Headteacher's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope your week is going well?
Week 3 of this half term in school has been somewhat challenging and we have seen some behaviours this week, from a small group of children, who have let themselves down in how they have worked within our school community. Sadly, this has occurred during Anti Bullying week. Pupils have been reminded about our expectations of being kind, respectful and considerate to all other adult and pupil members of our community, but some pupils have failed to reach these standards. We have informed parents of all instances and disappointingly have had to put sanctions in place as a consequence of poor choices and behaviours shown by some pupils.
Parents know that we will not tolerate disruptive and offensive behaviour to other pupils and staff at school. It is especially disappointing that this has occurred this week, as behaviour across the school, since September, has been exemplary. We will continue to inform families where our children let themselves down and continue to appreciate the support we receive from parents and families in correcting any poor behaviour. Thank you for your support in this matter.
On a more positive note we have had another very busy week in school. It is great to see our children continue to thrive in enrichment activity off site and the children who have visited Cronkshaw Farm, CAFT for Forest School, Asda for work related learning, Manchester City for the Girls’ KS3 Football comp and Greater Manchester Outdoor Learning for Duke of Edinburgh have all been excellent ambassadors for SJV. We always receive excellent feedback from our hosts when we are working out in the community.
We are busy now preparing activities for Advent and the compilation of the first Interim Report of the year. It is really important that our children have the very best lead up to Christmas and get a real understanding of the Christmas message; something we believe we do really well at SJV.
Reports will be finalised for the middle of December, when they will be sent home. It is certainly a busy time of the year for us all.
Best wishes for the weekend.
Mr A Moloney
Stars of the Week
There has been lots of great behaviour and positive attitudes around school this week. The children & young people below were chosen by their class team as 'Star of the Week'.
Aiden for being independent on our class trip and trying hard in class.
Adley for his participation in learning and supporting his classmates as a peer mentor in Photography.
Keenan for being brilliant offsite and trying really hard in lessons.
Daniel for a really positive start to his new work experience at Green's restaurant
Tyler for helping a friend from class at Nacro on Monday and in class.
Khalil for improving behaviour and a fantastic Christmas party.
Micah for his continued efforts in ALL his lessons and contributions to class discussions
Adam for a fantastic week, engaging with his peers and a great work ethic
Mia for great participation at the Christmas party
Mikail for continuing to behave responsibly.
Callum for showing great resilience
Sana for settling into her new class so well
Well done everyone!
SJV Class News
Class 7
Class 7 have had a great week. They've done a lot of fun things, as well as some great learning too. Tuesday, we went on a good walk, it was cold and wet but the children were so motivated to walk up the hill and look at the beautiful view. On Wednesday most of Class 7 went to the CITC football tournament, they had great success and wins and showed great team work. Well done!
Class 9
Class 9 are studying for a BTEC in ‘Communicating With People’, a qualification which enables pupils to become more confident with speaking to people in the community and in the world of work. This week we visited Manchester town centre, where our pupils practiced using their skills by asking unfamiliar professionals for information. They did themselves proud by succeeding at communicating clearly and politely. A big well done to them all.
Class 10
Class 10 have been writing their own poems in respect of World War II
Here is Munir’s Poem:
Death is not the end, it’s a stepping out point.
There is something that they do not say, no retreat, no surrender that is the Glory Law in 1944.
This is where we hold them, this is where we fight.
This is where they die and remember this day men, it will be your for all time for the country for freedom to the death.
Our Catholic School
This week in SJV in our prayer focus we are reminded to ‘Let us give thanks to God for his faithfulness’ by Pope Francis. We need to remember to count our blessings and appreciate all that we have around us.
Within our Catholic school we are focussing on kind words and actions as part of the National focus of anti-bullying week. For anti-bullying week we joined in the nation celebration for ‘Odd socks day’ on Monday; at SJV the theme this year is reaching out. The day is for the Anti Bullying Alliance and helps raise fund for their much needed and vital work. We are reaching out by writing kind words about each other every day, we would encourage you to do this at home as well. One kind word can change the outlook of someone’s day, it can really a make a difference 😊
Class 11 went on class retreat to Father Nick’s house at ''Just Youth and really benefited from their time together, out of school, looking at friendship and reflecting on the importance of being thankful and kind.
The chaplaincy team meeting this week was all about are getting ready to go out on a full chaplaincy retreat with 42 chaplaincy members, not including staff; it’s a big task! We are looking forward to planning the school Advent launch and liturgical activities
With RE this week we continue to look at November being the month of remembrance, focusing in on patron saints and what it means to be a saint. We have enjoyed researching our interests and finding the saint connected to them. Did you know there is a patron saint of swimming, football, and skiing? We have also been looking at Jesus’ miracles and looking at our thoughts and opinions on how the word miracle is used.
Mrs Garfin
Jeans for Genes day at SJV
Gifts for Ghana
Hello everyone. Our appeal for Gifts for Ghana continues. We are planning to send a bundle of gifts for Christmas to a school in Accra in Ghana, as part of our 'Laudato Si' Global Citizenship work. The pupils in the African school are ages 13 and over, so please consider their ages when looking for items to donate. Please donate what you can, and know that it will be very well received. You could send in:
• Puzzle toys like a Rubik's Cube
• A slinky
• A kite
• Small Lego sets
• Small musical instruments.
Thank you,
Mrs Murphy.
Anti Bullying Week
Anti-Bullying week was a success with assemblies and lessons, that were received well. One of the best outcomes was pupils acquiring greater understanding of how bullying works in a group situation and the various roles individuals play in this situation. They learnt a range of safe ways in which everyone can “Reach Out” to help stop the bullying. Well done to all of our pupils for the many contributions they made in both lessons and assemblies.
A Word from our Family Liaison and Deputy Safeguarding Officer
iPad Workshop: Staying safe
Sign up for our ‘Staying safe’ workshop to learn how to manage your child’s iPad, so they can learn and play safely.
Join the ‘Staying safe’ workshop on Thursday 24 November.
In the workshop, family fund can cover:
• Creating passcodes
• Setting up time limits on apps
• Adding restrictions to websites or other content
• A brief overview of child friendly apps like YouTube Kids
The workshop is held online via Zoom with a member of staff from the Family Fund team.
To make sure you can use your iPad during the workshop, you will need to join the Zoom call on another device, such as a smartphone or computer.
Sign up for the workshop by completing family funds online registration form click the box below to access the form
Sign up for the Staying safe iPad workshop
If you would like more information, please contact family fund team by emailing digitalskills@familyfund.org.uk or calling family fund on 01904 550066.
Start: 24th November, 2022 at 10:30am
End: 24th November, 2022 at 11:30am
Location: Online
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