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Kitti_Cole Steampunk Shoot - 2/2023

Let's do steampunk!

Once described as the intersection of fantasy, grundge, art and clocks, steampunk definitely has its own unique look. So why not shoot some steampuk! We knew the perfect spot as we were already shooting at the junkyard in Wittmann, Arizona with a few hundred other creatives! This was the annual junkyard shootout, so sounded like a perfect place to create this concept. we went!

The Junkyard

As you would imagine a junkyard is dirty, rusty & disorganized. This lends itself to a lot of opportunity for creativity though! The textures, colors, non-perfect items. It can all come together to create beauty if you keep an eye out for it.

So we shot inside a school bus! The above image was created from the image on the right. The steampunk color pallet of the model fit very well with the rusty interior of the bus. The other distractions were removed in post, as you will notice, some other editing as well. Remember the fantasy part of steampunk?!!? Artists liberty!

Right: BTS - Inside the bus. Original image straight out of camera, before edits.

IG: Kitti_Cole

The above image was created from combining various parts of the images below. Lots of PS layers, masks and lighting tricks. So much fun to edit! As you can see below, the light on the subject was even (purposefully) so I could add the lighting effects in the final above. A skrim helps, as does a helper to hold and move it!

Moving Inside

After all the shooting in the hot Arizona sun we moved inside. Well, as inside as you can get in a huge junkyard. More like into a huge shed, which had a great selection of worn out tools. Perfect to create a certain vibe and add texture. So, in came the model, the lights and we started shooting!

That's A Wrap!

Created By
Jonathan Schafer


Copyright 2023 Jonathan D Photography Model credits: IG: Kitti_Cole


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