The Savanna By Kendyl AndErson, Andrew tran, Tanya Qin and luke woodrome


- Flat with small hills

- Dry and barren

- Located near equator

- Latitude between and longitude between

Areas with savannas

Biotic Factors


- Lions

- Cheetas

- Hyenas

- Snakes


- Giraffes

- Zebras

- Rhinos

- Elephants


- Acacia Trees

- Baobob Trees

- Elephant Grass

- Gum Tree Eucalyptus

- Jarrah Tree

- Bermuda Grass

- Manketti Tree

Abiotic Fractors

- High Humidity

- Water from small watering holes

- Temperature from 20-30 degrees Celsius ( 68-87 farenhite)

-Rainfall 38-63 cm. during wet season, 4 cm. during dry season

- Soil is porous and dry

-No major landforms, mostly flat grassland

Food web

Native foods

Kissra (bread), Sabaroag (stew), Asseeda (porridge), Moukhbaza (banana paste)


- Comfortable casual clothes

- Khakis, shorts

- Wearing bright colors can scare animals

Environmental issues

Lack of rainfall

The lack of rainfall during dry season causes shortages of water available to both animals and humans.

To help this, people can cut down on water usage so they don't have to take so much from natural resources.

Over grazing

Often animals graze to much and their isn't enough grass to support the population, which not only brings down the population of herbivores, but all the carnivores that feed on them.

We can help this by creating sanctuaries where the amount of grazing taking place can be monitored so food can evenly be distributed.


I think the dry, arid, climate of the savanna, it is easy for things to catch fire, and on lightning strike can create an enormous wildfire.

Reducing human activities in the savanna can reduce the chance of a fire starting through an unnatural cause, and reduce the progression of climate change.


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