ADDIE vs SAM Instructional Design Models


ADDIE model

Analysis: Clarify problems, define goals and objectives and collect necessary data.

Design: Write objectives, craft structure and sequences, project management, budgeting.

Development: Create learning course using text, storyboards, graphics, audio and video.

Implement: Course delivery.

Evaluate: Assessment of course success by measuring learner's learning and retention, project goals.


SAM Steps

Successive Approximation Model

Design: Design the Instructional Design course

Development: Create learning course using text, storyboards, graphics, audio and video.

Evaluation/Analysis: Evaluate the learning course as it is being developed.

Repeat: Repeat the above steps until final roll-out.



1. Analysis Phase

2. Design Phase

3. Development Phase



1. ADDIE is Linear - SAM is non-linear.

2. ADDIE starts with Analysis - SAM starts with Design and Development.

3. ADDIE is static - SAM is agile/dynamic.

Pros & Cons

Pros & Cons

Pros & Cons

Information acquired from Instructional Design for E-Learning by Marina Arshavsky.


Created with images by newsong - "teacher back to school learning" • AlexanderStein - "paperclip clip office" • PublicDomainPictures - "artistic bright color" • Monikapp - "colour pencils scissors crayons" • Pexels - "art art materials chalk" • Wokandapix - "learn word scrabble"


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