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Learning Support News Student and library services Update for academic staff - february 2022

In this edition we spotlight our Finals Countdown, the new LibQuest for postgraduate students and our guide for new academic staff.

Approaching final assessments and exams can be a stressful time for your students. Please remember we are here to help and support them:

  • The subject LibGuides provide the most useful resources for their subject area.
  • Tutorials can be booked for advice on literature searching and online learning resources.
  • For quick questions on referencing or searching there are the Learning Hub drop in clinics.
  • Or for more in depth online help see the wealth of resources on the Learning Hub web site.
  • The Succeed@Tees workshops offer useful information, tips and practical exercises to help develop the skills needed to be successful.
  • RefWorks is a good tool to store and manage references.
  • If a book or journal article isn’t in the Library stock the Inter-Library Loan service may be able to supply it.
  • The Library is open 24/7 with flexible learning spaces, from silent study to group collaboration.
  • Setting alerts for online services can keep students up-to-date in subject areas.
  • Staff in the Student Life Building can help with mental health advice.

All this help and more is contained in a student-friendly Sway that you can post as a link on your Blackboard Module sites or ask your Academic Librarian for the embed code.

LibQuest for Postgraduates

There are a lot of PG students starting this semester so we have developed a new LibQuest for them to help introduce students to researching and writing a dissertation. It covers:

• What to include in the contents of your dissertation

• Next level searching (Advanced techniques)

• Introduction to Open Research

• Reflective statements

• Referencing and Refworks

Students will have an interactive experience, with a number of quizzes to complete regarding key aspects of researching and completing a dissertation and signposts to helpful resources and support. Please promote this new resource to your students.

To access it go to:

New academic staff guide

Are you new to the university, or want a reminder of what support is offered by Student and Library Services?

We now have a brief introductory guide which covers:

• Your Academic Librarian

• Subject LibGuide

• Learning Hub

• Reading Lists

• Student Life

You can access the guide at:

Updates to Discovery

Several enhancements have been made to our Discovery system. It has a new streamlined look to the results screen.

You can now exclude resource types from you search results.

A simplified way to refine by publication date.

A new easier way to search for resources outside the Library' s collection.

Here is an introductory video for the new interface and functionality.

Workshops in February

Our popular informal academic skills workshops continue in Semester 2. There is a blended programme of on campus sessions (booking required) and online sessions (no booking needed).

Please promote the workshops to your students. If you think a whole cohort would benefit from attending a session, please contact your Academic Librarian to arrange for a bespoke session to be delivered to them.

For more information see:

Times Higher Education

Continuing our feature on resources available from Student and Library Services. This month we are focusing on Times Higher Education (THE) which is available for free to university staff and students.

THE aims to ‘help higher education deliver transformational teaching, research, and innovation’ through news, features, opinions, data and insight. You can read current and past articles online and you can also access digital editions of Times Higher Education, including previous archives.

Follow link to access instructions to set up your account, you will need to use your University email address.

Next month we look at the collaborative work going on between the Academic Librarians and the Schools.


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