe products with access to the latest feature releases with Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe’s unique Creative Cloud Packager deployment management tool.

Simple license management

Adobe’s Licensing Website (LWS) and Creative Cloud Packager make deployment and license management easy.

Legal entity in this document refers to an organization that has responsibility for the procurement and contract management of multiple individual primary and/or secondary schools, for example, a district, county, state, or government agency.

Available products

Adobe products available under EEA include Creative Cloud apps and optional add-on bundles of specific Adobe products frequently used by primary and secondary schools. Access to feature releases and updates for applicable products is a benefit of EEA and is included in the licensing fee however Creative Cloud services are not available under EEA.

Creative Cloud apps and any optional add-on bundles must be ordered for the total full-time equivalent (FTE) defined during enrollment.

Creative Cloud apps

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC

Adobe After Effects CC

Adobe Audition CC

Adobe Bridge CC

Adobe Dreamweaver CC

Adobe Edge Animate CC

Adobe Edge Code CC

Adobe Edge Reflow CC

Adobe Encore

Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CC

Adobe Extension Manager CC

Adobe Fireworks

Adobe Flash Builder

Adobe Flash Professional CC

Adobe Gaming SDK

Adobe Illustrator CC

Adobe InCopy CC

Adobe InDesign CC

Adobe Media Encoder CC

Adobe Muse CC

Adobe Photoshop CC

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

Adobe Prelude CC

Adobe Premiere Pro CC

Adobe Scout CC

Adobe SpeedGrade CC

Optional add-on bundles

Bundle 1: Adobe Presenter and Captivate

Bundle 2: Adobe Premiere Elements and Photoshop Elements

EEA product offerings are subject to future modifications and may be updated from time to time to incorporate product changes necessary to meet institution needs and Adobe requirements.

Program Requirements

EEA term

The EEA term begins on the day that Adobe accepts the institution’s EEA enrollment, known as the effective date.

At the end of the EEA term, the institution must comply with the end of term conditions as defined in the EEA Terms and Conditions (herein “EEA agreement”).

There is no option to extend recently expired EEA agreements or agreements that are about to expire. Existing EEA Members may enroll in a Returning EEA at the end of their current EEA term.

License type

The licensing option offered under EEA is term license. The term license includes access to qualified feature releases and updates, for applicable products, as part of the licensing fee for the EEA term as defined in the EEA agreement.

On the EEA expiration date, customers will be required to cease use of EEA Software and uninstall from all computers. They also will be required to submit a letter of removal and destruction to Adobe at the end of their EEA agreement. Use of EEA software beyond the EEA agreement term is not permitted as defined in the EEA agreement.

Full-time equivalent coverage

Qualifying faculty and staff

All employees who work more than 200 hours a year make up the FTE count; however, exclusions include non-knowledge workers such as maintenance personnel, bus drivers, cleaning staff, and cafeteria workers. The following do not qualify toward the institution’s FTE count:

  • Students
  • Alumni
  • Workers who have been hired on a contractual basis for services either on or off campus (individuals not directly employed by the education institution covered)
  • Retired faculty and staff
  • Education conference attendees
  • Visitors

Calculating Total FTE

Use the below equation to calculate the institution’s Total FTE and determine the appropriate discount tier. The calculation includes full-time faculty and staff (considered as one unit each), part-time faculty (considered as one-third of a unit each), and part-time staff (considered as one-half of a unit each).

Full-time faculty + (part-time faculty ÷ 3) + full-time staff + (part-time staff ÷ 2) = Total FTE

If the Total FTE ends with a fractional component, the number rounds to the next unit. For example, 100.5 FTE units would round to 101 Total FTE.

Example: The enrolling institution has 400 full-time faculty, 300 part-time faculty, 200 full-time staff, and 100 part-time staff. Calculate the Total FTE as follows:

400 + (300 ÷ 3) + 200 + (100 ÷ 2) = 750 FTEs

This institution qualifies for a Tier 3 discount.

Discount tiers

The institution establishes their discount tier at the time of enrollment by calculating the total FTE of all full-time and part-time faculty and staff employed within the school(s). The discount tier will remain in effect for the duration of the EEA term.

