
NTCA Five-Star Contractor group june 2019 newsletter

Quick Housekeeping

If you have not yet already done so please email me your flight information for our Summer Meeting in Montreal.

Many of you have outstanding crafts-persons working for you, why not honor them by nominating them for our first annual Tile Setter Crafts person of the Year Award. What an honor to be the first!

Two weeks left to make your submission!

What's in a Name?

NTCA Five-Star

As we continue to grow our NTCA Five-Star brand we realized early that we were one group that had many names. Also there were tile companies out there with the name Five Star.

  • 5 Star
  • Five Star
  • Five Star Tile Inc.
  • Five Star Flooring
  • 5 Star Tile

These are the many reasons that we have been clarifying our group with the NTCA in front and then the hyphenated Five-Star. With Avia's help we have been working on our end to streamline our group name into one consistent name that is used throughout our website, print, digital marketing and more importantly specifications.

I would like for you all to help me with the task of promoting only our officially adopted name...

NTCA Five-Star

Fresh off the Press

The NTCA has recently created two recruitment flyers for members to use at career fairs, in front of teachers / students / guidance counselors, etc. Please feel free to share.

Created By
Amber Fox


Created with images by analogicus - "architecture stone blocks block" • jlaatz - "ad airport departures" • Jon Tyson - "untitled image"

Anchor link copied.

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