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Oakfield News Issue 116 - 25th February 2022

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As usual please log on to the Parent Portal and remind yourself of all the important updates and messages that have been posted this week.

Note from our Head

Dear Oakfield families,

I cannot with good conscience write a note this week without reflecting on the situation in Ukraine. Our hearts go out to all those directly affected by the terrible scenes we have been witnessing and the suddenness of the invasion of a country 2.5 times bigger than our own has been truly shocking.

By sheer geographical accident we are able to continue with our way of life; our sports fixtures, our bake sales, our assemblies, our music lessons, our teaching and all the things that make our school such a busy and fulfilling place to be. We shouldn't lose sight of how lucky we are or be blind to the suffering that many are going through.

In spite of all this I wish you all wonderful weekends and I look forward to seeing many of our Pre-prep parents and carers at the 'Meet the Prep' event on Tuesday.

Moyra Thompson

Admin Notice

Just as a reminder parents or carers must inform the school of their child's absence by 9:00am. They have the option of leaving a message on the school's answer machine or emailing the school office at



LAMDA and Musical Theatre Exams!

Good luck to the 20 Oakfield students who are doing their LAMDA or Musical Theatre examinations this Saturday! You have worked super hard all term and we know that all your hard work will pay off. Break a leg!!"

Recycle and Re-use Book Collection

Thank you to our wonderful families for the amazing books found and shared with Oakfield in the big book collection drive so all the children have a chance to read these books. Our Eco Warriors are counting and cataloguing all the books so they will soon be available for all children to access.


Angela and team delivered an amazing lunch on Friday to coincide with National Retro Day featuring prawn cocktail, chicken kiev, trifle, Arctic roll and so much more! What a culinary time machine!

OAFs Pre-Prep Cake Sale

Thank you to those who bought, sold and donated delicious treats in the Pre-Prep playground this morning to raise money for OAFs!



Congratulations to Anthony in 2SD who has won another U8 tennis competition during the holidays.

We are especially impressed as his opponent was winning 14-9 in a 15 points tiebreak match and Anthony managed to turn it around. He was concentrating so hard and he never gave up and won the match to 16-14.

Netball vs Alleyn's

ALL the Year 5 Girls hosted netball against Alleyn's. The day had everything- competitive matches with one win, one loss and draw. After some seriously turbulent weather the sun came out to play. Even the tea was delicious- with only a few carrot-sticks left over! Thank you to Angela and her team!



In Year 6, we have been learning how to convert between metric and imperial measurements. We measured each other and worked out our heights in meters and centimeters, then converted it into feet and inches. We also used different sized bottles to work out what was more or less than one pint.

We also learnt about angles of incidence and angles of reflection when shining a light beam onto a plane mirror.


Whitstable Trip

On 11th Feb Year 4 took a trip on the train to lovely Whitstable to supplement their Humanities learning and continue their comparison between rural and urban areas.

Life's a beach


The children discovered footprints in the classroom left by some animals after half term!

Where did they come from! The children soon discovered this was linked to our new English story, The Journey home by Frann Preston-Gannon

Year 2 wrote sentences for animals they thought matched the footprints. They included adjectives, commas and conjunctions in their sentences.

In Science the children took their learning outdoors to explore the new topic, Living and Non-Living things.

Take a picture! The children had fun working in groups to photograph something living and non-living.


This week Upper Foundation made paper helicopters following a set of instructions. The children cut and folded the paper and decorated their helicopters in beautiful designs. We discussed how we needed to make the experiment a fair test. The children had ideas such as, dropping from the same height, making sure the helicopters were the same size and ensuring they all had one paperclip only. They loved seeing their helicopters spin and learning about forces, such as lift and drag.

Paper aeroplane fun! The children enjoyed designing and folding paper planes and testing who’s could travel the furthest distance!



Explorers Day

The children got to enjoy being explorers for the day and had the outfits and binoculars to boot!




We had a delicious time at Cooking Club making jam tarts and played our new bingo game too!


There are consultations underway on West Dulwich Streets including Site 18 and 19 in West Norwood. Given views are being sought on the streets nearby including a Low Traffic Neighbourhood this may be of interest to parents to submit their views

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Created with images by cbaquiran - "cupcakes candles birthday" • Libracesp - "curtain theatre las vegas" • Hermann - "books stack literature" • Pexels - "music cassette tape cassette" • anncapictures - "tartan track athletics track and field" • jplenio - "meadow bokeh nature" • ulleo - "watercolor colour art" • Couleur - "parrot yellow macaw bird" • verticallimit - "helicopter air ambulance rescue helicopter" • ELG21 - "lake nature travel" • _Alicja_ - "numbers counting numbers education" • pasevichbogdan - "dj club a party" • klickblick - "clouds nature sky"
