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So You Want to be an Advocate MEIC's Guide to Getting Involved

The world is moving at a breakneck pace, and it’s hard to know where to start when it comes to taking action that makes a difference.

This guide is meant to give you the tools to get started, whether it’s in your community or at the state and national levels.

You’ll get some information about how to find opportunities for involvement and what to do when you get there, whether it's submitting public comments, testifying, or other actions. You’ll also read a bit about why it’s important to get involved locally.

This resource was created by the Montana Environmental Information Center and can be shared widely.

Why speak up?

No one knows your community better than you do.

Statewide policy-making is important and can provide helpful environmental regulations, but a one-size-fits-all approach isn’t always the best solution. Your voice is vital in bringing unknown facts to larger, policy-making bodies.

For example, the lawmakers in Helena may not know about your neighborhood’s water resources or the cultural importance of a local landmark.

They need to hear from you.

Policy is personal.

Whether it's an environmental bill, a law that will impact LGBTQ+ people, or a regulation on personal health decisions, policymakers create legislation that impacts our daily lives.

One great example of why advocacy is so important is the passage of HB 599 in the 2021 Legislative Session. This bill rewrote the law about how opencut mines (gravel pits) are permitted. The new rules strip the public's ability to participate in the permitting process, expedites the process for developers, and includes many provisions that are harmful for people and the environment.

This law is now being implemented, to the chagrin of neighborhoods around the state who are limited in their ability to weigh in on the process. Imagine that it's your home and you've been robbed of the ability to decide what industrial operation will go in next door, threatening your water, your air, and your quality of life.

What happens in Helena – and at your county commission, at your city council, at the local planning board – will affect YOU, your children, and your neighbors. You should have a say in what goes on.

So, what does advocacy look like?

MEIC has experienced lobbyists that work with legislators and scour bills to see how they would change the law. You can do these things if you want, but there are actually a lot of ways to be an advocate that don’t require a visit to the Capitol – or a law degree.

Here are some ways you can advocate for what you care about (some of which you may already be doing!):

  • Learn about issues
  • Talk with your friends, family, and community, and encourage them to get involved
  • Give public comments
  • Testify at a public hearing
  • Join a local board
  • Write a letter to the editor
  • Contact elected officials
  • Vote and encourage others to vote

How to Level Up Your Advocacy Game - a step-by-step guide

A Note on Justice and Equity

When you’re engaging on issues that impact specific communities – especially those that have been historically disenfranchised – look for leaders in those communities and follow their recommendations. They’re the experts on what their communities need.

If you’re not sure who is in charge or what the best course of action is, pause and do some more learning before pushing forward.

This photo is from a tour of the Landusky Mining Complex, which contaminates water that flows in the Little Rockies and impacts the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation.

How to Write Public Comment

Writing a public comment can be as simple or complex as you have time and energy for. Unless you are writing detailed technical comments, the most important thing to remember is that public officials are busy. State your stance on the issue clearly, back it up with a few relevant points, and sincerely thank them in as few words as possible. The easier it is for officials to quickly gather your stance, the more likely they will read and consider your whole message.

Here are some tips on writing your public comment:

  • Address the comment to the person or body that you’re submitting your comment to.
  • If submitting by email, ensure that your subject line is to-the-point and includes any relevant information such as the bill number or docket number.
  • Be as succinct as possible without losing substance. State your position on the bill or rule, give a couple of reasons why you support or don’t support the bill, and say thank you.

How to Write and Give Testimony at a Hearing

Many public processes include a public hearing at the end of the legislative process with an opportunity for members of the public to give spoken testimony. Here's how to prepare for 1 minute of testimony, which is about 160-180 words when written out:

  • Start by addressing the people you are speaking to (example: Chair and Commissioners).
  • My name is _________ (Spell your last name) and I live ____________ (county, city, or even residential address if required).
  • Say why the issue being considered matters to you. Example: The XYZ matters to me because_______ (tell one personal story relating to the issue).
  • State your position, and talk about one factual reason that you support or oppose the matter at hand. Example: I am opposed to this XYZ because it harms… (water quality, quality of life, etc.).
  • Tell the deliberating body how you want them to vote. Example: Please vote no on approving this.
  • End with a thanks. Examples: Thank you for listening, for taking these concerns seriously, or for protecting our community.

Here's how to prepare for 3 minutes of testimony, which is about 450 words when written out:

  • Use the same template as above with a little more testimony on your personal connection to the issue and concern about the potential impacts.
  • You can also include one or two more factual reasons for concern about the governing body supporting or opposing the issue at hand.

Helpful hints to keep in mind as you write your testimony:

  • It is helpful to write your testimony and practice reading it out loud before the big day.
  • After practicing reading your testimony, make an outline of the most important points for your presentation.
  • While speaking to decision-makers, try to make eye contact with them while you are speaking, and avoid reading from your notes. This will help get their attention and force them to pay attention to your testimony even if it causes you to miss a point. It is more impactful for them to listen to what you are saying. If your eyes are downcast, they can become distracted.
  • Keep your testimony focused on the issue at hand. Mentioning larger, unrelated issues could cause your testimony to be disregarded.

Be prepared: your testimony time could be reduced without notice!

It’s happened before – you’ve prepared for three minutes of testimony but are notified at the last minute that you’ll only have one minute. In this case, flip the script to say the most important thing first in case your time gets cut off! Say your name, vote [in this manner] because of this fact, here’s my story, thank you.

How to write a Letter to the Editor (LTE)

LTEs are a great way to share information or raise the alarm about an issue in your community. Here are some tips on writing and submitting an LTE.

  • Most publications have a 200-300 word limit for LTEs, though it may vary by paper. Be sure to check.
  • Include your name and address.
  • Send it to all daily papers, not just your local paper.
  • Write what you know. Authenticity is a great co-pilot for writing an LTE, and your personal knowledge and experience is more likely to be engaging than over-generalizations.
  • That said, if you can connect your personal experience to a larger trend or impact, do it!
  • Here's a link to a semi-updated list of where you can submit your LTE to various Montana newspapers.

How to Write an Opinion Editorial (Op-ed)

Op-eds are longer opinion pieces that generally come from authors with some expertise, qualification, or standing in the issue area they're addressing.

  • Most newspapers in Montana accept up to 700 words, but check restrictions before you begin.
  • Op-eds are generally less likely to be published in the bigger newspapers.
  • Use specific, personal examples and knowledge to point to overarching trends in order to convey an overall point. Example: a water scientist writing about nutrient pollution in their kids' favorite river and the need for strong water laws to protect it.
  • Check the paper where you'd like to submit your op-ed for specifications and submission instructions, as they tend to vary by paper.
  • Give your op-ed a bold title. Aim for communicating a clear position, with an interesting turn.

Examples of Montana boards you could join:

When you start looking, there can be dozens of boards in your community and county that you’re qualified to join. Here are a few Montana examples:

  • Tree board
  • Water & sewer district board
  • Planning board
  • Zoning commission
  • Conservation board
  • Conservation districts
  • School boards
  • Election board
  • Cemetery board
  • Public library board
  • Public hospital board
  • Fire service area board
  • Weed board
  • Police commission
  • Parks and trails committee
  • Urban renewal agency
  • And more!

Check your county or municipality website for open board positions in your community.

You make the difference!

Photo credit to Alex Tenebaum for the first photo in this series.

Additional Resources

MEIC's Resources page, which includes links, fact sheets, and more:

MEIC's Action Center, which has specific action items and talking points:

MEIC's Youtube channel:

Still have questions? Reach out! Katy Spence,