All discount tiers require 100% coverage of their respective institution type. For primary and secondary schools, that is defined as all qualified faculty and staff of the defined primary or secondary school. For legal entities, such as school districts, they are required to cover 100% of their FTE for all primary and secondary schools under the legal entity.

A legal entity with less than 300 FTE is still eligible to participate at the 300 FTE level. For example, if the legal entity has an FTE of 257, it may participate in the EEA program at the minimum 300 FTE level by using 300 as their FTE count upon enrollment and placing a purchase for the 300 FTE minimum.


Institutions with a two-year agreement require a true-up for all purchased products if the Total FTE has increased more than 5% by their first anniversary date. The EEA program does not include a true-up offering for institutions with a one-year agreement.

Decreases in the institution’s Total FTE over the EEA term will not reduce the license fee.

Student access

Products licensed under an EEA are only available on institution owned or leased computers. If products are installed on institution-owned or leased computers used by students under the age of 13, the institution is responsible for ensuring, upon installation, that it opts out of sending Adobe product usage data and complies with the Hosted Services section of the EEA agreement. The institution shall be responsible for all acts and omissions of students who use the products.

Work at home

The EEA program does not include work at home rights.

Ordering and Deployment

Renewal Order

Institutions place all orders directly with their Reseller, either at the time of re-enrollment or within 30 days of receiving their EEA Agreement Number.

Orders must be placed for the Total FTE count required for the respective institution type. All licenses purchased must cover the duration of the entire EEA term.

Once Adobe accepts the renewal order, the designated EEA IT administrator receives an order confirmation email that includes directions for accessing serial numbers for the products ordered.

If the renewal purchase order fails to meet the ordering eligibility requirements, the order will not process and will return for correction. If the customer does not correct and resubmit the order within 30 days, Adobe sends the customer and any Reseller designated during enrollment an email notice indicating the renewal order has not been received. Adobe may suspend and/or terminate the EEA if the renewal order requirements have not been met within 45 days.

Additional orders

An EEA-covered educational institution may purchase the optional add-on bundles at any point during the EEA term if these were not purchased with the initial EEA order. All add-on bundles must include the total FTE defined during enrollment.


The cost of an add-on bundle placed during the EEA term will prorate to the end of the existing EEA. Additional license coverage during the existing EEA term must include the current month in which the order is placed.

Example: An institution is in the 5th month of their 1-year term and needs the Presenter and Captivate add-on bundle.

  • In LWS, the Reseller orders the Presenter and Captivate bundle for the institution’s entire FTE. LWS then prorates the term and pricing to 8 months, ending when the EEA term expires
  • LWS shows Presenter and Captivate bundle licenses for the entire FTE

Adobe’s systems will reject any additional license orders that do not have the correct prorated number of months to co-terminate with the institution’s existing EEA end date.

Adobe’s Licensing Website and Creative Cloud Packager

LWS enables customers to access pertinent licensing information about their EEA agreement and EEA licensed products, including detailed purchase history, LWS account information, product serial numbers, and agreement expiration dates.

For new customers: The EEA designated IT administrator will receive email communication containing instructions on how to set up the LWS account login and password for management of the institution’s EEA and licensed products.

End-user ID number

Adobe establishes an end-user ID number for each EEA. Information about all customer orders is available on LWS using the end-user ID. This number is different from the EEA Agreement Number, which is valid only during the active EEA term. Customers retain the same end-user ID even after an agreement expires and a new one begins.

Electronic Software Delivery

Adobe provides electronic software delivery (ESD) via LWS for all products licensed under EEA. IT administrators go to LWS to download serial number(s), Adobe Creative Cloud Packager (CCP) software, and any applications CCP does not support. Adobe Customer Care can assist customers with any ESD download issues.

Adobe provides the designated EEA IT administrator and any deploy-to contacts listed on an order access to downloads via LWS. The EEA IT administrator and the deploy-to contacts may grant additional users access to LWS with rights to use ESD and transfer their administrative rights to a different contact within the institution.

