Letter From Leadership
In 2021, we celebrated the 15th anniversary of the Medical Center of the Americas Foundation (MCA) and the 10-year anniversary of the MCA’s Impact Fund agreement with the City of El Paso. In 2022, we built on that fifteen year history of success, evaluated our future challenges, and outlined a strategic response to those challenges in maintaining momentum and advancing our record of accomplishments while ensuring MCA’s sustainability into the future.
As you read through the pages in our annual report, you will learn that the Cardwell Collaborative has reached over 95% occupancy with UT Houston School of Public Health’s expansion as well as local startup companies that have investor funding and are now renting lab space.
Additional land for future development increased while demolition and environmental remediation of existing land continues with funding provided by an EPA grant and support from TCEQ. Exploration and feasibility of future developments are in progress.
To better serve its patient population, the VA Wellness Center converted certain therapy rooms to Patient-Aligned Care Teams rooms.
Through its Health Innovator Accelerator, MCA’s Innovation Center facilitated startups working through development of tech-enabled healthcare solutions using the Stanford BioDesign model of clinical product ideation. A product development and supplier lab was created with US Department of Commerce EDA funds to support innovation and development of new medical device products. This funding also made it possible for the Innovation Center to provide an extensive portfolio of trainings and workshops to support Medtech startups with device design, prototyping, business development and regulatory pathway support.
The Innovation Center further worked to build a healthy startup culture and a vibrant innovation ecosystem by its support of networking events and pitch competitions and formation of the Ecotone Investment Fund, also made possible by EDA grants. Ecotone raised approximately three million dollars from local investors and invested in three companies in 2022. Ecotone Fund’s first investments are representative of the investment philosophy of the fund which is to invest in tech companies that can bring value to the region either through establishing operations, clinical trials, research partnerships or other relationships that advance the tech ecosystem of the region.
MCA’s Clinical Trials Academy, in partnership with Association of Clinical Research Professionals and funding provided by Bristol Myers Squibb, has initiated a growing clinical research workforce and community outpatient clinics conducting clinical research in the region. Introductions were facilitated between strategic industry partners to assist in our region’s clinical research and address clinical trials disparities and diversity. Trial specialties include mental health, neurology, oncology, infectious disease, endocrinology, medical device and GI/liver.
In summary, we hope to convey the MCA’s 2022 programmatic performance in furtherance of its mission to develop and catalyze the region’s life sciences ecosystem. We are sincerely grateful to our community leaders and the City of El Paso as well as the numerous federal and corporate granting organizations and private donors that support and trust the MCA. We look forward to your continued partnership.
And finally, a special and heartfelt thanks to MCA’s founding President, Emma Schwartz, whose dynamic and charismatic leadership has passed a torch that can be carried on for the continued success of the MCA.
L. Frederick Francis, MCA Board Chair
Carlos Ortega, MCA President & CEO
To develop and catalyze the life sciences ecosystem in the region.
To cultivate a dynamic health industry and innovation / entrepreneurship ecosystem that competes globally.
- Develop a life sciences ecosystem that competes globally to improve healthcare and create economic opportunity.
- Develop a robust medical campus as a hub for medical services and accompanying commercial enterprise.
- Build a strong MCA organization that complies with City Impact Fund grant and is a self-sustaining, going concern beyond 2030.
Xavier Cardenas, Senior Director, Engineering, Property Management & Developments
Our infrastructure group directs, manages, and coordinates internal operational activities of the Cardwell Collaborative, the VA Clinic and MCAmericas Realty’s properties in accordance with policies, goals and objectives established by the President and Board of Directors. The strategic vision for the MCA campus is to become a world-class complex of facilities that make up a major economic engine for the region.
