Official Poetry Contest Rules Official Poetry Contest Rules 1. Each contestant may submit one poem only. 2. Poems must be original and unpublished. 3. Poems should be 100 words or less. 4. Picture can be illustrated but must be original. Copyrighted material will not be accepted. 5. Picture can be a photo but must be original. 6. Poems will be selected and judged from the five age categories. Ages 5-10, 11-13, 14-18 and 19 and up. 7. Family effort category can consist of all ages. 8. Poems will be judged on language, application of theme and writing convention. 9. Entry must be received by attachment by April 16, 2022. 10. Winners will receive a free class at WorkspaceCT. 11. Winners will have poems and pictures displayed. Winners will have the option to recite their poem at the Earth Day Happening: Celebrating Community event held at Workspacect on April 23rd from 12:30-3:30pm for kids and family fun and 5:30-7:30 for Adults
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