The number of downloads for each product is tracked on the download site and is available for customers to view on the ESD download screen.

Serial numbers

Customers will retrieve any required serial numbers via LWS. Serial number use is limited to validly licensed installations of a given EEA product for the specific EEA agreement and only during the EEA term; new serial numbers may be issued for feature releases and updates provided to certain products if applicable. New serial numbers will be issued for all new or returning EEA agreements. Serial numbers and their respective operating details do not change the software terms of use or the EEA term as defined in the agreement.

Creative Cloud Packager

The EEA IT administrator must use Creative Cloud Packager to package and distribute software to their end-users. Packager combines Creative Cloud applications and updates for volume deployment. IT administrators can create Windows and/or Mac OS packages (MSI or PKG files) and then deploy to client machines through any third-party deployment tool that supports the deployment of native installers (Microsoft SCCM, Apple ARD, or JAMF Casper Suite). 32-bit or 64-bit versions of the applications are available when packaging products for delivery in Windows.

Deployment via Creative Cloud Packager

Upon launching Packager, the IT administrator must sign in with their Adobe ID, enter the applicable serial number, and will then receive a list of available desktop applications. The IT admin will then create a deployment package that matches their licensing agreement. Please note that although Adobe may deliver or make available certain desktop applications, the institution is not entitled to use, download, or access any software products or services that are not specifically licensed under their EEA agreement.

The administrator can then securely deploy these packages and any updates to the required computers using industry standard deployment tools.

The end-user is not required to have internet access to launch and use these applications, but the IT administrator will require internet access at the time of packaging.

For more information on Creative Cloud Packager, use the EEA Read-Me file included in LWS, or the Creative Cloud Packager help page, below.



Customers may run a Detailed Purchase History report in LWS that summarizes all EEA orders reported to Adobe.

License certificates

Adobe provides a PDF certificate of each transaction that occurs. The certificate generates automatically to the customer’s account in LWS. Customers can retrieve serial numbers for EEA-licensed products from LWS.

License certificates are for customer reference only and do not serve as valid documentation for compliance audits.


In addition to the details described above, Adobe maintains the following EEA policies to ensure that customers fully understand the agreement and software use requirements under the program.

Backward licensing

Adobe typically allows customers to order a current-version license but use one version prior only. When using an earlier version, the customer must follow all guidelines of the current-version EULA. Media, documentation, and/or support for older product versions may no longer be available.

Cross-language licensing

Licenses sold in a specific language grant use rights to that language. Licenses sold with the designation of “All” as their language do allow customers to deploy the product in any language they choose.

Exceptions to the conditions above may apply when the customer has access to feature releases as part of the product license and a new or updated version of their product is not available in the originally licensed language, or a new local language is made available. In these instances, Adobe will communicate what cross-language rights may apply.

Cross-platform licensing

Customers receive product serial numbers that support both Windows and Mac deployments as long as the product is available for both Windows and Mac. Customers can choose to use either platform as long as the total number of licenses being used does not exceed the number purchased or specifically licensed per their agreement with Adobe.

Transfer of licenses

Transfer of licenses (TOL) within the educational institution defined for coverage under EEA is allowed. No TOL, outside the educational institution defined in the EEA agreement, is allowed unless there is a divestiture and approval from Adobe. Approvals for any other TOL exceptions will be made by Adobe at its sole discretion. Prior written approval from Adobe for any TOL is required in order to track entitlement. In addition, Adobe will not process TOL requests across deploy-tos on the same end-user ID.


Purchases made under an EEA may only be returned for one of the following reasons:

  • The wrong product, platform, or quantity was delivered. (This could include Adobe shipping the item requested on the channel partner’s purchase order, but the purchase order does not match what the customer ordered)
  • The customer receives a duplicate shipment or duplicate billing (due to a duplicate purchase order from the channel partner)

Adobe must approve any request for returns. The customer must make the request for a return within 30 days of the original license order. The request must state the reason and provide proof of the original order date. Partial order returns are not accepted. An Adobe Letter of Destruction provided by the authorized Reseller with an original authorized signature from the customer must be received in order to issue credit. In addition, the customer will also receive a confirmation one-way Letter of Destruction with every return.