- January 2022: Acquired 311 Chelsea Property
- March 2022: Completed the update of the MCA Campus Master Plan showing the proposed location of two new buildings
- May 2022: Started planning for the environmental remediation and cleanup of the 203/309 Chelsea sites with support of US EPA Brownfields and TCEQ Program Grants
- June 2022: TCEQ awarded funds for performing field sampling plan and additional assessments for the environmental remediation and cleanup of the 203/309 Chelsea sites
- October 2022: Completed design and approval of the Coors Channel Re-alignment Project
- November – December 2022: Completed the project at the VA clinic of converting two rooms from consulting into Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) care rooms
- December 2022: Completed the demolition of the 311 Chelsea site
- December 2022: Fully on-boarded startup Metal X Biocycle Corporation into the Cardwell Collaborative
- $500,000 grant from the US EPA Brownfields Program for the environmental remediation and cleanup of the 203/309 Chelsea sites
- Achieved 96% occupancy at the Cardwell Collaborative building
MCA has a phenomenal response time to any fixes needed. In my experience, they have provided same day turnaround on any questions or requests for help. This allows us to focus on providing care to patients. –Emilia Candelario, Ph.D., ABPP, ACOS, Behavioral Health Service, El Paso VA HCS (Sta 756)
Our partnership with MCA has allowed us to consistently share a clean, safe, and modern facility with the veterans we serve. Walking from the front door to the office, we have a calm and relaxing environment. As a result, during every encounter we are that much more focused on our clients’ wellbeing and health improvement efforts. –Mark Menzies, Psy.D. Supervisory Psychologist South Central Wellness Center El Paso VA Health Care System
- MCA owns 23 acres of land: 9 out of 23 acres (40%) developed, 14 out of 23 acres (60%) for future development
- El Paso Public Service Board (PSB) to optimize development of Gateway area via the Coors Channel Realignment Project
- Extension of Dailey Street to Euclid will allow for improved Campus connectivity
Campus Planning
Nahum Apodaca, Manager of Campus Planning
We take a leadership role with respect to campus planning activities, master planning and zoning efforts, and working with the city to develop incentive programs for the campus tenants.
- March 2022: Imagineering Session at 203 Chelsea
- June – August 2022: MCA Campus Trail design project/competition with support of National Park Service grant
- August 2022: Hosted finals of EPISD school trail art competition
- $10,000 awarded to MCA Campus Trail design from National Park Service
- 125 EPISD elementary and middle school kids participated in the campus trail art competition
I am proud to collaborate with Nahum Apodaca from The Medical Center of the Americas and the National Park Service. Their vision for serving the community focuses on inclusion and nurturing. Equity is demonstrated in the diverse group of community organizations, nonprofits, and elected officials who they’ve engaged to create a vision for what the MCA Segment of the Paso del Norte Trail will be. From creating videos and outreach materials with key messages to developing art competitions for students in neighboring campuses, they have demonstrated the thoughtfulness and innovation necessary to ensure that the trail meets the needs of its end users: the community. –Louie Salazar, American Heart Association
MCA Innovation Center
Nancy Lowery, Senior Director of Innovation
We provide founders with the tools to build their startups—from vision to minimum viable product to business launch and scale. The Center runs a series of programs that combine education, individualized support, research, development and commercialization space, mentors, and critical connections, all geared toward accelerating startup success. To support that success, we organize and host public events that advance an inclusive and equitable regional economy.
- January – December 2022: Monthly network and training events
- January – December 2022: Company product development support
- May 2022: International Association of Business Incubators InBIA’s Economic Support Organization of the Year Finalist
- May – December 2022: Company FDA regulatory pathway support
- September 2022: Launched Health Innovator 18 week Accelerator for development of health and medtech ideas from concept to prototype
- 25 unique workshops / trainings
- 70 sessions
- 230 hours of training
- 420+ participants in workshops / trainings
- 75+ companies participated in workshops / trainings
- 21 companies supported one-on-one
- 4 regulatory pathway assistance
- 6 product development support
- 4 ISO implementation assistance
- 7 Startup development
- 5 companies accommodated in program lab/office space at the Cardwell Collaborative
MCA's support was crucial to the success of Atlas as it progressed from idea to production. This support included office space, wet-lab space, mentoring, and significant assistance in carrying out pilot studies at the Cardwell Building. MCA staff have been partners, advisors and friends. –David Nemir, President Atlas Sensor Technologies, Inc.
Investment Fund
An early-stage venture capital fund based in El Paso, Texas that provides value and relationships between founders from around the globe and assets in the El Paso region.
- January – June 2022: Raised Ecotone Investment Fund
- January – December 2022: Supported by $300K EDA Seed Fund grant
- June 2022: Fund first close
- August – December 2022: Portfolio investment opportunities under review
- August 2022: Ecotone independence from MCA Foundation to stand alone as investment entity
- August 2022: First investment made
- $3.025M raised
- 38 investors
- 30% of the investors are women investing 32% of the dollars
- 11% of the investors are couples investing 8% of the dollars
- 59% of the investors are men investing 60% of the dollars
- 38% of the investors are minorities investing 44% of the dollars
- 23% of investment dollars are from Hispanic women or Hispanic women as part of a couple
- 43% of Investment Committee members are women
STEM Innovation Lab
Nahum Apodaca, STEM Manager & Marianne D. Mijares, STEM Coordinator
To develop and support the tech ecosystem and the life sciences industry and workforce in the El Paso/Juarez region, the MCA develops educational resources and presents a series of STEM Camps and outreach activities focused on the introduction of STEM ideas, objectives and careers to middle and high school students.