Returning Program Member Enrollment

At the end of an EEA agreement term, if the customer wants to continue use of EEA licensing, the customer must enroll in a returning EEA .

Returning EEA agreements and existing EEA agreements cannot be linked in any way and therefore cannot be systematically coordinated to prevent overlap. It is the responsibility of the customer to manage the timing of ending an existing EEA and beginning a returning EEA to prevent potential gaps in authorized software access, if they choose to re-enroll.

Customer may not renew its EEA Agreement unless there are only 30 days left in Customer's current EEA Agreement. Any renewal not in compliance with this section shall be void. Adobe may immediately terminate any such renewal.

New Serial Numbers for Returning EEA Members

When an existing EEA customer enrolls in a new EEA to continue their use of EEA licensing, they will be provided with new license serial numbers. As the EEA program provides term licensing, any licenses using serial numbers from an expired EEA agreement will expire and will require that a current serial number is used to continue software access under the current EEA agreement.

When an order is placed for a new EEA agreement, the new license serial numbers will be provided in LWS. The customer should uninstall and reinstall the latest versions of the licensed EEA apps using the new EEA serial number.

If the customer is already using the latest version of the licensed EEA apps, they have the option of reserializing the apps with the new EEA serial number using the Creative Cloud Packager, instead of doing a complete reinstallation. This will need to be done on a device by device basis, using the Create License File and Remove Volume Serial processes outlined in the Creative Cloud Packager help document.

The customer can also be instructed on this process by contacting Adobe Customer Care. If the customer is unsure of the status of the version of their licensed EEA apps, they should uninstall and reinstall the apps with their new EEA serial numbers to insure uninterrupted and compliant use.

Use of information

Adobe may use information about customers or affiliates (such as other schools within the educational institution defined for coverage under EEA) for purposes of administering EEA and for fulfilling its obligations under EEA. Such information may be used among Adobe entities worldwide and among Resellers worldwide. This includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Adobe may share necessary program information of any customer or affiliates, including Education Enterprise Agreement Number, end-user ID, and name and contact details of an EEA program administrator, with its Reseller and with Adobe entities involved in program administration, wherever they may be located
  • Adobe will use the name and contact details of a customer, any customer-designated contacts, or the customer-designated EEA program administrator to send program-related communications to such licensing contacts. This includes, but is not limited to, notices of feature releases and updates, program changes, and notices of discontinued SKUs

Reseller information

Authorized Reseller

EEA is available worldwide through authorized Adobe education Resellers . EEA enrolled institutions work directly with an Adobe authorized Reseller of their choosing to place orders for products licensed under EEA. All EEA software license fees are determined solely by the Reseller. Adobe does not set the pricing that a customer is charged, and Adobe cannot guarantee any specific pricing. Resellers operate as independent distributors and are not agents or affiliates of Adobe. As a result, the customer is responsible for informing any Reseller of its applicable EEA Agreement Number and discount tier. Customers are free to negotiate any EEA software license fees directly with their Reseller. Matters such as price, delivery, and payment terms are established by and between the customer and Reseller.

An Adobe authorized education Reseller is qualified to offer the EEA program for education customers. By choosing a Reseller, the enrolling institution is authorizing Adobe to send the designated Reseller information pertaining to the customer’s account, enrollment, orders, and information.

“Reseller” describes the entity from which the customer orders Adobe software.

Changing Resellers

During the EEA term, customers have the option to work with whichever Reseller they choose. If customers want to change their Reseller between the time they enroll in EEA and the deadline for their initial order, or for any subsequent orders, they must submit a Change of Reseller form to Adobe. The customer’s current Reseller can provide this form.

For more information

Contact a Reseller, Adobe Customer Care, or visit Buying Programs on

Adobe, Creative Cloud, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Audition, Captivate, Dreamweaver, Encore, Fireworks, Flash, Illustrator, InCopy, InDesign, Lightroom, Photoshop, Prelude, and SpeedGrade are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Mac is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Windows is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

© 2016 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.


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