- January 2022: Supported and exhibited at Medventure for Your Future Event at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso
- January – March 2022: Updated STEM Workbook & Periodic Table of Life Sciences Careers in English & Spanish
- January – December 2022: Attended regional tech days, job fairs and career expos
- January – December 2022: Hosted day long and week long STEM Camps for middle school students
- March – May 2022: Collaborated with Workforce Solutions Borderplex and Region 19 on weeklong STEM camp for the Migrant Services Education Program
- May – August 2022: Developed rural school STEM outreach camps
- September – October 2022: Designed and implemented new week-long STEM camp format
- 13 regional tech days, career expos and STEM events
- 2390+ students, teachers engaged with at regional tech days, career expos and STEM events
- 5 day-long STEM camps hosted
- 60 middle school students participated in day-long STEM camps
- 4 week-long STEM camps hosted
- 55 middle school students participated in week-long STEM camps
Clinical Trials
Michaele Linden-Johnson, Senior Director of Clinical Trials
We are committed to increasing activity within industry-sponsored Clinical Trials across El Paso, Texas, Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua, and the southern New Mexico region. It is our mission to cultivate a dynamic biomedical industry and a globally competitive innovation/entrepreneurship ecosystem. We do this through supporting a Clinical Trials Consortium (CTC) comprised of local researchers, trial sites and trial companies, developing the regional workforce with free, nationally-recognized training offered by the MCA's Clinical Trials Academy (CTA), and supporting the development of new investigators and clinical trial sites in the region.
- January – March 2022: Clinical Trials Academy first cohort
- January – June 2022: Principal investigator (PI) training and coaching
- January – December 2022: Monthly CTx briefings with speakers representing global Fortune 500 companies
- May 2022: Collaboration with UTEP to award 3 credit hours to UTEP students enrolled in the Clinical Trials Academy
- June – August 2022: Clinical Trials Academy second cohort
- August – December 2022: New investigator sites onboarded
- December 2022: Annual Clinical Trials Consortium meeting
- 59 individuals enrolled in CRC Training – 81% are of Hispanic origin
- 49 CRC Certificates of Completion - 3 UTEP credit hours awarded to UTEP students
- 3 CRC apprenticeships awarded to graduates at local sites
- 4 jobs awarded to graduates
- 18 individuals enrolled in PI Training & Coaching
- 7 PI Certificates of Completion
- 8 new investigator sites in our region
- 5 outpatient healthcare clinics receiving site startup support
- 11 CTx Briefings
- 150+ attendees at CTx Briefings
- 46+ companies or industry organizations represented in the CT Consortium
Companies & Boards
Honorary & Institutional Directors
- City Manager, Tommy Gonzalez
- City Council Representative, District #2, Alexsandra Annello
- County Commissioner, Precinct #2, David Stout
- State Representative, District #79, Claudia Ordaz Perez
- Texas State Senator, Cesar Blanco
- Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine, William Pieratt, DO
- New Mexico State University, Luis Sifuentes, PhD
- TTUHSC, Richard Lange, MD
- University of Texas at El Paso, Roberto Osegueda, PhD
- UT Houston School of Public Health, Kristina Mena, PhD
- El Paso Community College, William Serrata, PhD
- Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Beatriz Diaz-Apodaca MD, PhD
- Tech de Monterrey, Javier Toboada
- Children’s Hospital of El Paso, Cindy Stout
- Hospital Ángeles, Luis Gutierrez
- Hospitals of Providence, Tasha Hopper
- Del Sol Medical Center, Art Garza
- University Medical Center of El Paso, Jacob Cintron
- WBAMC, Colonel Brett Venable
- Veteran’s Administration, Froylan Garza
- MCA Clinical Trials Consortium, Sergio Guerrero
- Borderplex Alliance, Jon Barela
- San Juan Neighborhood Association, Alfredo Borrego
- Workforce Solutions Borderplex, Leila Melendez
- Amazon Smile
- Cardwell Foundation
- TRE & Associates
- Bristol-Myers Squibb
- City of El Paso
- El Paso Electric Company
- Wilma D. Moleen Foundation
- U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Workforce Solutions Borderplex
Financial Highlights
Monica Peña, Controller
The MCA Foundation